Monday, May 18, 2009

I put on my dueling glove and slapped him across the face

A copy watch is a respectable item in today's climate

Ouch!I sat at a meeting yesterday, one of about 50 people invited by the mayor to discuss the development of the proposed new park. How boring can a meeting be? First they discussed the site and then they discussed the access to the site and the traffic and the parking and traffic and the traffic. I doodled on the pad in front of me, I uncorked the bottle of water they had provided and I took a sip, corrected my doodle, squirmed around in my seat and finally sneaked a glance at the guy next to me.

He was semi-comatose, his head resting on his hand, his eyes half closed but fully glazed and his town-hall sized watch showing me that we had been sitting here in the never-ending traffic for 3 hours. Then I saw that his watch was a Rolex and I leaned in a little closer to take a better look. How often do I even get near a Rolex anyway? I remember thinking that maybe I could take an Online Payday Loan and buy myself a watch, something a little more modest than the Rolex, but one that would still get me into a town council meeting on its looks.

The great eruption

"Is that thing real?" I asked him. I heard later that people out in the street heard the eruption that came from the Rolex man. Talk about going ballistic! The guy went berserk.

I understand that is was a rather tactless remark, and I will apologize when I see him again. I will explain that in times of a recession things are different and people behave differently. I will tell him that I saw the watch, that I had never seen one like it; that the closest I have ever been to one is in the pictures of the replica watches that sail unceasingly into my computer and so I had questioned his. I am delighted that it is real and I will always remember sitting next to it. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "I put on my dueling glove and slapped him across the face"

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