Monday, March 22, 2010

Randy Neugebauer cries BABY KILLER over health care bill

The bespectacled and –some would say – baby face of Texas Rep. Randy Neugebauer. What makes a career politician like this flip his lid and shout "Baby killer!" at a colleague while the House is in session?

Rep. Randy Neugebauer, aka "He Who Shouts Baby Killer." (Photo: Wikipedia)

If he indeed reflects the will of his constituents, Republican Rep. Randy Neugebauer may have just become the poster baby for why Texas should go ahead and secede from the Union: to hide public officials like Randy Neugebauer from view. Neugebauer, who has since admitted to shouting "Baby killer!" before members of the House after the health care bill passed, was supposedly objecting to what he views as pro-abortion leanings in the bill. Much like South Carolina's Rep. Joe Wilson, who shouted "You lie!" at President Obama as he delivered a speech before Congress, Randy Neugebauer couldn't compose himself and be a professional, working adult. It was apparent tha! t he shouted at Rep. Bart Stupak the "baby killer!" moniker after the Michigan Democrat voiced his support for the health care bill.

Neugebauer denies having directed it specifically at Stupak

Yet Randy Neugebauer apologized to his House colleague anyway. His justification for his remarks – that the health care bill is "a baby killer" – may be his last-ditch effort to squeeze campaign dollars out of anti-abortion groups. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Randy Neugebauer cries BABY KILLER over health care bill"

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