Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sanchez fights back at Stewart with bigot comment

CNN’s Rick Sanchez said on a national radio program that Stewart of “The Daily Show” is “a bigot” and that he would fit right in among the “Jews that run CNN”. Apparently Rick Sanchez was fed up with the numerous comedians making fun of him on the air, so he shot back with his own barbs that do not just cross the satire line, they leave it choking in the dust.

Do not be mad at the player of the activity, Sanchez

Packages work hard to be entirely satire like “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report.” Of course, these have slowly started to be found in media as media and amusement have blended in America. These shows, purely for entertainment, made fun of CNN’s Sanchez which has a “traditional” cable news show that he hosts. He entirely lost it yesterday, reports Mediaite. Apparently this happened during Pete Dominick’s satellite radio show. Sanchez made his “Jon Stewart is a bigot” remark without realizing what would take place. He tried saying he could be called “prejudicial” or “uniformed” instead but could not go back on it.

'What group is he bigoted toward?’ is the query

Dominick engaged Rick Sanchez over his comment, possibly in order to give Sanchez a rope in which to climb out of the hole. Things just got worse. Sanchez practically hung himself with his words. He does this by playing the “Jews run entertainment” card.

Comments on small section

When Dominick reminded Rick Sanchez, who is Hispanic, that Stewart is a minority himself in that he is Jewish, Sanchez went for distance with his next remark. He said those in charge of Cable News Network are “a lot like Stewart. He also said those who run “all the other networks” are like Stewart as well. Rich Sanchez may have made things even worse. Next he said, “I can’t see somebody not getting a job someplace because they’re Jewish.”

Talk amongst yourselves.

Information from


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