Friday, February 12, 2010

Whether it's Money Mart or Loan Mart, you can't go wrong

No fax payday loans and more for your financial needs

Those consumers who have not been properly served by the traditional banking establishment need an outlet through which their immediate financial needs can be met. Dollar Financial Group understands this; that’s why they’ve developed outlets like Money Mart, Loan Mart and Money Shop for consumers in the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom. No fax pa! yday loans, check cashing, wire transfers, prepaid debit cards and many more services fall under the banner of the Dollar Financial Group. In one form or another, these are services the company has been bringing consumers since they opened their doors in 1979.

Putting people first – but what kind of people?

Money Mart and Loan Mart certainly put their customers first. But are they taking advantage of people living on the margins? That’s a common misconception that critics of the no fax payday loans industry try to spread. The truth is that Money Mart and Loan Mart have studied their customer demographics and found that their average customer is 35 years old. Many work in skilled trades, service or clerical jobs. Seventy-seven percent of all customers are under 45, and many are underserved by traditional banking networks, particularly those that demand strong credit before they will give loans to an indi! vidual. Considering how far the credit of traditional banks has fallen, perhaps they shouldn’t be so discriminating. … click here to read the rest of the article titled “Whether it's Money Mart or Loan Mart, you can't go wrong

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