Monday, June 1, 2009

Daily Links: Gentle June Edition

My April was manic. I was very busy, both with the blog and in Real Life. I swore to improve things in May, but it never happened. But this time I mean it! I’m going to do less in June. I want to focus on three things: yardwork around the house, marathon training, and writing great content for Get Rich Slowly. The other stuff will have to take a backseat for once.

Here are some of my favorite recent personal-finance stories from around the web:

I’ve been out of touch with the news lately, so I’m behind the curve on the recent credit-card bill passed by the U.S. Senate. The Christian Science Monitor offers a quick rundown of what the credit-card bill does and doesn’t do. Some of this stuff is fantastic. Other restrictions seem arbitrary. I’m curious to see how this legislation will affect the industry — and responsible card-holders.

Elsewhere, JLP at All Financial Matters continues to produce fun spreadsheets for math geeks like me. In his latest, he looks at how quickly mortgage rates can change, affecting your payments. He writes: “On Tuesday, the rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage stood at about 5.03%. That same mortgage had a rate of 5.44% on Thursday. To get an idea of what this means dollar-wise, I ran some numbers…On a $200,000 mortgage, a person would have to pay $50.75 more per month if they took out their mortgage on Thursday instead of Tuesday.” He’s posted details on his site.

The Houston Chronicle is allowing its members to create content for its site. One of these members is Amanda Grossman, who writes a column called Frugal Confessions. Amanda recently shared an interesting article about Amish finances and how they differ from those of the average American. “At the core of their lives and finances is the idea that one must live a humble life.” Great stuff.

Finally, Patrick at Cash Money Life has scoured the web to create a nice list of essential money tips for new parents. There’s a wealth of information here for prospective parents.

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