Monday, March 1, 2010

President Obama Still Smokes

According to a new USA Today report, President Obama still smokes. Having just had his first physical exam since taking office, the media and internet are buzzing with the news that the president's physician has advised him to "continue smoking cessation efforts." That he's still smoking despite his efforts to quit is to be expected. Quitting smoking isn't easy, and it can be expensive.  Plenty of people borrow money or use credit cards to do it.  Few are able to quit cold turkey.

Smoking is ugly

I'm not just a non-smoker, I am the most intolerant kind of anti-smoker. The photos of the president smoking are indeed ugly. I'd like never to see another one; but on the other hand,  I say, "So what?" The president's physician has advised him to quit smoking. Who cares? For myself, I'd be happy enough to have him smoke so long as I never had to see another photograph of him caught in the act.

Smoking is suicidal

An article posted today on rehashes all the same old facts about smoking. Twenty-one percent of the American population smokes. This year, 450,000 Americans will die from cigarette smoking. More people die every year from cigarette smoking than from all other kinds of drug use combined. Smoking increases the risk of nearly every kind of cancer. Nicotine is more addictive than street drugs. Only 20% of smokers try to quit. Of those who try, only 2% to 3% are successful. Most smokers quit briefly and then go back to smoking. Yada, yada, yada. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "President Obama Still Smokes"

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