Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fair Game tells accurate tale of CIA agent Valerie Plame

A CIA operative named Plame had her cover blown by a journalist carrying water for the Bush administration in 2003. Plame’s cover had been blown by the office of Vice President Dick Cheney in retaliation for her husband going on the record to discredit evidence used to explain beginning the Iraq War to the public. The incident, known as “Plamegate,” has been made into a film called “Fair Game” opening Friday.

'Fair Game' has Plame

The film “Fair Game” tells the tale behind how Valerie Plame’s CIA career had been destroyed when journalist Robert Novak revealed her identity. Plamegate began when Plame’s husband Joe Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador, was sent on a mission to verify says by the White House that Iraq had been getting nuclear material from Niger. There wasn't anything found by Wilson. This lead him to write the article "What I did not find in Africa" within the New York Times to go against the White House. The column that Wilson wrote showed that Saddam Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction making the Iraq War for the Bush administration a fraud.

Central Intelligence Agency operative and Bush administration don't go along

Valerie Plame’s Central Intelligence Agency career had been destroyed because members of the Bush administration sought to damage Joe Wilson’s credibility. The Central Intelligence Agency operative, or Joe Wilson's wife, was the only reason he got the assignment. This was designed to prove that he did not know what he had been doing when down there. Plame's identity had been published after somebody revealed the identity to Novak. This was someone in the White House. At the time Plame had been working undercover to combat nuclear proliferation. She and those within the company undercover were all exposed. This led the business being exposed as well.

Scooter Libby, fall guy for Plamegate

It is illegal to disclose the identity of an undercover Central Intelligence Agency agent. Plame’s identity being leaked was denied by Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Richard Armitage and Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Libby ended up taking the fall. This had been so Cheney would be protected. On March 6, 2007, he got 30 months in prison and a $250,000 fine. George W. Bush took action on July 2, 2007. Scooter Libby got a pardon. This had been so he wouldn't tell his story. That's why he got the pardon some think. The truth with Plame is not known still. It is one large secret.


Washington Post

Hit Fix


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