Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Benefit of a Payday Loan When You’re Facing Foreclosure

What to do when you need money in a hurry

Empty Nest SyndromeEven when a person is face with the loss of his or her home, a payday loan is the last thing they will consider. This is usually because they know it is a short term loan they will need to pay back usually with their next payday. Sometimes you may be granted an extension but it doesn't change the fact they are still usually due within 120 days. At the same time, when you are facing the loss of your home they can help ease the burden by allowing you to borrow enough money to appease the mortgage company until you can develop a more permanent solution. It's essential to stall the mortgage company in this initial phase in order to avoid legal costs that will increase the amount of money you will need in order to bring your payments current.

Can a payday loan provide enough cash to save your home?

Since many companies only loan up to $1,500 for these short-term loans, they may not help in every situation. Whether you will be able to borrow enough to appease your mortgage company depends on many factors including your payment history with the mortgage company. Those who have been on time in the past stand a better chance of stalling the foreclosure proceedings with a quick payday loan than someone who has consistently been late. This key factor is the ammunition the mortgage company uses in order to analyze whether it feels you are being honest about your financial hardship or are just looking for another excuse to explain your late payments. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "The Benefit of a Payday Loan When You're Facing Forecl osure"

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