Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No loans for the automakers, says White House

Obama bows to Main Street

Wagoner Takes A Bullet

Finally, the verdict has come out and President Barack Obama has said a big 'no' to any kind of payday loans to the troubled automakers. Considering the fact that General Motors and Chrysler are surviving on the bailout money that they received in December 2008, their latest requests for another round of bailouts were definitely nothing less than payday loan applications.

But the Obama administration has shattered their hopes by stating that both the auto makers have not done enough to save themselves since the last bailout. However, the underlying truth is that the government has actually bowed down to Main Street standing against Wall Street at the moment.

Taxpayer's outrage

Opinion polls conducted after President Obama gave more time to GM and Chrysler, for restructuring themselves to be able to justify the additional investment of taxpayers' money, had clearly suggested that the majority of the Americans were strictly against funding the US automakers any further. Many even opined that if the government goes ahead with the plan, it would be like cheating the taxpayers.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll conducted prior to the news of Rick Wagoner's exit under White House pressure had revealed that 49% of the respondents were against Obama's auto plans compared to 46% who supported it. Whether the government expresses it or not, such outrage has definitely worked somewhere or the other leading the government to deny yet another round of virtual payday loans to the automakers. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "No loans for the automakers, says White House"

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