Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tony Kornheiser suspended for comparing Hannah Storm to sausage

"PTI" host will be off the air "for some time," says ESPN

Not a sausage.

Let me preface this story with an acknowledgment that American society has gone too far in the direction of political correctness. This in no way will obscure my feelings about Tony Kornheiser, though. He may have sports knowledge, but I find him deeply annoying and cannot watch "Pardon the Interruption" ("PTI" for short) for this reason. No fax loans wouldn't make me consider such pain. In fact, now that I have the MLB Network, I find ESPN to be much less relevant to my life. If I want to know about other sports, I go online and listen to the radio.

Is this Tony Kornheiser's effort to make ESPN more interesting?

On his radio program, the PTI host made remarks about the wardrobe of fellow sportscaster Hannah Storm that some found offensive. I find them to be ill-conceived and unnecessary. It is a given that heterosexual males will view women in a sexual context at one time or another, regardless of how they know said women. Defending or attacking this kind of objectification isn't my point here. Blabbing about it in an inappropriate setting – whether the talk is positive or negative – is where men get themselves in trouble. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Tony Kornheiser suspended for comparing Hannah Storm to sausage"

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