Sunday, April 5, 2009

Money saving tips to avoid a Short Term Loan

Life is Expensive

I hope that after I die, people will say of me: ``That guy sure owed me a lot of money.´´So many people strive to make enough money for their homes, and though short term loans most definitely assist; there are ways to save extra money. What with the cost of children, miscellaneous bills, mortgage and car payments, cutting back costs in a few areas, and observing frivolous spending habits can help you enjoy a lot more of your money. Just follow this guide:

Adjust the Temperature

By moving the thermostat down in the winter, and up in the summer, thus changing the temperature so that it is not more than 68 degrees in winter and no less than 78 degrees in the summer, you will save anywhere from $300-600/Yr.

Also, lowering your thermostat's temperature during the night and when you are away from the home saves money, after all, you're not feeling it. To respectfully cool down your home in the summer months, keep your blinds open, and in the winter keep them closed in order to preserve heat (and if your cooling or heating unit is over 10 years old, try and replace it with another more up-to-date to save over $100/Yr).

Insulate to Maintain Steady Costs

Polyurethane is the best insulator for your home. By sealing all cracks or crevices where hot air can escape- making sure even your attic is insulated- you can save between $100-500/Yr. Remember that hot air rises and you don't want to lose it because it's wafting from a non-insulated attic. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Money saving tips to avoid a Short Term Loan "

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