Monday, October 5, 2009

Ghandi October 2nd

Anyone who doesn’t like non-violent peaceful protests for peace and equality won’t like this observance, but I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do – people are looking for connections between Ghandi October 2nd all over the net.

The reason why is that October 2nd was Gandhi’s birthday. (There’s also contention over where to put the “h” in his name.) Mahatma Gandhi, as he became known, was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi October 2nd, 1869, and the rest was history.

It’s a national holiday in India (why wouldn’t it be?) and internationally as Non Violence Day. (This year it’s on Friday, normally cause for celebration anyway – we got through another week without going insane, and therefore its party time!) So whether you plan on a moment of silence for Gandhi October 2nd, or payday loans for a weekend excursion, it’s a holiday.

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