Thursday, June 4, 2009

UPDATE: Topless Coffee Shop Fire Was Arson, Says Official

It was arson, which doesn’t surprise me

The Grand View Topless Coffee Shop in Vassalboro, Maine put smiles on the faces of its 18-and-over crowd. Despite there having been no open threats made, some conservative Christian members of the 4,500-strong town were in the wrong kind of heat over the titillating blend of coffee, donuts and topless baristas, but that’s no cause to burn the place to the ground. Now owner Donald Crabtree is considering his options while employees like Krista Macentyre and 12 others wonder whether they’ll need to rely on credit cards and payday loans during their period of unemployment.

Jason Kessler and Laurie Segall report for CNN that Stephen McCausland, a spokesman for the Maine Department of Public Safety, has called the Grand View Topless Coffee Shop fire a case of arson. “Evidence has been taken to the state police crime for lab analysis,” he said.

Too darn hot for you?

Arson? It is unclear at this time whether the authorities have any suspects in the blaze, but if it was in fact a member or members of the conservative religious community, then they behaved in a manner offensive to whatever faith they profess to hold. Not only did the arsonist destroy property, but they (intentionally or otherwise) endangered the lives of owner Donald Crabtree, his two daughters, their boyfriends and two four-month-old babies how were living in attached dwellings. The Grand View Coffee Shop used to be a hotel before remodeling. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "UPDATE: Topless Coffee Shop Fire Was Arson, Says Official"

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