Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Installment Payday Loans : Fast Cash When You Need It Most

Installment Payday Loans : Fast Cash When You Need It Most

Photo from Picasa

Photo from Picasa

Financing everyday life, even with a steady job, can be difficult at times. Paying rent and bills on time while keeping food on the table and paying for bus fare can be overwhelming when payday is a few days or weeks away. When something unexpected happens, or you need an extra financial boost, an installment payday loan can provide the help you need with the flexible payment terms you need.

A helping hand

There are many situations in which having access to extra funds quickly can save your bacon. Should your car get towed, your heating bill comes in as much more expensive than expected, or you do not have the money for a much-needed doctor’s visit, an installment payday loan could be the answer.

Unlike a traditional payday loan

An installment payday loan is a personal loan that you can apply for online and that often requires no credit check. When you apply, your personal information is protected by strong encryption and electronically verified. In as little as two hours, the money will be deposited into your bank account. The difference is that unlike a payday loan, payday installment loans can be paid back in small increments. This means you can work the payments into your short-term budget without any big surprises or large one-time payments. … click here to read the rest of the article titled “Installment Payday Loans : Fast Cash When You Need It Most

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