Thursday, April 30, 2009

National Council For a New America Rears its Head (Pt. 1)

They’re talking… is America listening?

With the defection of Arlen Specter to the land of Democrats and a lack of clear leadership aside from cartoonish entertainers, the Republican Party needs to sit down and have serious talk… with America. At least I’ll give them this: Republicans tend to see the free market value of products like personal loans and mortgage loan modification

Warner Todd Huston blogs on Red State that the National Council for a New America (NCNA) has launched. It’s “not a contract with America,” says party luminaries like John McCain, but that conversation they’ve been meaning to have. It is the GOP’s after-school special moment, but there’ll be no teenage Helen Hunt leaping through a plate glass window. This isn’t dramatic theater; this is the Republican Party trying to re-brand itself (they say it isn’t, but they’re… lying). Will they hold to their conservative values?

Five pillars of America’s recovery

According to Huston, there will be five areas of discussion: the economy, healthcare, education, energy and national security. He sees the NCNA as a chance to “re-introduce” Republican principles to the people. But didn’t they just have that chance recently? Perhaps there’s a failure to communicate here. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "National Council For a New America Rears its Head (Pt. 1)"

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