Friday, December 10, 2010

Get mess in order right now

Get set for a busy holiday season. Setting items in order starts at home, and the house is often a mirror for one’s mental state. Thus, leave it to Psychology Today to offer some simple "how to get mess under control" tips. Don’t be a pack rat – make de-cluttering a part of your routine.

Making your bed is 1st

Simply get up every morning and make your bed. Your motivation will get worse and worse throughout the day. Make it now, not when it is convenient.

As the newspapers come in, so shall it go out

The day after a newspaper comes, it is unlikely you will read it. It is now a day late with news. Only keep around anything essential such as for pet cages.

Knock off the little items with the 1-minute rule

If less than a minute is needed to do something, then do it immediately. Putting spices back in the spice rack is an example of something like this. Also, taking clothes off the floor and putting them into the laundry basket and throwing away junk mail are other examples.

Envision a brand new owner for stuff you do not require

The value of items is being very skewed be people who are pack rats. If you are not into donating things to organizations, try giving it to a friend or family member who would like it.

Steer-clear of visiting the storage well a lot of times

You would have to store a snow blower. If you are not going to use it, then it isn't good. It’s just more mess to deal with. Aside from holiday decorations and seasonal clothes, dump as many once-a-year items as possible.

Do not take free items

Giveaway items and gifts are not bad to take. Make sure you require them though. Just don't take it if you are not going to use it regularly.

Don’t be an Isle of Broken Toys

Things that are not working are not really worth keeping. Get rid of it. Your house will have much more room. See how this makes you feel.

Check your information that is "important"

You probably have significant papers of information hanging out. Make sure you sweep it if you have no idea for sure. Just throw it away if you cannot determine what it even is. You don't have to keep a copy of a Google away if that is the info.

Details from

Psychology Today

Letting go like a pirate

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