Monday, August 2, 2010

$ 1 billion for cash until payday granted to Kyrgyzstan

Open violence in the Central Asian nation Kyrgyzstan has cost hundreds of lives, created at least 400,000 refugees and all but destroyed the national spending budget. President Kurmanbek Bakiyev and militias from Uzbekistan were overthrown because of the nation’s move towards parliamentary democracy, which is also what is causing all of this violence between troops and civilians. As the fighting subsides, the focus in Kyrgyzstan moves toward an economically daunting recovery. There is no more money accessible as reported by Reuters. Resource for this article – Donors grant Kyrgyzstan more than $ 1 billion in emergency aid by Personal Money Store.

International donors will give Kyrgyzstan $ 1.1 billion cash until payday to Kyrgyzstan from donors

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan’s capital city, was where a conference was help in which $ 600 million in instant money was donated in 2010, and also the rest can be coming in 2011. President Roza Otunbayeva promised to rebuild with the money donated form the World Bank and United Nations. This is a perfect time considering the nation shrunk 5 percent with the violence. Kyrgyzstan was in need of extra cash, and also the donors have pledged to deliver.

More than $ 1 billion needed to work on buildings alone

Reuters reports that 13.5 percent of domestic product has been lost in Kyrgyzstan’s spending budget. Once Bakiyev was overthrown, the total deficit jumped from $ 269 million to $ 619 million, per acting Kyrgyzstan Finance Minister Chorobek Imashev. The economy needs $ 100 million to restart the economy with $ 350 million needed to build settlements in Osh and Jalalabad, explains President Orunbayeva. In addition, energy rebuilding costs are expected to total $ 180 million, and agriculture will require $ 50 million. $ 1.1 billion can be needed if we want to help stabilize a nation in chaos.

Further reading

Chaos in Kyrgyzstan (WARNING – Some violent images may be disturbing)

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