Thursday, May 6, 2010

Court Order Sends Jon And Kate Gosselin To Parenting Class

According to reputable source TMZ, Jon and Kate Gosselin will attend parenting class. This is per a court order issued by the Berks County, Philadelphia, judge presiding over their ongoing custody dispute. Jon and Kate must buckle down, turn their backs on their beloved paparazzi and enroll in/complete “Children in the Middle” class before June 8. This is a seven-hour class that Jon and Kate have to attend in person rather than choosing the online option, but the judge is allowing them to attend separately. This is rather different than payday loans, in that Jon and Kate may take a lot more than a single day to finish their parenting class.

Hopefully, Jon and Kate’s parenting class won’t be a spectacle

When it may not meet the agendas of Jon and Kate, the parenting class ” Children in the Middle ” is not a photo opportunity. The parenting class site states that the program directs parents to consider “how families can meet the needs of kids growing up between two homes.” There are two three-and-one-half-hour parts, divided in focus between the adults and the kids.

The adult segment of the Jon and Kate parenting class is divided into the following parts:

  • Reading your feelings
  • Understanding the mindset of playing the victim
  • Understanding and preventing domestic violence
  • Getting along with the other household
  • The third and fourth wheel: What role extended family and new flames can play in the dual household model
  • How to co-parent better
  • Dealing with your own grief
  • Conflict resolution
  • Where to look when the two of you can’t work it out

Kids are the focus

Jon and Kate are likely to have to grind this out; it’s entirely more difficult than Kate dancing on TV or Jon finding younger women to date. Keep your nose to the grindstone, Jon and Kate, there’s still the child-focused part of the “Children within the Middle” program. Baby steps through these chapters:

  • Understanding how kids develop
  • Making two homes work for youngsters
  • Time to parent
  • Supporting your kids
  • Connecting with your kids
  • Helping a young one grieve
  • What kids shouldn’t be part of
  • The co-parenting words we use
  • Kid perks of co-parenting
  • Parental behaviors that can cause child resentment

What part of co-operative do not you understand, Jon and Kate?

A well-considered parenting plan is what your sons or daughters need now. They deserve two parents who are mature, caring and present in their lives. Children shouldn’t be raised by hired help, so get your head out of Hollywood and into the family ‘hood. Jon and Kate: parenting class won’t be so bad. Many no fax payday loans no credit check-using parents have been there. Mind you, most do not have the cash you do, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still issues you have to work out as you repair your family life. Just do not use them on each other.



Children in the Middle

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