Friday, March 5, 2010

Guns at Starbucks: Armed and Awake

Coffee? Check. Tea? Check. Pastry? Check. Gun?

Some people love guns and some people who love guns love caffeine. In states where it's legal to bear arms in public, it's becoming popular for coffee-loving gun owners to wear their weapons at Starbucks. Naturally, controversy is brewing, and as CNNMoney so aptly put it, Starbucks is "caught in the crosshairs."

Staying out of the crossfire

Some people hate guns and some people who hate guns love caffeine. Starbucks may be caught in the crosshairs, but so far it has stayed out of direct crossfire. In the 43 states where it's legal to bear arms in public, businesses have the right to prohibit guns on their premises. Starbucks, however, has refused to do so.  To the company's credit, there has not been so much as one little shooting in any Starbucks coffee house.

Catching the wave

A gun is probably more expensive than a cup of coffee, even if you buy that cup of coffee at Starbucks.  But if you're interested in catching the wave of this new controversy, you might be able to buy a gun, a $4 cup of coffee, and a $2 pastry without borrowing money.  If not, emergency cash loans are always an option. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Guns at Starbucks: Armed and Awake"

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