Thursday, March 11, 2010

Google Maps for Bicyclists

Some cyclists love big hills, but if you don't, check out Google Maps

Yesterday, Google announced that it has added biking directions to Google Maps for the United States. Whether you ride for exercise, to run errands, to commute to work, or just for fun, Google Maps can now make your life little easier, a little more scenic, and even a little safer.  No matter why you ride a bike, chances are you'll appreciate this: Google Maps bicycling directions will help you avoid hilly terrain whenever possible.

Google Maps now includes a "bicycling" layer showing bike lanes, bike-friendly roads, and bike trails. The directions feature of Google Maps, which previously included walking and public transit as well as automobile driving, now provides detailed routing directions for bicycling, too. When you're strapped for cash and out of gas, you can pull up Google Maps, print out directions, hop on a bike, follow the best possible route to any number of payday lenders, and fill out a quick personal loan application.

It's as easy as riding a bike

Just like Google Maps for driving, bicyclists simply type in a starting point and a destination, choose "bicycling" from the drop-down menu, and customize their routes by clicking and dragging. Before starting out, bicyclists who prefer not to sip on the fly can use Google Maps to figure out where to take water breaks, and those who aren't comfortable fixing flats on the fly can figure out where bike shops are along the route. True to form, Google Maps even provides bicyclists with time estimates based on route length, terrain, fatigue over time, and other factors. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Google Maps for Bicyclists"

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