Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Money’s My Best Friend

I said “no” to a payday loan

hundred-dollar-bills1I just got back from the Sunbanks Rhythm and Blues festival, a four-day music and camping event at beautiful Banks Lake near Electric City, Washington. I had to take time off from work without pay in order to go, and financially I was cutting it uncomfortably close to the wire.

It wasn’t pride so much as syntax

I'd been getting a lot of illiterate-sounding emails about "no faxing payday loans," "easy loan," "instant cash loans," "money now," and "payday loan yes." I really could have used the extra cash all these payday lenders were offering. It wasn't that I was not desperate; it was more that even though I didn't know how I was going to pay my car insurance when I got home, I could not stoop to the orthographical level of a "cash til payday loan."

I forgot my worries with Two Scoops Moore

So I packed up my tent and sleeping bag, put the few groceries I had in a cooler, and set off for Sunbanks with a blues-fan friend whose car had a full tank of gas. I was still thinking about emergency loans and instant money when Eric "Two Scoops" Moore took the stage. Moore is a pianist, singer, and songwriter from Seattle who spent several years on the road with Luther "Guitar Jr." Johnson. He has a strong, soulful voice and a rollicking, honky-tonk keyboard style. His performance included hilariously crafted, cartoonish songs like "Big Ugly Fella," "Big Fat Mama," "Hamburger Time," "Let’s Eat!" and "Big Buffet,” (”They got meat and potatoes, they got beans and rice, they got good country gravy make you go back twice . . . “). ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Money's My Best Friend"

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