Tuesday, April 7, 2009

LegiStorm Part 8 | What Are They Up To Now?

Keep tabs on Capitol Hill

Exercise your freedom to know public information.

Exercise your right to know public information.

We are nearing the end of this tour of LegiStorm.com, the site that lets you look at extensive financial information about our nation’s leaders. Now, it’s time to take a look at what’s possibly my favorite section on the site.

Click on the tab called The Score, and you can get a look at the everyday activities of Congress.

The ticker

This section has up-to-the-hour information about what’s going on in that big building on Capitol Hill. When the House is in session, the House Floor Ticker shows which motions and bills are currently being debated.

If no legislation is in play, it shows the upcoming schedule, so you can check in when your favorite bills are up for discussion. So, if you want to find out when the next round of payday loan legislation is up for debate, check it out.

The schedule

Different sections of The Score show the schedule for the House and Senate floors as well as their respective committees. Under Events it shows when the legislature will be on break and other significant meetings that aren’t listed in the above schedules.

Read up on policies

Any recent policy decisions are listed under policy reports. This is a great place to get a straight-forward account of policy decisions as they happened without any sort of media influence. You can browse the following categories: Executive Orders, Statements of Administration Policy, Congressional Budget Office Reports and GAO Reports. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "LegiStorm Part 8 | What Are They Up To Now?"

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