Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Erector Spykee the Spy Robot | WiFi Spying, Worldwide

Robots, lasers and my childhood paradise

From the time I was quite small, I was fascinated by robots. Particularly robots equipped with laser beams. Nothing out of the ordinary about that, eh? My dream was that my family would be able to afford a ruby tube so that I could construct a laser in my bedroom, at the very least so I could annihilate my G.I. Joe action figures. I tended to side with Cobra in such conflicts.

Little did I realize then that ruby tubes are prohibitively expensive for most people. If I’d known about the payday loan or cash advance then, I’d probably have begun campaigning for my parents to get the money that way. Needless to say, I didn’t fully understand the value of money back then.

But today, the robot part of my dream exists

According to the News Around the Globe blog, Erector has released the Erector Spykee the Spy Robot. This remote-controlled robot was just what I wanted when I was eight years old: tank treads, arms that can grab and a built in camera for covert surveillance. Check it out at their Web site.

I needed something like Erector Spykee the Spy Robot back then: I had to spy on my cat Rhoda when she was away doing those things that cats do. That was enough reason to have a robot of my own. Oh, I suppose it would have been good for spying on neighbors, too.

And it works over WiFi!

That’s right, Erector Spykee the Spy Robot can be controlled over a WiFi network, and it can transmit what its camera picks up to any computer with an Internet connection, WiFi or otherwise. The number of features this little spy robot boasts is not to be believed! … click here to read the rest of the article titled “Erector Spykee the Spy Robot | WiFi Spying, Worldwide

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