Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama's Birthday Generates Mixed Reactions

Obama’s birthday bowling a success

Image by Associated Press.

Image by Associated Press, from Obama's birthday five years ago.

On a personal level, Barack Obama’s birthday celebration sounds like a few I’ve had. Over the weekend he celebrated his birthday, which is today. He played basketball and went bowling at Camp David.

His bowling skill, apparently, has improved, or else he just got lucky this time. Everyone remembers his dismal bowling performance while he was on the campaign trail, but during his birthday bowling he got a 144, a very respectable score for any non-professional bowler.

Obama’s birthday too boring for media?

So, Obama’s a run-of-the-mill birthday activities weren’t exactly headline material. But do you think that has kept Obama’s birthday free of controversy? Of course not. Plenty of people out there are using Obama’s birthday to hype up causes or generate business. I don’t think any payday lender is running an “Obama’s birthday deal,” but if any are, we’ll find them.

Probably you saw this one coming: The people known as “birthers,” who are trying to get Obama to release his long-form birth certificate are using Obama’s birthday as an opportunity to push their cause.

Birthers offer birthday bribe

WorldNetDaily Editor Joseph Farah in the past has offered $10,000 to anyone who could prove he or she was present on Obama’s birthday — the one that was 48 years ago. Now Farah is offering to make a $10,000 donation to the hospital in Hawaii where Obama says he was born if the president will release his long-form birth certificate. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Obama's Birthday Generates Mixed Reactions"

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