Thursday, December 9, 2010

Amazon and WikiLeaks can't get along on Amazon servers

Amazon has kicked WikiLeaks off its servers. Amazon offers website hosting on Amazon Web Services, which WikiLeaks relocated to after denial of service assaults forced the site to move itself elsewhere. Amazon decided that it wanted no part in what WikiLeaks is doing.

Amazon server no longer has WikiLeaks after protest

The “Cablegate” series happened with WikiLeaks. Then, the sit faced some DDOS, or distributed denial of service. As a result, the site moved to Amazon Web Services. WikiLeaks was then kicked off of the self service web hosting, reports the Guardian. This had been because American businesses were asked to boycott the site by Senator Joe Lieberman. The Twitter page that WikiLeaks has made it very clear that they felt Amazon needed to "get out of the business of selling books" if it isn't going to follow the first amendments when also saying "fine our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe" instead of people in the U.S.

In Europe, Julian Assange is a wanted man

Julian Assange is the head of WikiLeaks. The Swedish government put out a warrant for his arrest. Assange has been an on-again, off-again fugitive from Sweden for sexual assault charges, as outlined by the Christian Science Monitor. Assange will be arrested in any nation he is found in though because the Interpol, which is the international police organization, issued a "red notice". It is not a binding warrant, only a recommendation. Both the United States and Assange's home country, Australia, have criminal charges being charged to him. The mother of Assange has a different opinion on the thing. She said he is "fighting baddies, if you like" because he has principles to know how to fight what is right and wrong.

Anger stirs

All of the releases by WikiLeaks have made some within the international community respond very strongly. The diplomatic cables are one of these releases of course. Julian Assange and his fate are unknown at the moment. It does seem that WikiLeaks may have a hard time operating in the future though.

Articles cited

The Guardian


CS Monitor

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