Friday, April 2, 2010

Line2 App : VoIP comes to the iPhone

At a particular former job of mine, there were days I would end up carrying four cell phones, each with a different number and a different purpose. VoIP comes to the iPhone" href="">Line2 App for the iPhone from Talktumi streamlines multiple phone numbers into one iPhone. In addition, the Line2 app can turn an iPod Touch into a full-blown cell phone wherever there is WiFi. Google Voice and Skype have attempted to be iPhone Apps, but Line2 is the app that may just be successful. The best part is, Line2 costs only $15 a month – so you won’t have to look into small cash loans to double your phone’s functionality. Line2 will now face the challenge of keeping momentum rolling. The iPhone app store saw Line2 shoot to No. 1 after the company showed! off at the CTIA conference. Today, they’ve taken the app offline to fight a DNS attack.

Line2 App uses two data networks

First and foremost, the functionality of Line2 is situated on something how the iPhone was itching for – the ability to make and get calls using either the 3G data network or WiFi. Line2 “prefers” WiFi connections, as they are more reliable, but if you move from one hot spot to another, it will seamlessly switch you, even mid-call.

The cell phone network minutes that could be very expensive won’t be used if you’re using the dual-mode functionality. The Line2 system also makes international long-distance calls much less expensively. At $15 a month and $1 for the Line2 App, it’s cell phone service that doesn’t necessitate payday lending to pay the bills.

Make more than calls with Line2

Line2 provides more than just a service that routes your calls through the internet. Instead, Line2 is a fully-functioning second phone line. You can set up a second cell phone number with Line2, routing a home and business number to the exact same phone. If you’re a business owner trying to keep things in order, Line2 can also set up a virtual phone tree. Best of all, Line2 offers visual voice mail, conference calling and a choice of how for making incoming calls. It’s like having a second iPhone on your iPhone.

Line2 Denial of Service attacks

The iPhone app store saw Line2 shoot to No. 1 on March 25. The core business of the iPhone is making and receiving calls, so a lot of were surprised when Line2 was approved. The Apple app store recently rejected Google Voice for doing quite a few of the same things Line2 does.

Users who spent the morning of March 26 looking for the Line2 app were sorely disappointed. At 9 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, Talktumi was forced to take Line2 offline because of a coordinated DNS Denial of Service attack. You are able to get updates on the status of Line2 on the official Talktumi Twitter account.

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