Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Robert Halderman will likely go to jail over Letterman extortion

Robert Halderman (Photo: News.About-Knowledge.com)

If TV characters are your only friends – and I include talk show hosts among the cast of "characters" – then you may have been all broken up over David Letterman's recent infidelity with Stephanie Birkitt (among others) and the subsequent attempted blackmail against him by CBS producer Robert Halderman. It makes for an ugly professional and domestic struggle, and we all know about it because David Letterman is famous. Perhaps even more famous than Mr. T, although I'll follow the Mohawk night elf's conflict resolution advice any time:

Robert Halderman attempts $2 million Letterman extortion

The New York Times reports that Robert Halderman will likely plead guilty before New York State Supreme Court, although it is unclear if his plea will be for the most serious crime he faces, grand larceny. He would then receive six months in prison, with four-and-a-half years of probation and 1,000 hours of community service to follow. Payday loans with no faxing would be out of the question, but ap! parently Mr. Extorter is suspended from CBS with pay (more on that later). Halderman was accused of attempting to wring $2 million out of David Letterman to buy silence over Letterman's various affairs. Soon after the initial extortion attempt, Letterman made a statement and issued an apology for the affairs on "The Late Show." Halderman was arrested the following day. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Robert Halderman will likely go to jail over Letterman extortion"

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