Friday, January 15, 2010

'Pants on the Ground' by Jimmy Fallon | I'm lovin' it

‘Pants on the Ground’ the original

"Pants on the Ground" Jimmy Fallon

Well done, Jimmy. Image from Wikimedia Commons.

So, you probably have heard of and seen the video of General Larry Platt on “American Idol.” Platt’s song is hilarious and amazing, but probably my favorite part is that Simon Cowell keeps trying to get him to stop, and he finishes his performance anyway. When he’s done, Simon says “I have a horrible feeling that song could be a hit.” I have a feeling Larry Platt could take out some low interest loans and turn it into a fortune if he gets this song professionally produced.

As usual, Simon was right. So far there are a few different cover versions of it circulating, and a friend of mine of Facebook this morning said he heard “Pants on the Ground” on satellite radio. On his show last night, Jimmy Fallon sang “Pants on the Ground” as Neil Young, and it is amazing. Jimmy Fallon, after years of knowing about his existence, has officially gotten my attention.

‘Pants on the Ground’ by Jimmy Fallon

Beatcrave was spot on when it called Jimmy Fallon’s version of “Pants on the Ground” “hilarious, creepy, and entertaining.” The juxtaposition of the hilarious lyrics and the melancholy, serious Neil Young style is really something to marvel at. Furthermore, Jimmy Fallon’s “Pants on the Ground” is actually a good song. I listened to it about three times in a row. Watch the video: … click here to read the rest of the article titled “'Pants on the Ground' by Jimmy Fallon | I'm lovin' it

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