Thursday, April 30, 2009

National Council For a New America Rears its Head (Pt. 1)

They’re talking… is America listening?

With the defection of Arlen Specter to the land of Democrats and a lack of clear leadership aside from cartoonish entertainers, the Republican Party needs to sit down and have serious talk… with America. At least I’ll give them this: Republicans tend to see the free market value of products like personal loans and mortgage loan modification

Warner Todd Huston blogs on Red State that the National Council for a New America (NCNA) has launched. It’s “not a contract with America,” says party luminaries like John McCain, but that conversation they’ve been meaning to have. It is the GOP’s after-school special moment, but there’ll be no teenage Helen Hunt leaping through a plate glass window. This isn’t dramatic theater; this is the Republican Party trying to re-brand itself (they say it isn’t, but they’re… lying). Will they hold to their conservative values?

Five pillars of America’s recovery

According to Huston, there will be five areas of discussion: the economy, healthcare, education, energy and national security. He sees the NCNA as a chance to “re-introduce” Republican principles to the people. But didn’t they just have that chance recently? Perhaps there’s a failure to communicate here. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "National Council For a New America Rears its Head (Pt. 1)"

The Fall of a Real Estate Giant

The small business

Small Business WoesThe installment loan could be the answer to a small business' financial woes. In today's economy everyone is feeling the cash crunch. With unemployment rates at an all time high and the housing market crashing, businesses are hard-pressed to bring in customers. Whether or not funds come in, debt needs to be paid. An installment loan can help businesses by extending cash when it's needed. It is worth a look when the end of the month is looming and break-even points are nowhere to be seen. A simple application process and speedy review are both selling points of the installment loan. Sometimes it is the most viable option to save businesses from defaulting on payments.

The economy and a real estate giant

On April 16th, the second-largest U.S. mall owner, General Growth Properties Inc, filed bankruptcy, making this the largest real estate failure in economic history. The company is trying to refinance their debts, and more than 200 retail malls throughout the U.S. are involved in the mess. When a business conglomerate as large as General Growth Properties Inc. takes a fall, it affects a lot of other entities in the market, such as the employees, creditors and financial institutions.

Who is General Growth Properties Inc.?

General Growth Properties Inc. has been a staple in the American economy since 1954, when two brothers joined together to build a shopping center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. From that time, they began buying buildings and malls and expanding their property empire in the retail market. During the real estate boom, the company aggressively bought properties with the intent of being the biggest retail corporation in the U.S. The acquisition of new properties created wealth, but also meant that the company was increasing their debt. Roll-over financing for businesses is common, but when lenders stopped extending funds last fall, General Growth was left without an option to pay its debts. Chief Executive Adam Metz stated, "We have worked tirelessly…to address our maturing debts, the collapse of the credit markets has made it imposs ible for us to refinance maturing debt outside of Chapter 11." ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "The Fall of a Real Estate Giant"

Are You In Financial Need? Apply For Unsecured Personal Loans

Unsecured loans can really help

Unsecured loans can really help

Getting fast unsecured personal loans is a lifeline for those who are facing major financial challenges. With the direction the economy is headed, unsecured loans have greatly assisted many American households get back on their feet. Companies that provide these types of loans know that the client really needs them, so processes the unsecured loans very quickly. Not many people know the difference between unsecured loans and secured loans. Companies that give out unsecured loans do not require any collateral on the loans, while collateral is necessary for secure loans.

Must I have collateral?

The reason why many people fear applying for loans is that lending institutions such as banks, requires collateral such as a house, property and even cars to be placed against secured loans. This has the effect of shutting out those individuals who are really in financial need but do not have any form of security to use as collateral. Furthermore, most people do not prefer applying for secured loans because if they are late paying the loan, the lending institutions will likely retain their property.

Why people apply for unsecured loans

With a loan that is not secured, the chance of people losing their property is eliminated. There are many reasons why you can decide to apply for unsecured personal loans. You could be facing financial constraints and need a little assistance until you are financially stable. Those with children in college may also decide to apply for the loans to help with their children’s tuition. Some get the loans to pay for medical bills, while those who want either to renovate their house for sale or to make improvements can also apply for the loans. Regardless of the person's needs, applying for the loans is easy. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Are You In Financial Need? Apply For Unsecured Personal Loans"

Repair Your Credit | How You're Judged (Pt. 4)

How credit agencies view you (conclusion)

Welcome back. You’ve made it to the very end of “Repair Your Credit,” and let’s keep going to the end by taking a continued look at what credit agencies look at when they produce a credit score for you. That score determines how likely you are to get a good deal on a credit card, but typically has no bearing on whether or not you can be approved to receive a payday cash advance loan.


  • What are your spending habits?

How you use your credit is also a criteria examined by the credit bureaus when they develop your credit score. When looking at your credit accounts and account balances, they are able to determine just how conservative you are as a consumer spender. If your credit lines are maxed out or close to your available credit limit, you would be considered much more of a risk.

In contrast, avoiding a revolving credit balance by paying your consumer credit cards off at the end of each month or billing period will show you to be a far more conservative spender and therefore less of a risk to lenders. Just because you make your payments on time does not mean you automatically have good credit. Your spending habits can come back to bite you in more ways than one. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Repair Your Credit | How You're Judged (Pt. 4)"

Repair Your Credit | The Ghost and the Credit (Pt. 3)

Dealing with past debts

CLICK HERE if you missed part two of this chapter of “Repair Your Credit.” Since you’re here, let’s talk more about how to get a handle on ugly, old debts.

We’ve talked a bit about this already, but here are some new wrinkles. When dealing with past debts, don’t let them take precedence over your current debts. The newer the reported debt or delinquency, the more detrimental it is to your personal credit. Paying off a past collection will not remove the incident from your report, so be sure to keep your latest bills paid to date and deal with the past as you get around to it. Negative credit history, depending on the type, cannot stay on your report for more than seven years; most incidents leave your credit report after three.

Keep in mind that if you have a large outstanding debt or judgment against you, you should know the statute of limitations for the creditor to collect that debt. Usually it’s four years, but this can vary. Every time that they receive a payment, the statute of limitations resets. If it’s going to take you more than four years to pay off an old debt and a tough decision has to be made, focus on more recent debt. Once the statute of limitations on old debt expires, wait the 36 months and the incident leaves your credit report. Either way, though, if you need quick cash in an emergency, no fax cash advance is an option regardless of your credit.

You want a job? How’s your credit?

Fair or not, more employers than ever are making it a requirement to run credit checks on applicants before choosing whether to hire them. If you’re applying to work at a bank or similar financial field, I can see the wisdom in this. However, it seems foolish to me beyond that. But don’t mind me, I’m riddled with opinions. Employers are likely thinking that a high credit score on the applicant’s part indicates overall responsibility. But life situations change, and credit can be brought down during one low period. That’s why I say that unless you’re planning to work in the field of consumer or commercial finance, run fan away from companies that require a credit check (not a criminal background check, a CREDIT check) before employment. People with past credit difficulties can be just as responsible and hard-working as those with higher FICO scores. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Repair Your Credit | The Ghost and the Credit (Pt. 3)"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trial for Class-Action Lawsuit Against Canada Payday Loan Company Begins

Money Mart mounts defense

gavelA class-action lawsuit that was filed in Ontario went to trial Tuesday. The suit against Canada payday loan company Money Mart alleges that the defendant charged an unlawful amount of interest to its customers.

Money Mart maintains that it did not charge illegal interest or interest rates of any kind, as its services are fee-based.

Payday loan lawsuit details

The lawsuit seeks a total of $224 million plus interest for 264,000 plaintiffs. These plaintiffs include customers who got short-term loans, cash advances or payday loans from Money Mart between Aug. 19, 1997, and Sept. 9, 2007. reports:

The class action lawsuit alleges Money Mart and its U.S. parent company, Dollar Financial Group Inc., breached section 347 of the Criminal Code by charging and collecting fees and interest at an effective annual interest rate in excess of 60 percent on its so-called payday loans.

Lawyer’s rebuttal

Money Mart’s lawyer Paul Morrison explained in court that if the plaintiffs had paid back their short-term loans on or before the previously negotiated dates, they would have avoided additional fees.

The fees charged for payday loans do not constitute interest, Morrison contested, and thus the company is not in violation of the criminal code. Just as fees charged on other financial transactions, such as check cashing and NSF fees from banks, are not interest charges, neither are the charges on payday loans. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Trial for Class-Action Lawsuit Against Canada Payday Loan Company Begins"

Repair Your Credit | Last Line of Defense (Pt. 4)

What to do when options are few

Welcome back to “Repair Your Credit.” CLICK HERE if you missed part three of this article on how credit repair and a lessened dependence on payday loans can help you to keep your financial boat afloat.

As you look at your balance transfer options, isolate the best offers and apply for them first. I’m talking lowest APR or no APR for the longest period of time, of course. This is important because inquiries made on your credit history will appear on your credit report and have a negative impact upon your FICO score (if there are many inquiries, in particular). According to the business world, your FICO score is THE indicator of your credit worthiness. Thus, you want to make the best debt consolidation choices possible to repair your credit.

Revisit the results

Once you have found a good, low-interest balance transfer candidate for consolidating your debts, go through the application process. After approval, go back to the payment calculator and determine your savings in both time and money over the life of the debt.

If the ship is sinking

If you have missed several payments resulting in a low credit score, you may not be able to take advantage of the low interest balance transfer options. But all is not lost! ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Repair Your Credit | Last Line of Defense (Pt. 4)"

Monday, April 27, 2009

Housing Construction Decline and Installment Loans

Installment loans

New HouseInstallment loans are a norm in today's economy. They are no longer being used as emergency funds, but rather moving into the category of reliable sourcing for cash to pay bills. Looking at the economic climate, businesses understand that it's imperative to find alternative ways of making payments and stretching budgets. The standard ways of procuring funds is not always available because of the serious recession.

Housing construction hits second lowest level in history

The housing slump has not ended yet. In March housing construction fell 10.8%, the next to lowest it has ever been in a recorded 50-year history. Housing issues are a major contributor to the recession and without a marked improvement, we can expect the recession to last quite a while longer. Reports from the Department of Commerce show that applications for building permits, including commercial, single-family and multifamily, were well beneath economists' projections. In March, only 510,000 units applied for construction and what's worse, January's applications were only 488,000. There was a rise, however it's nowhere near the normal average for construction in the spring.

The low level of new housing is one example of proof that the recession is far from over. In addition, jobless claims are up to 6 million for the first time. Analysts predict that employment will remain weak for the remainder of the year because businesses are finding it hard to factor hiring new workers into their financial structure. In fact, most businesses are downsizing to make their own budgets work. They are also cutting discretionary expenses and asking employees to take voluntary days off. These tactics are indicative of how severe the struggle to stay afloat is. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Housing Construction Decline and Installment Loans"

Verizon and iPhone To Join Hands in 2010?

Verizon and iPhone? Give ‘em a hand!

When it comes to smart phones in America, there are three things that should be accepted as fact:

  1. That they are expensive (there are people who have used payday loans and credit cards to buy them)
  2. The iPhone is the phone of choice for non-business users
  3. You have to be an AT&T subscriber if you want an iPhone (barring unlocking the phone and voiding the warranty)

But number three may not be true for much longer. Leslie Cauley reports for USA TODAY that Verizon and iPhone may be holding hands soon.

What a blow to AT&T!

Verizon and Apple are reported to be in discussion regarding the development of a separate iPhone for the Verizon network. If things go well, insiders predict it will introduced in 2010. This would be the first time Apple has produced an American iPhone that will work on a CDMA wireless network like the one Verizon uses. Vodafone, co-owner of Verizon Wireless, already sells the iPhone in Europe.

The AT&T-based iPhone 3G operates on a GSM network, which is the most popular type of wireless network worldwide. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Verizon and iPhone To Join Hands in 2010?"

CDC Warns Swine Flu Epidemic Can Be Deadly

Wash your hands - please!

Good hygiene habits are always important, even more so when you are around others with contagious illnesses. Whether you are at home, school, work or out in public, the opportunities to contract a communicable disease are many. This is particularly true with the recent outbreak of swine flu the CDC (Center For Disease Control at has taken action against. It has been classified as a public health emergency, so wash your hands regularly and, if you know you’re going to be around people you have been exposed, make sure they’re wearing a face mask. It’s common courtesy and it’s safe.

Steven Reinberg reports for Healthfinder that the swine flu site at states that not only have they declared a public health emergency, but that the European Union has advised its citizens against “nonessential travel to the United States or Mexico.” That has caused fuel, transportation and other tourism-related stocks to plummet on Wall Street, but drug stocks like those of Novavax (NVAX) are up as treatments are sought. Remember, personal loans and installment loans are there if your wallet needs help between paychecks and medical bills. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "CDC Warns Swine Flu Epidemic Can Be Deadly"

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Americans are Using Payday Loans to Manage Debt

Falling behind is not hard in today's economy

Natl_Debt_ChartThe payday loan is an option for paying emergency debt. In today's market, it's easy to fall behind on bills or have an unplanned debt come up. Payday loans are quickly becoming a simple and quick way to handle debt by receiving upfront cash before your pay period. To apply for a payday loan you need to be over 18 years of age, employed and have a bank account. If you are approved, you wi ll typically have the emergency funds within 24-48 hours, usually even less. This is why the loans are so popular today. They are meeting the needs of qualified economy-burdened consumers.

American Debt Increasing

It is estimated that the next American crisis will be dealing with debt. The recession has brought many people to the brink of financial collapse, forcing them to file for unemployment, face foreclosure and rethink their financial plans. Both the mortgage crisis and the job decline have propelled people into serious arrears. Despite the $700 billion banking bailout, consumers are still struggling because the bailout is estimated to bring tangible economic improvement in mid-2010. Until then, people have to be smarter and more frugal than ever. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Americans are Using Payday Loans to Manage Debt"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama’s cash advances are critical for the country’s recovery

Some good news at last

President Obama's huge cash advances to the economy in the form of stimulus packages have started to show some good results at last. The first ray of hope appeared last month when the data released by the Commerce Department indicated that after declining for six consecutive months, new orders for manufactured goods had finally taken a u-turn in February. Interestingly, the bounce back was much better than what analysts anticipated. Although there was the news that the manufacturing sector has contracted for the 14th month in a row due to continuous cuts in production, one must not neglect that small rise in new orders as it confirms that all the thought processes and the cash advances that have been injected in to the economy are actually working.

A much needed relief

Though people were hopeful that the economy would start stabilizing by the second half of 2009, there was no hard fact to back it up until the Commerce Department's data was published. As per the report, new orders for manufactured goods had risen by $6.1 billion or 1.8% in February to $352.2 billion in March providing the much needed relief to anxious Americans. The rise sounds even better because during January, new orders had witnessed a big fall of 3.5%. Experts had forecasted a rise of 1.4% in February. However, though the analysts were beaten in their prediction, they must get the credit for at least predicting a rise. Meanwhile, the Institute of Supply Management's (ISM) factor index, which shows the overall mood of the sector, has moved up from 35.8 in February to 36.3 in March creating a wave of optimism in the economy. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Obama's cash advances are critical for the country's recovery "

Glass Slipper Project | Every Princess Should Have Her Prom

Glass Slipper Project to the rescue

For many young women, prom is an exciting time, a time of glamor, sparkle and beauty. Some of them may enjoy the chance to fulfill a princess fantasy (straight out of Bettelheim), others may see it as a rite of passage into womanhood and still more may view it as an insidious torture device. Whatever the case, it’s hard not to have an opinion.

But obtaining the proper princess garb (or princely wares, because many guys look forward to prom, too) can be expensive. Tuxedo rentals are an expense, and there are other expenses, depending upon after-prom plans. However, these things tend to pale in comparison with the money (and time) young ladies (and their parents) spend of prom dresses. Quick payday loans or credit cards may help you afford a nice dress, but if it’s only going to be worn once, the wisdom of such a course is debatable.

That’s where the Glass Slipper Project comes in

Kate Ward of the Northwest Arkansas Times reports that girls like Hailey Pitts of Fayetteville High School will have the chance to attend their senior prom where chance may not have existed before.

“I’m really excited, but it still kind of freaks me out,” Pitts said “I always knew I’d eventually go; I just can’t believe it’s already here.” ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Glass Slipper Project | Every Princess Should Have Her Prom"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

'Earth' Movie | New Disney Label Releases First Film

‘Earth’ generates buzz on Earth Day

earthEarth Day 2009 is here, and with it comes the first release by Disneynature, a new film label by none other than Disney. The company chose to release “Earth” today to commemorate Earth Day. Already the documentary on endangered species is pulling in high ratings from critics.

How ‘Earth’ helps Earth

Besides calling attention to nature and animals, Disney has promised to plant a tree for each person who attends “Earth” on opening weekend. With all the attention this movie has gotten already, it’s sure to pull in big bucks at the box office. Movie and animal lovers will be busting out the credit cards for tickets and popcorn in no time.

Origin of film

Disneynature didn’t need any cash advances or extensive funding for “Earth.” The movie is made from footage cut from the 2007 BBC documentary “Planet Earth.” The film follows three groups of animals — polar bears, humpback whales and elephants — on journeys.

The film features mothers and their babies. Disney could get more bang for its buck with this mother-and-child theme because of quickly approaching Mother’s Day.

Future of Disneynature

Disney’s new nature-focused division plans to release films on oceans, chimpanzees and big cats in the near future. Disneynature actually is somewhat of a throwback to the ’40s and ’50s for Disney. Back then, Disney released several documentaries as the “True-Life Adventure” series. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "'Earth' Movie | New Disney Label Releases First Film"

CFO David Kellermann of Freddie Mac Commits Suicide

Freddie Mac Official Dead in Apparent Suicide

Tough year for consumer finance. People use online cash advance loans and credit cards to dig in where their paychecks don’t go, but habitual use can create trouble. It has also been a rough year for American high finance. Small and large banks have collapsed under the weight of their own irresponsible lending (special thanks to ACORN and Self-Help, Inc. for that recession bomb). The largest financial institutions have begged at the doorstep of Obama’s big top government, and they have made off with billions of dollars. Whatever confidence investors and the general public had in this system is severely damaged. One would hope that it is not permanent.

Then there are big time lenders like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They have disgraced themselves (again, with ACORN and Self-Help, Inc.’s assistance) before the eyes of the taxpaying public, and the day-to-day efforts to rebuild credibility must weigh on their consciences like a great millstone.

But money and public opinion are never worth more than a life. Sadly, acting CFO David Kellermann of Freddie Mac may have taken his own life over it.

A horrific story

Tom Jackman, Debbi Wilgoren and Zachary Goldfarb of the Washington Post report that David Kellermann was found dead in his Fairfax County home after apparently committing suicide, Fairfax police said. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "CFO David Kellermann of Freddie Mac Commits Suicide"

Peapod Car Makes a Splash on Earth Day

Chrysler releases electric vehicle

peapodChrysler’s new Peapod car, which debuts today, is many things. It is electric, small and cute. However, it’s not really a car. Well, at least I don’t consider it a car. It’s a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle that only goes 25 miles per hour and can only travel 30 miles on a charge.

The   Peapod “car” goes on sale today, Earth Day, which is appropriate because its best qualities are its eco-friendly ones. It emits no pollutants and uses no gas.

Price of personality

This slow-moving, short-distance traveling little pod costs $12,500. It seats four (small) people, and Kevin Allen at “Shiny Objects” calls it a “four-seat hipster carrier.”

To me, $12,500 seems pretty steep for a vehicle that can’t go fast enough to hit the speed limit on major streets. However, the thought of never needing a payday loan to buy gas again is pretty attractive. Nonetheless, I’d probably need credit repair and a personal loan to afford a Peapod.

The company

The Peapod car is created by Peapod Mobility, which is a spinoff of GEM. GEM is a division of Chrysler. GEM has been producing small electric vehicles for a decade, and so far it has strong sales on college campuses and in retirement communities. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Peapod Car Makes a Splash on Earth Day"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Scoot Coupe | Economical Travel, Affordable Price

Getting there gets better

Recession got you down? Do you envision no fax cash advance and credit repair in your future because you signed on for a car loan that beats your budget? It’s tough all around. I feel for you because I’ve been there.

But if you’d only taken a moment to consider the Scoot Coupe, you might have saved some money. Not only that, but you’d be carving up the roadways in colorful style.

Your little Scoot Coupe

You don’t know what you’ve got until you take a look. Jody Murphy reports for West Virginia’s News and Sentinel that the brightly colored three-wheeled vehicles should be made available to the public in some locations soon, with more to come by summer 2009. See the related video below.

Bill Waldeck, owner of Parkersburg, West Virginia’s Market Motors, has described the vehicles as “a cross between a motorcycle and a Volkswagen.” They are manufactured by Panther Motors out of Florida.

“There is really nothing else like them.” he said.

It’s a motorcycle! No, it’s a car!

The three-wheeled, two-passenger coupes resemble  a motorcycle in that they have handlebars instead of a steering wheel. Unlike motorcycles, they’re more stable and allow a passenger to ride beside the driver. Helmets must be worn and drivers must have a required motorcycle license for the 150cc model. A 50cc model requires no such endorsement, just a driver’s license (this may not be true in all areas; check with your state). ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Scoot Coupe | Economical Travel, Affordable Price"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Benefit of a Payday Loan When You’re Facing Foreclosure

What to do when you need money in a hurry

Empty Nest SyndromeEven when a person is face with the loss of his or her home, a payday loan is the last thing they will consider. This is usually because they know it is a short term loan they will need to pay back usually with their next payday. Sometimes you may be granted an extension but it doesn't change the fact they are still usually due within 120 days. At the same time, when you are facing the loss of your home they can help ease the burden by allowing you to borrow enough money to appease the mortgage company until you can develop a more permanent solution. It's essential to stall the mortgage company in this initial phase in order to avoid legal costs that will increase the amount of money you will need in order to bring your payments current.

Can a payday loan provide enough cash to save your home?

Since many companies only loan up to $1,500 for these short-term loans, they may not help in every situation. Whether you will be able to borrow enough to appease your mortgage company depends on many factors including your payment history with the mortgage company. Those who have been on time in the past stand a better chance of stalling the foreclosure proceedings with a quick payday loan than someone who has consistently been late. This key factor is the ammunition the mortgage company uses in order to analyze whether it feels you are being honest about your financial hardship or are just looking for another excuse to explain your late payments. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "The Benefit of a Payday Loan When You're Facing Forecl osure"

Friday, April 17, 2009

Startup Company Pet Airways Aims to Pamper Your Pooch

Pets fly first class

Can I come?

Can I come?

They say recession sparks innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. A startup company based in Delray Beach, Fla., has launched an airline whose only passengers will be pets and “Pet Attendants.”

Pet Airways is the first airline of its kind, and gives doting pet owners an attractive alternative to letting their pets be stuck in cargo. And you won’t even need payday loans to afford this news service; it’s pretty reasonably priced.

Getting off the ground

The first Pet Airways flight is scheduled for July 14 and travels from New York to Los Angeles. Flights will be limited for a while. Pet Airways will only service New York, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and Washington, D.C. and accepts credit cards.

The company hopes to expand the number of cities it services as well as the types of pets. Pet Airways co-founder Alysa Binder says the airline hopes to expand service to 25 U.S. cities within the next few years. The company also wants to cater to exotic pets in the future. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Startup Company Pet Airways Aims to Pamper Your Pooch"

Will 'Gobsmacked' Susan Boyle Become a Big Moneymaker?

Suddenly Susan

Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle

Word has spread quickly about Scottish singing sensation Susan Boyle. She appeared on “Britain’s Got Talent” last week, and she hasn’t left the spotlight since. She appeared on CNN’s “American Morning” today, and reported that she was “absolutely gobsmacked” by her sudden fame.

Meaning of “gobsmacked”: very surprised, dumbfounded.

What’s all the fuss?

So why has this “Britain’s Got Talent” performer suddenly skyrocketed to fame? Well, it seems the judges and the audience were gobsmacked as well. They took one look at her and expected the worst.

But the 47-year-old Scottish charity worker surprised everyone with a rendition of “I Dreamed a Dream” from “Les Miserables” that moved people all over the world to tears.

Will fame lead to fortune?

One fan who was moved to tears: “Today Show” host Kathie Lee Gifford. Boyle has also been interviewed on CBS. Word on the street is now Oprah Winfrey is seeking an interview.

So who stands to cash in in Boyle’s success? Certainly Boyle herself could make a pretty penny off of the limelight through cash advances on record deals. If she has ever considered seeking debt relief help, she probably won’t need to worry about that anymore. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Will 'Gobsmacked' Susan Boyle Become a Big Moneymaker?"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Small Businesses and Short term loans

Can a short term loan solve small business cash woes?

Seats & desk

The House of Representatives

Short term loans have been used by small businesses for years to overcome debt. Because of the economy, however, the government is looking into alternative ways of jump starting businesses. The House of Representatives dusted off an old bill and suggested using it to help small businesses and low-income employees, but does it offer the solution needed?

The proposed payroll tax holiday

Illinois Republican representative Aaron Schock and Idaho Democratic representative Walt Minnick had an interesting proposal. The two house members suggested a bill that would offer small business owners a break from paying payroll taxes. Under this bill, businesses with 50 or fewer employees would not pay Social Security or Medicare taxes for a six-month period. Employers and employees pay 6.2% Social Security tax and a 1.45% Medicare tax all year long. The hope was that small business and lower-paid employees benefited from suspending these taxes. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, over 60 million taxpayers had tax returns with payroll taxes that were greater than their income taxes. This bill could potentially affect 5 million small businesses and over 34 million employees according to the National Federation of Independent Business. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Small Businesses and Short term loans "

Bam! John Madden Retires From Broadcasting

A sad week for sports fans

Final telestrator sign off?

Earlier this week, Philadelphia sports legend Harry Kalas died of heart failure. Current and former players Nick Adenhart and Mark Fidrych also died. Minus the tragedy of death, another sports legend has moved on - John Madden has retired from National Football League broadcasting. There will be a hole that no personal loan of sports knowledge can fill; no way to repair credit with the fans who will miss what he brings to their homes.

Ray Ratto of the San Francisco Chronicle recently discussed what Madden and Kalas have meant to the development of sports broadcasting. While their styles were quite different, both earned the admiration and respect of millions for how they elevated their own love of the game into homes, night after night. Both were true American personalities who changed the way broadcasters relate to fans.

Boom! You’ve got Cris Collinsworth

But he will never replace Madden. Where Madden was both an announcer and a personality, Collinsworth is more firmly the former. As a former player, he can pass him knowledge of the game on to viewers, but he won’t pack the same punch. In a sense, there will be a cultural void. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Bam! John Madden Retires From Broadcasting"

Obama High Speed Rail Plan Rockets Forward

Finally! American High-Speed Rail

America’s infrastructure is slated to receive a needed boost from improved public transportation. The installment loans it received from the omnibus economic stimulus package mean that credit repair for the nation may not be far away. That is, if the Obama high speed rail plan goes into effect as planned. It cou ld be just what American commerce and tourism needs.

Brian Knowlton reports for the New York Times that President Obama has highlighted his plan to develop high-speed passenger rail lines in at least 10 regions of the country. He is confident in the future of the mode of transportation, despite the fact that rail efforts in America pale in comparison with the rest of the world, particularly in Europe and Asia.

Unstopping commerce

The need is clear. Highways and airports cannot accommodate the level of transportation America needs to grow. Obama considers rail

… a smart transportation system equal to the needs of the 21st century, a system that reduces travel times and increases mobility, a system that reduces congestion and boosts productivity, a system that reduces destructive emissions and creates jobs. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Obama High Speed Rail Plan Rockets Forward"

Fed's Beige Book Shows Signs of Color

It just went beige all of a sudden

We’re all looking for that light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to America’s economy. Have things hit bottom yet? Is there truly nowhere to go but up? Or is martial law waiting in the wings? Will no fax cash advance and mortgage loan modification protect us from the rubber bullets and tear gas?

What does the Beige Book have to say? It’s the Federal Reserve’s anecdotal take on the economy from the viewpoint of its central banks in 12 U.S. districts. Carl Gutierrez reports for Forbes that Wall Street may just have reason to let loose a (cautious) grin.

A “troubled, but thawing” outlook

According to the report, the Fed’s banks saw activity that was “contracted” or simply “weak.” Yet five of the 12 reporting districts noticed a slowing pace of decline. Several districts even noted signs that activity in certain sectors was beginning to stabilize.

But don’t get too excited. The Fed set the bar - their expectations - quite low for their analysis. The prior report, which came out in early March, indicated an end of 2009 recovery from the subprime debacle. In that report, 10 of the 12 districts pointed out weakening conditions through February. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Fed's Beige Book Shows Signs of Color"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Repair Your Credit | The After-School APR Special (Pt. 6)

Want to know what your loan costs?

You want to “Repair Your Credit.” That’s why you’re here.

Last time, if you’ll recall, we were talking about what opponents of the short term loan industry says to try to get you to believe that the annual percentage rate on said loans was just out of sight. Never mind that that the majority of payday loans are two-week loans where an annual percentage rate is less than useful. It doesn’t tell you what you’re going to be paying for the two-week pleasure of the money loaned, which is exactly what people want to know. But whoever accused the government of serving the people?

Their argument as unforgettable after-school special

To further explain this, let’s take a closer look at the argument offered forth by opponents of the personal loan industry:

Joe Sixpack Opponent: “Payday loans charge 391 percent interest, I tell ya! That’s too much for hardworking American families!”

Ear of the Consumer: “Gosh! That means it’s going to cost me four times the amount of the loan in interest charges!”

Voice of Reason: “No, no, you’ve got it all wrong. Joe, keep quiet. Ear, do what you do. 391 percent is the annual percentage rate. Ear, you’d have to pay this if you borrowed a two-week cash advance on your paycheck and allowed it to lapse for an entire year, or 26 times in a row. That’s without ever paying a dime towards the original loan amount. Would you do that, Ear?” ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Repair Your Credit | The After-School APR Special (Pt. 6)"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Payday Loan Reform Act Leaves Customers with Bad Alternatives

Professor defends payday loans

University of Kansas

University of Kansas

The Payday Loan Reform Act is making its way through Congress, and many have concerns about how it will affect consumers who use payday lenders, online cash advances and other short-term loans.

One such concerned citizen is Robert DeYoung, a finance professor at University of Kansas. He wrote an opinion piece that was published Tuesday in the Wall Street Journal.

Myth busting

In his piece, DeYoung talks about the misconception that payday loan customers are uninformed and that payday lenders take advantage of this. He debunks the conception by citing A January 2009 study by Gregory Elliehausen at George Washington University. DeYoung writes:

The study found that payday borrowers make informed choices. About half of the 1,173 payday borrowers he surveyed considered other credit alternatives — such as bank, credit card, or personal loans — before taking out a payday loan. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Payday Loan Reform Act Leaves Customers with Bad Alternatives"

They’ll get you by the ink

Handle your printer like a pro

56/365 - Counting stupid thingsThe first man to reputedly give away a product and then wait for the customer to come back was King Gillette, inventor of the safety razor. He knew you'd be back for blades and that's how he wanted to make money. And that's how he did make money. Then came the cell phones, but they didn't come all the way. They want to make money out of your calls and not from the phones. Third in line are the printer manufacturers who just know you'll be knocking on their door soon after you buy one.

A bargain?

The inkjet printer you just bought after much deliberation, checking the reviews and speaking to your friends was a real bargain, right? Wrong! You haven't started paying yet. That printer cost less than a set of replacement cartridges. It may be cheaper in many cases to simply replace the printer when the first lot of ink runs out.

I have often taken a Payday Cash Advance Loan to pay for ink refills. And then I'm out of ink again before I've repaid the loan

Those manufacturers

When you buy a printer, it may often have "starter" tanks with enough ink to whet your appetite, enough to print just a few pages. By then you're hooked by the print quality, smoothness, speed and good looks and you're off to the shops for your first set of expensive replacements.

Other options to ink cartridges

Soon you will be trying compatible, refilled or generic ink cartridges, anything to save money. There are hundreds of alternatives to a manufacturer's original ink cartridges, with varying levels of success. Some of them work just fine and others are a disaster, especially when you try and do your own filling from a large bottle. I once spilt ink from a liter bottle onto a cement tile floor and it soaked in before I could clean it up. I guess the people who live in that apartment now have a large carpet! ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "They'll get you by the ink"

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cherokees challenge the White House

Chrysler's gas guzzlers refuse to quit

Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT (I)Isn't this downright rude? Just a week after the White House scolded Chrysler for relying too much on gas guzzlers, the company is heading to a marquee car show to launch yet another SUV. I will be there if the Online Cash Advance I applied for comes through.

According to Chrysler, its Jeep Grand Cherokee is a crowd favorite and a crucial part of its lineup. "It's a very important vehicle for us. It's one of the primary legs of the Chrysler stool," Chrysler spokesman Rick Deneau said. "Customers have told us they want this vehicle and that it's the right size."

Merge or else

It's true that Chrysler has tried to reduce consumption and that the 2011 model is 11 percent more fuel efficient than its predecessor and is powered by a cleaner and more powerful engine. But this debut is odd timing. At the end of March, the Obama administration rejected the company's survival plan and gave it 30 days to secure a merger with another automaker, most likely Fiat of Italy.

In addition, Chrysler was slammed for its heavy product lineup of trucks and SUVs. But Chrysler stands by the Grand Cherokee. It's not only profitable and highly recognizable, it's the No. 2-selling vehicle in the Jeep lineup.

It's hard to argue with popularity

John Wolkonowicz, senior automotive analyst for the consulting firm IHS-Global Insight, says, "It's one of their most important vehicles. The market for SUVs still exists, particularly for smaller ones like the Grand Cherokee." ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Cherokees challenge the White House"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Repair Your Credit | Advantages of Payday Loans (Pt. 1)

What are the advantages of payday loans?

curiousRepair Your Credit,” starting today! These tips can help you get there.

Last time, we talked about the type of loan that might work best for you. This time, let’s take a closer look at payday loans and see the ways in which this short-term consumer loan product can help you in situations that would otherwise damage your credit rating.

They’re quick cash

The greatest advantage of payday loans is that they can supply you with essential cash in as little as two hours. This differs from borrowing money through a bank in that you will be blissfully free of the bureaucratic delays and exacting bank management approval processes. Your focus will be getting the cash you need as quickly as you possibly can. What more could you ask for in an emergency situation?

You can maintain your credit score

Bills come due each month whether you like it or not. You’re responsible for taking care of business. But do you worry that something like those emergency car repairs are going to leave you short? Paying late is not a good choice if you plan to maintain your credit rating.

Your FICO score will begin to take a tumble if you don’t matters into your own hands. Since this credit score is what creditors look at to determine such things as the interest rates for financing a home, automobile or other big-ticket item, it pays to know where you stand before entering into such a purchase. Insurance premiums for home and car are also closely tied to your credit rating. The lower your score, the more you’ll have to pay. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Repair Your Credit | Advantages of Payday Loans (Pt. 1)"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tidal Software Sold to Cisco Systems

Joining forces

ciscoNetworking giant Cisco Sytems has purchased Tidal Software, based in Palo Alto. Cisco plunked down $105 million for the software company. It promises this move will allow users to manage applications seamlessly across the Cisco network.

Cisco didn’t need short-term loans to fund the purchase; it paid for Tidal Software in cash.

About Tidal

VentureBeat reports that Tidal Software “focuses on letting companies efficiently manage and automate their applications.” The company has been around for 11 years. On its web site, Tidal promises to “improve your IT operations, and business.”

The bigger picture

tidalLast month, Cisco launched its Unified Computing System plan, and the company says it will integrate Tidal Software into that plan. The project “brings together servers, storage and networking into a single offering, with an emphasis on virtualization,” reports VentureBeat.

Cisco shopping spree?

Cisco Systems made an even bigger purchase last month. It bought another California company, Pure Digital Technologies, for $590 million. Pure Digital, however, was paid for in stock. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Tidal Software Sold to Cisco Systems"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Even outer space is in a recession

Taking a break from space travel

Happy 10th Anniversary - International Space Station  - ISSThe U.S. software mogul who has now made 2 trips into outer space without having to resort to a single Payday Loan in order to pay for tickets, may be the last paying passenger to head into space for several years. Believe it or not, things are tough out there too. And it's not only because of the economic crisis that fewer are willing to stump up the $35-million that Charles Simonyi paid for his second tri p to space.

Sold out

Visitors are banned because it is planned to double the crew on the International Space Station from three to six in May, meaning there will no longer be a spare seat for a tourist on future missions. In other words, the Space Station is full, sold out.

The Space Station

The Space Station is "managed" by Russia's space agency Roskosmos and the U.S. firm Space Adventures since 2001. The joint venture between the two organizations had always seemed unlikely, with the young T-shirted employees from Space Adventures standing side-by-side with the grizzled aeronautics engineers from Roskosmos.

"We have no bookings for visitors at the moment but things can change," said the CEO of Space Adventures, Eric Anderson. Interest has been expressed by the Russian-born founder of Google, Sergey Brin, who has put down a deposit for a future flight. "We have several people who are interested in making a trip, people from all over the world, people who take the long view," said Anderson. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Even outer space is in a recession"

MVA Maryland Opens Floodgates of Voter Fraud, Terror (1)

If there aren’t enough corpses voting for you…

Like C.H.U.D., some politicians’ and bankers’ eyes are aglow at the prospect of such juicy opportunity. Unlike C.H.U.D., however, they bite with legislation and fees rather than teeth…

Politics and business as usual have combined to drag America’s economy into the sewer. Subterranean Dow Jones and S & P levels have haunted commerce and put hundreds of thousands out of work. In order for them to continue to scheme their schemes, offending politicians must be able to maintain their hold on their office. However will they accomplish that? No, not with anti-payday loan legislation…

Oooh, oooh, pick me, pick me!

You guessed it: voter fraud.

Smile when you say that

According to the blog Broken CountryMVA Maryland has “become a magnet for illegal immigrants from Georgia to Delaware seeking driving privileges.” And that’s just fine with invested politicians and bankers, as it makes voter fraud a snap.

New Mexico, Hawaii, Washington state and Maryland do not check the immigration status of drivers who apply for a license. Not only does this swing the door open wide for potential voter fraud, but it enables criminals to create false identities. Plus guess what? This complies with federal law! ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "MVA Maryland Opens Floodgates of Voter Fraud, Terror (1)"

A package of cash advances is what car dealers need today

Car dealers' woes

Demio´s for Christmas?A mega cash advance is something that the car dealers need desperately today; it does not matter whether the government offers it or someone else! While all the discussions are focused on the big two carmakers' bailout plea, the worsening financial conditions of the neighborhood car dealers, mainly those who deal with single brands, are getting overlooked. With the car industry suffering a major fall in demand, the car dealers are deep in trouble, failing even to recover the ir fixed costs. And the result, more and more car dealers are forced to down their shutters with every passing day.

Severity of the situation

According to figures available at the National Automobile Dealers Association, as many as 1000 car dealers have closed their operations during 2008 forcing over 50,000 Americans out of work. And the reason is quite obvious; they are facing falling sales on a continuous basis for a very long time now. In 2008 alone, sales figures for many brands dropped by as much as 40%. Even worse for the dealers, these figures are expected to plunge further and reach the lowest in the last 35 years. As a result, playing it safe for the future, car dealers are giving up dealership as a profession.

The real cause

The car dealers are actually facing a double blow at the moment including problems in the non-functioning credit system. First, 94% of the car-buyers get their purchase financed. As there is a dearth of car financing, it becomes difficult for most people to buy a car. Most don’t have enough money out of their own pockets, unless they get a cash advance from some source. The second problem for the dealers is the fact that 'floorplan' financing is drying up very fast. Even dealers with good credit rating are finding it really hard to get a loan. Dealers generally need around $5 million of inventory financing, and absence of it has hit them really hard, especially to small dealers like Bob. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "A package of cash advances is what car deal ers need today"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

LegiStorm Part 8 | What Are They Up To Now?

Keep tabs on Capitol Hill

Exercise your freedom to know public information.

Exercise your right to know public information.

We are nearing the end of this tour of, the site that lets you look at extensive financial information about our nation’s leaders. Now, it’s time to take a look at what’s possibly my favorite section on the site.

Click on the tab called The Score, and you can get a look at the everyday activities of Congress.

The ticker

This section has up-to-the-hour information about what’s going on in that big building on Capitol Hill. When the House is in session, the House Floor Ticker shows which motions and bills are currently being debated.

If no legislation is in play, it shows the upcoming schedule, so you can check in when your favorite bills are up for discussion. So, if you want to find out when the next round of payday loan legislation is up for debate, check it out.

The schedule

Different sections of The Score show the schedule for the House and Senate floors as well as their respective committees. Under Events it shows when the legislature will be on break and other significant meetings that aren’t listed in the above schedules.

Read up on policies

Any recent policy decisions are listed under policy reports. This is a great place to get a straight-forward account of policy decisions as they happened without any sort of media influence. You can browse the following categories: Executive Orders, Statements of Administration Policy, Congressional Budget Office Reports and GAO Reports. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "LegiStorm Part 8 | What Are They Up To Now?"

Monday, April 6, 2009

Corporate Sponsors Cutting Back at The Masters

No “Amen Corner” for corporate sponsors

Georgia’s Augusta National Country Club is a holy place for golf fans. It is there that each year since 1934, The Masters has been held. Luminaries of the fairway from Bobby Jones to Tiger Woods have tasted victory and donned the green jacket (a tradition since 1937). For corporate sponsors, The Masters has also been a place of great honor - and profit. Advertising comes at a premium, but the possible name recognition among the old guard of elite fans (read: elite businessmen) is priceless.

However, as Russ Bynum reports for the Huffington Post, big corporate sponsors who have received the cash advance of government bailout money may be staying home this time. Corporate chef Karl Kwoka has more cancellations than customers this year as four large corporations have backed out. For Kwoka, this means a loss of “more than $70,000,” not to mention temporary staff who won’t have a high-profile job to do.

“Mardi Gras” for the country club crowd

In its 75-year history, The Masters has earned its reputation as the “Mardi Gras for the country club crowd.” According to Bynum, The Augusta Convention and Visitors Bureau estimate that the Masters brings over $100 million into the economy of the city. Typically, they depend upon “the Army’s Fort Gordon, a medical college, several hospitals and a smattering of manufacturing” to support the economy the rest of the year. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Corporate Sponsors Cutting Back at The Masters"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Money saving tips to avoid a Short Term Loan

Life is Expensive

I hope that after I die, people will say of me: ``That guy sure owed me a lot of money.´´So many people strive to make enough money for their homes, and though short term loans most definitely assist; there are ways to save extra money. What with the cost of children, miscellaneous bills, mortgage and car payments, cutting back costs in a few areas, and observing frivolous spending habits can help you enjoy a lot more of your money. Just follow this guide:

Adjust the Temperature

By moving the thermostat down in the winter, and up in the summer, thus changing the temperature so that it is not more than 68 degrees in winter and no less than 78 degrees in the summer, you will save anywhere from $300-600/Yr.

Also, lowering your thermostat's temperature during the night and when you are away from the home saves money, after all, you're not feeling it. To respectfully cool down your home in the summer months, keep your blinds open, and in the winter keep them closed in order to preserve heat (and if your cooling or heating unit is over 10 years old, try and replace it with another more up-to-date to save over $100/Yr).

Insulate to Maintain Steady Costs

Polyurethane is the best insulator for your home. By sealing all cracks or crevices where hot air can escape- making sure even your attic is insulated- you can save between $100-500/Yr. Remember that hot air rises and you don't want to lose it because it's wafting from a non-insulated attic. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Money saving tips to avoid a Short Term Loan "

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ritz Camera to Shut Down Hundreds of Stores

Bankruptcy reorganization begins Saturday

camerasRitz Camera Centers Inc. will liquidate up to 400 retail camera stores beginning Saturday. The move is part of a bankruptcy reorganization that is being supervised by the court. Wolf and Kits cameras are owned by Ritz, so many of those stores will be affected.

Time for liquidation sales

The “going out of business” sales will start Saturday as the first step toward shuttering the stores. Don’t run out and get payday loans yet, though. There is some debate about whether merchandise will really be discounted deeply enough to justify that.

CNET says “I wouldn’t expect huge discounts.”

Beware the liquidation sale

As we have learned from previous posts, liquidation sales are not always what they seem. By the time the liquidation sale hits, the firm overseeing the sale has already paid for the merchandise and is looking to make as much profit as possible. They often use the highest retail price listed for an item as a baseline for discounts.

About the company

Ritz Camera is a privately held company and the largest camera retail chain in the United States. The chain is made up of more than 1,000 stores.The company has  been around since 1918. It acquire Wolf Camera Inc. in 2001, after Wolf went bankrupt. Ritz filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in late February.

The bankruptcy deal

signThe court ruled that the bidding procedures Ritz outlined for the stores to be liquidated are fair. Also, Ritz is borrowing $85 million from Wachovia bank. Liquidation firms have already placed bids to oversee the sales. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Ritz Camera to Shut Down Hundreds of Stores"

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No loans for the automakers, says White House

Obama bows to Main Street

Wagoner Takes A Bullet

Finally, the verdict has come out and President Barack Obama has said a big 'no' to any kind of payday loans to the troubled automakers. Considering the fact that General Motors and Chrysler are surviving on the bailout money that they received in December 2008, their latest requests for another round of bailouts were definitely nothing less than payday loan applications.

But the Obama administration has shattered their hopes by stating that both the auto makers have not done enough to save themselves since the last bailout. However, the underlying truth is that the government has actually bowed down to Main Street standing against Wall Street at the moment.

Taxpayer's outrage

Opinion polls conducted after President Obama gave more time to GM and Chrysler, for restructuring themselves to be able to justify the additional investment of taxpayers' money, had clearly suggested that the majority of the Americans were strictly against funding the US automakers any further. Many even opined that if the government goes ahead with the plan, it would be like cheating the taxpayers.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll conducted prior to the news of Rick Wagoner's exit under White House pressure had revealed that 49% of the respondents were against Obama's auto plans compared to 46% who supported it. Whether the government expresses it or not, such outrage has definitely worked somewhere or the other leading the government to deny yet another round of virtual payday loans to the automakers. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "No loans for the automakers, says White House" and Team Up to Help Job Seekers opens Online Career Center

job shirtMicrosoft Office and Monster Worldwide are joining forces to help the growing ranks of the unemployed. and Monster now offer job hunt aid through the Office Online Career Center.

Microsoft supplies resume-building tools and help with other documents. Monster contributes its worldwide network and advice.

The big idea

Microsoft and Monster collaborated to provide an all-in-one portal. Job seekers can create professional career finding documents, view available jobs and apply for them all in one place. It’s one-stop shopping for the unemployed. Only it’s free. No payday loans needed.

Create your resume

We’ve all seen the handful of resume templates available on Microsoft Office’s Word program. However, the Online Career Center has hundreds of templates available. It also has specific advice for employees who have been terminated and those who are looking to change fields in their new career.

There are even job-specific resume templates, resume-builders for just-out-of-college graduates and resumes for transferring within the company you already work for.

Find job listings

From the Office Online Career Center, you can enter keywords and your location. You also can choose up to 20 different locations at a time to search. Several job postings allow you to apply directly through the web site. Otherwise, you can find contact information and application instructions. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled " and Team Up to Help Job Seekers"