Friday, October 2, 2009

Say you're one of them

Say you’re one of them – admit it! Okay, just kidding – besides, who would “they” be anyway? Say You’re One of Them is the first book by Uwen Akpan, who is a Jesuit Priest in Nigeria, who had studied creative writing at the University of Michigan. The reason why it’s getting headlines is that the book was leaked early as being chosen for Oprah’s Book Club, which is more or less the best way to sell a lot of books these days.

Surprisingly, some of the entries on Oprah’s book lists are actually good – even if there was that whole A Million Little Pieces incident. Still, since it’s been picked by Oprah, it’s going to mean a lot of fast cash is going to be made by the author and publisher of Say You’re One of Them.

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