Wednesday, April 7, 2010

RNC Chair Michael Steele : Spent RNC cash on a strip club?

Republican cash spent on strip club?" href="">Michael Steele, the head of the Republican National Committee, is carrying on with his high-flying, high-publicity controversy today with allegations of RNC cash being spent on exotic dancers, private jets, and gourmet catering. Just last month, Michael Steele faced accusations of over-spending the RNC budget on swank restaurants and private consultants. The Daily Caller blog today posted the highlights of the RNC federal disclosure. Among other things, the Republican federal disclosure reveals the RNC paid for a nearly $ 2,000 trip to Voyeur West Hollywood – a “bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless dancers”. The debt repair for the Republican Party might take a while – Mic! hael Steele has spent $ 109.6 million of the RNC’s cash, when his fund raising efforts have brought in $ 96.2 million.

Voyeur West Hollywood might not have seen Michael Steele

Though they admit he was in L.A. at the time, the Republican National Committee maintains Michael Steele did not personally visit Voyeur West Hollywood. In the line instantly before the Voyeur West Hollywood charge, the Republican federal disclosure contains a matching payment to Erik Brown, who is a Republican direct mail consultant. If he was there or not, Michael Steele had to at least be aware of of the $ 1,946.25 worth of “meals” at Voyeur West Hollywood – as RNC Chairman, he has to approve expenses. The RNC press release today says that they’re beginning an internal investigation to the expenditure, and they are requesting that the money be returned.

Michael Steele’s use of RNC money

As well as the $ 1,946.25 spent at the West Hollywood strip club, Michael Steele has been the head of the Republican National Committee during many other controversial expenditures. While in California in February, the RNC spent over $ 15,000 at the Beverly Hills Hotel and Four Seasons. Michael Steele has also used $ 17,514 worth of private planes and $ 12,691 worth of private vehicles in February. The Republican National Committee has responded to these allegations by saying that these expenditures are guaranteed loans – necessary for bringing in the high-dollar donations the RNC relies on to fund their political activities.

Michael Steele frustrating some Republican National Committee Members

In January of 2009, the Republican National Committee proclaimed Michael Steele as their chairman. One large Republican party contributor was quoted saying Michael Steele “fancies himself a presidential candidate and wants all of the trappings and gets them by using other people’s money”. In one incident, Michael Steele was lambasted for using Wolfgang Puck catering at an event where previous RNC chairmen used Chic-fil-A. In April 2009, the RNC implemented a new rule that RNC checks had to be signed by two officers.

If Michael Steele was there at the Voyeur West Hollywood dance club or not, the RNC federal disclosure makes it clear how the Republican National Committee is spending more money than it is taking in. At a time of economic downturn, many American Republicans are beginning to question if the Republican National Committee is spending fund raising dollars wisely.

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