Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jared Kushner to Marry Into Money ... Er, More Money

The rich get richer

Jared Kushner, 28, Image from Gawker

Jared Kushner, 28, Image from Gawker

Did you ever think about the fact that if rich people married poor people it would all even out? Of course, that’s not the way the world works, and Jared Kushner’s engagement to Ivanka Trump is a prime example of that.

Ivanka Trump, daughter and executive for billionaire Donald Trump, is engaged to Jared Kushner as of last night, according to her Twitter account.

Millions and billions

While Jared Kushner doesn’t have the billions that his future-father-in-law is worth, he doesn’t do badly. He also works in real estate, and he owns the New York Observer newspaper.

My usual two-minute-google-search-results attention span wasn’t enough to find out how much this Jared Kushner is actually worth, but it am confident in reporting that he comes from money and he has it. Not buy-an-island-on-a-whim money, but definitely “Someone parked a diamond Volkswagen on Ivanka’s finger” money.

I wonder if he’d give me $500 in fast cash? People probably ask him that every day. Or at least they will, now that everyone knows who he is, thanks to the engagement.

Familial reaction

Word on the street is that The Donald is stoked about the engagement. Twirlit points out that at one point Jared Kushner’s family was not sure whether they approved of Ivanka. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Jared Kushner to Marry Into Money ... Er, More Money"

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