Friday, October 23, 2009

Gabriela Pochinki

Gabriela Pochinki is an opera star. She has an amazing voice. She also has a temper. People with tempers scare me. She was born in Argentina and truly has an amazing voice. She got a degree in speech and pathology. That is a remarkable accomplishment. She is an accomplished woman. But has she accomplished controlling her temper?

I don't think so. At least, not according to the story of her exploding at people in the restaurant in New York. The gift of music and intelligence- of a beautiful voice- is a wonderful talent. I would argue, however that a more meaningful gift and talent is that of being able to control one's temper. Of consideration to those around you. In the long run, this talent is the one that will get you furthest in life. It's the one that will enable happy relationships and will bring more joy to other successes and talents in life. If this restaurant situation is a representative indicator of her typical behavior, then I feel bad for Gabriela. She is missing out on a lot of joy in letting anger get control of her.

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