Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MVA Maryland Opens Floodgates of Voter Fraud, Terror (1)

If there aren’t enough corpses voting for you…

Like C.H.U.D., some politicians’ and bankers’ eyes are aglow at the prospect of such juicy opportunity. Unlike C.H.U.D., however, they bite with legislation and fees rather than teeth…

Politics and business as usual have combined to drag America’s economy into the sewer. Subterranean Dow Jones and S & P levels have haunted commerce and put hundreds of thousands out of work. In order for them to continue to scheme their schemes, offending politicians must be able to maintain their hold on their office. However will they accomplish that? No, not with anti-payday loan legislation…

Oooh, oooh, pick me, pick me!

You guessed it: voter fraud.

Smile when you say that

According to the blog Broken CountryMVA Maryland has “become a magnet for illegal immigrants from Georgia to Delaware seeking driving privileges.” And that’s just fine with invested politicians and bankers, as it makes voter fraud a snap.

New Mexico, Hawaii, Washington state and Maryland do not check the immigration status of drivers who apply for a license. Not only does this swing the door open wide for potential voter fraud, but it enables criminals to create false identities. Plus guess what? This complies with federal law! ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "MVA Maryland Opens Floodgates of Voter Fraud, Terror (1)"

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