Friday, July 31, 2009

Funny People Review | Critics Have Mixed Feelings

Funny People reviews give mixed results

Could it be that Judd Apatow is all grown up?

Could it be that Judd Apatow is all grown up?

Well, the “Funny People” reviews are in, and they are pretty mixed. I had very high hopes for this film because it looks hilarious and strange and a little dark on the Funny People trailer, which is posted after the last “Funny People” review on this page.

The director of “Funny People” as you very well may know is Judd Apatow, famous for “Knocked Up” and “The 40-Year-Old Virgin.” “Funny People” also stars Seth Rogen, along with Adam Sandler and Leslie Mann. Despite the mixed “Funny People” reviews, I am sure the film will make back the $70 million cash advance that was spent on making it.

Here are some “Funny People” reviews from

Kyle Smith, New York Post:

“Funny People” turns out to be one of the most absorbing films of the year. … Apatow, the writer-director of “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up,” starts with a camcorder snippet he took nearly 20 years ago of his then-roommate, Adam Sandler, making prank calls in a prison-bare apartment. A third roommate, another comic, isn’t famous. That’s part of what “Funny People” is about. Apatow and Sandler’s experience gives the movie its foundation. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Funny People Review | Critics Have Mixed Feelings"

Peanut butter is gross

It gets eaten and then sticks to the top of your mouth all day afterwards. I can't stand having to have peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Occasionally that is the only thing left around the house so I have to use it to make my lunch. It's not too bad sometimes. I can't stand having to eat it though. I especially hate it when I have to eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich. It isn't very tasty. Bananas don't have any juice in them. That means that when it mixes with the peanut butter it just sticks to the top of your mouth as well. It is pretty much disgusting.

My daughter wants to go on this crazy trip out of the country

She wants it to be just her and one of her friends. Of course after seeing the movie Taken I would never actually let her do that. She is mad at me because I won't allow her to leave the country. She is mad that I don't trust her. Teenage girls can be so dramatic sometimes. I don't know why she isn't scared to leave the country after seeing that movie. She wants to just go be free and doesn't understand why I don't trust her to have that responsibility. Teenage girls can be such a pain to deal with. Maybe one day she will be less obnoxious.

I love watching the news

Today on the news there were a whole bunch of people that died in some kind of car crash. It is interesting how people hate seeing that kind of thing yet they love it at the same time. People thrive off of reading these horrible stories yet they get so down when they do it. It doesn't really make all that much sense but that is life I guess. People are really weird and do things that nobody understands in their everyday lives. Maybe it is just a need to have something to talk about and gossip about. That might take part in people's needs to watch the news that's sad.


Airlines know that their safety demonstration that they give before flights are boring, so some of them are spicing things up in the video demonstrations, which ahs led to talk of a woman called Deltalina. Deltalina is the attractive female star of a Delta Airlines safety video, who bears a resemblance to Angelina Jolie, but the video isn’t that racy – it’s boring. Other airlines have tried to get people’s attention – Air New Zealand released a safety video where the attendants wear body paint that looks like a uniform – and that’s IT. Some people would give a cash advance to see that, and more airlines are promising attention getting safety videos, and maybe a further installment from Deltalina.

Cash For Clunkers Suspended?

The money may have run out - ALREADY!

No more CARS? (Photo:

America needs strong, decisive action from its government that will restore consumer faith in the economy. One of the vehicles President Obama had planned to use to help those of us who are hamstrung by the high cost of gasoline was the Cash For Clunkers program, also known as CARS (Car Allowance Rebate System). With it, people would be able to trade in their older gas guzzlers for new, more fuel-efficient vehicles. It would save consumers money and help the environment.

But after about a week, it appears that Cash For Clunkers will be suspended. This is not inspiring news, Mr. Obama. May I please be allowed to have my cash advances and payday loans now? I’ll need that money to make a down payment on a car Cash For Clunkers was supposed to help me afford!

Cash for Clunkers suspended?

Elisabeth Leamy and Mike Callahan report for ABC News that Congress is currently scurrying about like nervous field mice, looking for a way to funnel more money into Cash For Clunkers, which has proven to be more popular than the government had anticipated. The $1 billion set aside for CARS may not be enough.

Really? You didn’t think people would like the program? You didn’t think that people who truly afford these new high mpg vehicles would still overextend themselves with fat monthly payments? It’s what Americans do. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Cash For Clunkers Suspended?"

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Origami frogs are fun to play with and are very easy to make

You'll need an index card. First, you hold the card so that the long side is going up and down. Fold the top right corner down so it matches up with the left side and makes a point at the top. Then unfold it. Do the same thing to the other corner and unfold again.

Next, pinch the creases at the top two corners and put them all the way together. Then push the two triangles down. Separate the two triangles and push them outward so that they are down flat on the card.

Fold the bottom corners of the triangles you have just made so that they touch the top point. Now fold the right obtuse angle toward the center of the card, so that the edge of the card is at the center line of the card. Do the same with the left obtuse angle.

Now fold the bottom of the card up to the center, where the small triangles meet the obtuse angles. Now fold the edge of the card that used to be at the bottom back down so that it reaches the crease you just made. Now you have your frog.

My grandma’s father never owned a car

They had to walk everywhere they went, like to work, school, and the grocery store. Back then everything cost different than it does now. Ice cream cones and candy bars used to cost only a nickel, a loaf of bread cost ten cents, and to go see a movie it cost a dime, or a quarter if it was at nighttime. When my grandma was young, people had to pretty much make their own fun. They would ride their bikes, roller skate, swim, and go to movies. Sometimes they would see famous movie stars walking on the streets. This was because many movies were made in Cedar City.

Franceskels can get around by walking or hopping

They have to walk to find their food. They also have to run away from danger and to find shelter. Franceskels communicate by making a very strange noise that sounds like a lawn mower. The louder the sound is, the more important the Franceskel. The Franceskels think they are very superior creatures, but they are kind and polite to other creatures. They always say thank you in their own language. They have emotions very similar to humans. They can be gloomy, cheerful, angry, or any other feeling that they wish to be.

"Watership Down"

The point of view used in the book “Watership Down” is third person omniscient. Throughout the story, the thoughts of many of the characters are revealed including Hazel's, Captain Woundwort's, and Bigwig's. On page 54 it says, "Hazel wondered whether to send one of the rabbits to find out." This tells us what Hazel is thinking when he notices a fragrance in the air that is completely now to him.

On page 322 it says, "Woundwort considered again. It was likely enough that this rabbit had been in an Owsla." This quote tells Woundwort's thoughts about Bigwig when the new rabbit first comes to Efrafa and wants to join the warren.

On page 334, Bigwig is thinking about how he is to escape. The test says, "Then the thought came to him, 'What about Blackavar?'". Third person omniscient is the point of view being used because we know the thoughts of many several of the characters.

The main conflict in the book is an external conflict. Throughout the story, the rabbits are constantly struggling for their survival. When Hazel and his rabbits left their warren and arrived at Cowslip's warren, they all thought that it would be safe there, and that their journey had ended. All except Fiver, that is. As it turned out, they were actually putting their lives in danger by staying there because all around them the humans had placed snares to catch the rabbits. So they left and then they came to Watership Down.

This was the real place for them; they would be safe here, or at least for a time. Another conflict soon arose: they hadn't thought to bring any does with them. This was resolved though when they managed to steal a dozen or so willing does from Efrafa. This unfortunately provided them with a whole new problem.

General Woundwort and his Efrafans attacked their warren to try and get their does back. Hazel and his rabbits won through strategy against incredible odds, thus defeating the powerful and evil Woundwort. They all lived quite happily after that, no longer having to constantly worry about their survival.

My favorite parts of the book are when Bigwig is in Efrafa and when he makes his escape. It's an intense and suspenseful part of the story. The reader doesn't get to know the whole plan of action all at once, but it's slowly revealed when Bigwig goes to Efrafa. When he does make his escape, it's full of excitement and the reader had a feeling that they must succeed because Fiver said it would be so.

This part in the story is when it all comes together. Also, Hazel, the main character, changes throughout the course of the book. At the beginning he's just an ordinary rabbit living in an ordinary warren. When he and a small group of rabbits leave the warren to find a safe place to live, Hazel gains leadership. The other rabbits come to trust and respect him and to look to him for direction.

At the end of the story, Hazel becomes the Chief Rabbit of the new warren. At the end of the book, General Woundwort and his rabbits are defeated. The does that were stolen get to stay at the new warren. The ending is very satisfactory, and that's because the rabbits that the reader comes to know and love finally accomplish what they set out to do.

It's satisfying because the reader knows that, once again, good has triumphed over evil. The setting of the story is in the countryside. There are lots of open spaces, farms, rivers, and woods. This makes it so most of the characters are animals. There are only a few humans in the story, and even then they don't play a particularly big role at all. A large majority of the characters are rabbits. Since the setting is out in the open, far from cities and towns, the rabbits are in their natural habitat and they can live their lives as real rabbits, and not something that some human has created.

The climax of the story is when Hazel and the other rabbits are defending their warren from the Efrafans. The whole outcome of the story depends on who wins this final battle. Hazel's band of rabbits put up a good fight, and it pays off. They are able to defeat Woundwort and the Efrafans, with the help of a dog of course.

It never says for sure whether the General was killed or not, but he didn't bother any of the other rabbits again. On a scale of one to five stars, I would give this book five stars. It's such a great book, full of adventure and suspense. Richard Adams pulls us into his wonderful world of rabbits in this tale about finding a safe place to live and to call "home". A group of quick-witted rabbits face overwhelming odds and even death as they fight for their freedom and what they know to be right and good in the world.

The History of the Stock Market

In recessions and booms alike, stock markets are always at the forefront. Newspapers and financial publications are awash in headlines about the Dow Jones, S&P 500, NASDAQ, rising stock indexes, falling stock indexes, buying, selling, and so forth. And it is tempting to think of a stock market as an impersonal mechanism in the sky, imposing its mandates on us at will. But this is not usually accurate. In reading the history of stock markets, one discovers that, in the words of economist Thomas Sowell: “markets are as personal as the people in them.” In wartime and in peace, during boom or bust, stock markets and their performance have reflected the dominant concerns, fears, and hopes of the investing public. We will investigate this history, from the very first stock markets ’til today.

The Early Days of Exchange

Stock markets did not begin as the super-sophisticated, simultaneous, worldwide trading exchanges of today. It was not until 1531 when the first institution roughly approximating a stock market emerged, in Antwerp, Belgium. However, as Investopedia notes, this was “the first stock market, sans stock.” Rather than buying and selling shares of companies (which did not yet exist), brokers and lenders congregated there to “deal in business, government and even individual debt issues.”

This changed in the 1600’s, when Britain, France, and the Netherlands all chartered voyages to the East Indies. Realizing that few explorers could afford conducting an overseas trade voyage, limited liability companies were formed to raise money from investors, who received a share of profits commensurate with their investment.

(Wikimedia Commons)

This form of business organization was also necessitated by risk management. As India’s Imperial Gazetteer reports, the earliest British voyages to the Indian Ocean were unsuccessful, resulting in lost ships and the financier’s personal fortunes being seized by creditors. This led a group of London merchants to form a corporation in September of 1599 which would limit each member’s liability to the amount they personally invested. If the voyage failed, nothing more than this amount could be lawfully seized. The Queen granted the merchants a fifteen year charter in 1600, dubbing their corporation the “Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading with the East Indies” (or simply, “The East India Company.”) The limited liability formula proved successful, leading King James I to grant charters to more trading! companies by 1609 and triggering business growth in other ocean-bordering European countries.

The Dutch East India company was actually the first to allow outside investors to purchase shares entitling them to a fixed percentage of the company’s profits. They were also the first company to issue stocks and bonds to the general public, doing so via the Amsterdam Stock Exchange in 1602 according to Britannica.

Read more about The History of the Stock Market…

Taking Notes

During History class, I've learned that if I take notes on the material while the teacher is talking, I have an easier time remembering what was taught and it's easier to do my homework. This goes for every other class too. In cooking class, it's easier to follow the directions if you know what the directions are. In science class, when experiments are being done, you get better results when you follow the instructions and listen to the teacher to know what to do. In German class it's really important to pay attention. Learning a new language is challenging, and if you listen in class, you learn a lot more, plus it makes the homework much easier.

House Sales Improved in June, But is the Housing Crisis Over?

“Now is a great time to buy.” That has been the advertising mantra of the National Association of Realtors regardless of the state of the housing market. The NAR certainly has a purpose; its mission and vision is clearly displayed on the organization’s website: “The core purpose of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® is to help its members become more profitable and successful.”

The NAR looks out for its due-paying members. Notice that the mission of this non-profit organization is not to help consumers either find bargains when buying a house or to help sellers find the highest bidders. Real estate brokers, particularly those who qualify as Realtors (which according to the organization, should be represented in all uppercase letters, include the registered trademark symbol, and be pronounced in the unnatural American English combination of phonemes “REAL-TORE”) stand to be more “profitable and successful” by increasing the number of transactions they broker.

From what I understand about commissions, a 6% commission is often split between the buying agent and the selling agent, and if the agent is part of a realty company, the 3% is split with the company. A real estate agent holding out for a buyer’s asking price of $250,000 rather than $220,000, a difference of $30,000, stands to increase his income approximately $450. That seems hardly worthwhile if it takes several months before the asking price is met. The $450 is hardly an incentive for the broker; he could do better by closing the deal and moving on. On the other hand, the $28,200 (the $30,000 in price difference minus the 6% paid to the agents) is a significant difference for the seller. This just illustrates that real estate agents have little incentive to work hard for either the seller or the buyer except to create a good relationship in order to foster referrals.

That’s not the point. The point is that the National Association of Realtors’s only goal is to encourage more real estate transactions, and this is why they have been saying that, “Now is a great time to buy,” no matter what’s going on in the world around them. This is also why any data provided to the public by the NAR should be regarded as marketing rather than a true gauge of the economy.

For a well-accepted measure, media generally turn toward the Case-Shiller Price Index (CSPI), measured by Standard & Poors (a company with its own conflicts of interest as well). The CSPI shows that home prices increased for the first time in May. Other positive data include June numbers: new housing starts and existing home sales were both up 3.6% and sales of new homes were up 11%.

Is this a sign that the housing crisis is over? It must mean that there is increased confidence in the ability to find the right price as well as increased availability of loans.

There are some problems, though. Unemployment continues to rise, so consumers may find themselves in financial trouble. That could result in fewer purchases and more mortgage defaults. The increase in purchases may be due to speculators trying to snag deals rather than families moving from apartments to houses. Even if we are at a bottom, the numbers could mean that real estate is leveling without significant increase for some time.

What do you think? Are we headed for a recovery or are there still dark clouds ahead?

Looking for a Housing Recovery, Casey B. Mulligan, New York Times, July 29, 2009.

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House Sales Improved in June, But is the Housing Crisis Over?

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Elephants walk rather slowly most of the time

Or maybe it just seems like they’re moving slowly because they’re so big. Since their legs are much longer than a human’s, they have more range in the distance they can move with one step. Suppose they make the same angle with their leg as we do with ours. That would mean that with each step they take, they can travel much further than we can with one of our steps. This is because as you draw lines out from any angle, the further out you go, the further apart they get.

I like making collages out of old magazine clippings

I flip through the pages of all the useless magazines we receive in the mail and find words that look cool, describe something I like, or are just plain funny. Pictures are also good to cut out. Once I have everything that I need I start gluing them onto whatever it is I’m making the collage on. Sometimes I glue them on buckets, sometimes on clipboards, and sometimes just on paper. My favorite project I’ve made so far has been the clipboard. It’s a useful item and now it has its own personality.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It’s amazing how big this world is

You can see for miles when you're out in the middle of nowhere and there are no buildings in the way. The scenery just stretches on forever it seems. And yet, we know that that's only a small part of this big earth. And even more amazing is that there are other planets that are much, much larger than this earth., not to mention the sun is a few thousand times as big as the sun. Then, you start thinking how small you are compared to all that and it's crazy. And then you think of all the bugs and organisms that are so much smaller than you and wonder how they must feel about all this, or if they even think about such things.

Madonna's Biceps | Photoshopped, or Exercise Til U Die?

She is frightening - is she a golem?

(Photo: James Devaney/Wine Image)

Is she trying to turn herself into a living golem through Kabbalistic ritual? Or are these photos altered via Photoshop? Whatever the case, the photos of Madonna’s biceps that are currently circulating are frightening. If she needs shakes to build her arms a bit, payday loans and short term loans are available here.

But here’s the program she’s been following, courtesy of personal trainer Tracy Anderson. Ashley Pearson reports for the London Daily Mail that it is a grueling routine that only those dedicated to exercise should even attempt. Or perhaps a golem.

Please don’t slay me in my sleep, clay monster!

Pearson assumed it would be something like lots of yoga, cardio and muscle work. However, it’s “one hour of cardiovascular exercise and an hour of Pilates-style muscle toning.” The cardio is in the form of dance aerobics, which makes sense for an entertainer like Madonna. It wasn’t so arm-intensive, however. As is common with Pilates, only small arm weights are used.

So where do the freakish arms come from?

Well, apparently Madonna spends 30 minutes working on arms each day. It relies primarily upon isometric exercises, and Pearson describes it as “strenuous, and very painful - even after five minutes. And it does build muscle.” ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Madonna's Biceps | Photoshopped, or Exercise Til U Die?"

Madonna's biceps

A lot of people are out looking for pictures of Madonna’s biceps. The pictures that have surfaced of the Madonna biceps are not flattering. The veins are popping out like a body builder’s would, but it looks like she’s wasting away. (Ironically, she went all out to adopt a child from a poverty stricken area and now she looks like a resident of a poverty stricken area.) Starvation among celebrities is becoming somewhat trendy, as part of the health craze for the Hollywood set is to not eat – which kills a person. Someone get some quick cash together and make her eat something, and maybe future Madonna biceps pictures won’t look like a skeleton wrapped in wax paper.

15 Ways to Eat Out More and Spend Less


Photo: tannazie

Dining out is one of the great pleasures in life. Fine food, great drinks, a meal with friends and the next thing you know you’re loosening your belt. But with a troubled economy everyone is tightening their belts. You can still enjoy dining out, even on a budget. Do you know the best days and meals for making the most of your dollar? How to find a credit card that rewards you for restaurant dining? What site offers you rebate checks just for making reservations? Check out our smorgasbord of top tips for saving money when you do dine in restaurants.

  1. 1. Find discount deals. Sites like offer gift certificates for less than face value. Just make sure you’re getting a discount somewhere you want to eat, otherwise it’s like those uncomfortable shoes you bought on sale and never wear. No bargain.
  2. 2. Use an online booking agent like OpenTable. You’ll get a rebate or thank you check for doing something you do anyway, making reservations. You'll also find special promotions that will earn you rewards faster by dining at certain slower times.
  3. 3. Some credit cards give you a bonus or rebate on restaurant purchases, decide which ones make the most sense and then use them as much as you can. can help you with unbiased recommendations based on your personal spending.
  4. 4. Go out for lunch. Sometimes the prices on the lunch menu are a fraction of what you’ll pay at dinner for almost the same thing.
  5. 5. Watch what you drink! Restaurants make a larger margin on beverages than they do on food. Do you really need that bottled water or cocktail?
  6. 6. Eat less. Smaller appetite? Try choosing a salad, side dish or appetizer. Let your waiter know you are looking for something on the light side, you just don’t want to end up with something so small that you end up ordering a huge dessert.
  7. 7. Share dessert. Speaking of huge desserts, you may have noticed that dessert prices and sizes have steadily grown larger. Find a partner and be sure to ask for two spoons.
  8. 8. Share a large entree or take half of it home for tomorrow’s lunch. The best way to do this is to visually divide your plate in portions before you start eating. If you plan on taking it home, order something that reheats well such as soup, stew or a braised dish and skip delicate foods like salad or seafood.
  9. 9. Have a snack! You know what happens if you go grocery shopping when you’re hungry. Likewise if you go out to dinner ravenous you’re likely to order too much. If you skip lunch, you’ll also be tempted to order too much.
  10. 10. Eat out on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, the slowest days of the week for restaurants. You’ll be much more likely to find special deals and offers, not to mention a quieter more relaxing dining experience.
  11. 11. Look for early bird or prix fixe specials. Now more than ever restaurants are looking for your business and offering special promotions. Often a three course meals is just a few dollars more than the cost of one expensive entree.
  12. 12. Use a coupon. Local coupon books like the Entertainment book offers hundreds of 2-for-1 and 50% off coupons for all kinds of restaurants. If you like fine dining, find a friend who likes fast food and share the cost of the book. The online version of this book may be a great deal if you are planning to travel. There is no long-term commitment, you can choose any location you wish, and the print the coupons you want for only $4.95 a month.
  13. 13. BYOB. If you have a nice bottle of wine at home, look for restaurants that offer reasonable corkage fees. Just be sure you are not bringing a bottle that is on the restaurant wine list. Some restaurants offer free corkage if you buy one bottle. With a group, this is a great way to save.
  14. 14. Cut a coupon. Local coupon books like the Entertainment book offers hundreds of 2-for-1 and 50% off coupons for all kinds of restaurants. If you like fine dining, find a friend who likes fast food and split the book in half. Don't forget those coupons that come in the mail! Valpak offers coupons online as well. Be sure to do a quick search before heading off on vacation.
  15. 15. Eat at the bar. Dying to try that expensive new restaurant that just opened to rave reviews? See if they have a bar menu. You may be able to get a taste of what’s being served in the dining room for much less.

Read more about 15 Ways to Eat Out More and Spend Less…

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 For Free Credit Reports

The Fair Credit Reporting Act entitles everyone to access credit reports from each of the three credit agencies – Experian, Equifax and TransUnion every 12 months. While there are tons of places that offer free credit reports for a free trial of their service, the only federally authorized source to offer free reports with no hidden agenda is

Some people like to order all three credit reports at once, while others like to order one report from each agency every four months. The former allows you to compare all three to see if there are any discrepancies, while spacing out your orders allow you to keep on top of your reports in a more frequent manner. Personally, I find that it’s more beneficial to space out the orders, so I will order a report from Experian in January, another from Equifax in May and TransUnion in September. That way, I think about my credit reports more frequently and if there ever comes a time when there’s an error on one of the reports, I will go ahead and order all three to see if I need to dispute the mistake immediately.

How Checking My Free Credit Report Helped

There are countless reasons why you need to stay on top of your credit report, but here are three more real life examples of how it helped me by checking my credit reports.

  1. Last time I checked my credit report, I noticed that one of my credit cards was not being reported. It was as if the card didn’t exist at all. After calling the card company and telling them of the situation, they resolved it and the card is not being reported correctly.
  2. Another interesting fact I noticed was that while most other credit cards show on the credit report as type Revolving, one of them shows Flex Spending. Since not having enough account types may hurt my credit score, I was please to see that there were multiple ones even though the only form of debt accounts I have are credit cards.
  3. Some cards don’t report a spending limit at all. Even though my Citibank mastercard has the highest credit limit, it shows a credit limit of N/A. Armed with this information, I will only ask for a credit limit raise on my other cards in an attempt to improve my credit score.

Check Your Credit Report Now!

Although it’s free, many people don’t bother to check the credit reports since they don’t see it as necessary. However, the cost (only a few minutes of your time every few months) is so negligible that it’s a no-brainer to check because any potential mistakes can be catastrophic. Check your credit reports now, and keep checking to make sure your credit is sound.

budget travel bookThe Little Budget Travel Book is Back in Stock on Amazon and Other Major Online Book Stores! Learn How to Go on Vacations All the Time Like It’s Free. Click Here for More Information.

Related Articles at Personal Finance Blog by Money Ning:

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Bikini-Clad Morgan Haley Arrested For Carjacking, Assault

Hot time, summer in the city

Morgan Haley, aka Bikini Bandit (Photo:

It takes enterprise to make it in the world today. With such a tight economy, whatever you can bring to the table that sets you apart from the competition is necessary. People are more hesitant than ever to fork over their money freely, and as it is there are many who are looking to services like pay day loans and secured loans for assistance in making ends meet when calamity strikes.

Apparently, even people who have decided that obtaining material wealth via illegal means (which I definitely do not endorse) is a good course of action have taken to trying to stand apart from the maddening crowd. Morgan Haley attempted a carjacking with a natural weapon she must have figured would disarm drivers and help her keep her cool during the summer heat of Memphis, Tennessee. Her weapon was… a bikini.

But the driver was… a woman

It didn’t matter, however. Yolanda Jones reports for that Morgan Haley, 24, has been arrested and taken to jail. Her bond was set at $6,000. Her crime consisted of forcing a female driver from her car, then she used that car to drive to an RV dealership, where she attempted a robbery of the business. The charges include carjacking charges and “two counts of assault by physical fear,” according to Jones. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Bikini-Clad Morgan Haley Arrested For Carjacking, Assault"

Pete Rose to Be Pardoned by Baseball Soon?

Balls to the wall when Pete hit the field

They called him "Charlie Hustle" (Photo:

I am an insatiable baseball fanatic. Long after the final pitch of the World Series, months before pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training in Arizona and Florida for Cactus and Grapefruit League games, I am thinking about the game, reading about the game, playing the game when I can and running computer simulations that attempt to answer those questions about which team was the greatest and who would excel in any era of the history of the game. I even used to be a member of the San Diego chapter of SABR (the Society for American Baseball Research). Didn’t make any meetings, but I contributed to the cause by purchasing some publications.

During the season, I’m in a blessed nirvana. Unfortunately, I now live in a city that isn’t conveniently close to Major League Baseball action. It’s a six-hour drive away, which doesn’t always work when you have young children. But even if it were closer, it’s expensive to attend games. I could use a payday loan or cash advance to help me afford one trip, but I certainly couldn’t make a habit of doing that.

I like to think about the greatest ever to play

And I don’t delude myself into thinking that off-the-field activities that have no bearing on the outcomes of games should have any influence on which players are honored in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Yet that’s exactly what happened to Jim Rice. He didn’t make it into the Hall until his 15th year of eligibility, solely because he wasn’t a popular player with the sportswriters who vote on such things. On the field, his stats were more than sufficient to warrant Hall of Fame recognition. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Pete Rose to Be Pardoned by Baseball Soon?"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Your Gains, Losses In Minimum Wage Hike

The question of whether the new hourly minimum will help or hurt the economy triggered quite a debate on our Web site and our blog over the past week. So, NPR senior business editor Marilyn Geewax returns to discuss what you had to say with host Liane Hansen.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

See the Katie Holmes "So You Think You Can Dance" Video

I'm too sexy for my Xenu! (Photo:

She escapes so that she can DANCE!

For some time, we all wondered whether Katie Holmes was going to be let out of the house. Sure, the bright lights of the paparazzi would occasionally catch a glimpse of her, but it’s possible that Tom was simply allowing her out to keep the rumors quiet. Or to obtain quick cash from cheap loans, because the “Top Gun” spinoff where Cruise and Kelly McGillis start a family together is no longer viable. McGillis coming out of the closet and all…

At least that’s what comedians imagine

What is it that Scientologists do out in the Southern California desert near Hemet? That’s where Gold Base is, which is the informal name for their headquarters. As some scream at objects in their attempts to levitate them with the power of the mind, it seems that Katie was working on something else when Suri was napping and Tom was off doing the Cruisey things Tommy does (like discovering the TRUE history of psychiatry).

She was dancing!

Olivia Smith reports for the New York Daily News that Katie was ready to do the electric boogaloo. Wait, I take that back… I’m embellishing so my head doesn’t slump over onto my keyboard. Now, Katie HolmesSo You Think You Can DanceVideo is all over the place. The question is, can she? ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "See the Katie Holmes "So You Think You Can Dance" Video"

National Tequila Day

Today, July 24th, perhaps could be a day that will live in infamy – because it’s National Tequila Day. National Tequila Day is a day of commemoration for people who love the spirit distilled from the Blue Agave, a plant native to Mexico that produces large leaves and a large “heart”, the core of the plant which is harvested to make tequila. Once the agave is malted, it is distilled like any other spirit, and barrel aged to make tequila, a drink which is equally praised and blamed the world over. Those who choose to indulge, please do so responsibly (stay away from the worm!) and don’t do anything you’ll need payday loans to repair celebrating National Tequila Day.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yesterday I went to the store to buy some chicken

I didn't really need a whole lot of chicken. I found a bag that was on sale for really cheap so I grabbed it and went up to the register. When the bag didn't show up as on sale, I asked them to do a price check on it. They could not figure out what was going wrong. Not only was it not showing up as on sale but it was showing up as a lot more expensive than it would have been had it been at regular price. They were all really confused about what was going on. I ended up being there for much longer than I was even looking for the chicken. It was frustrating.

Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures | Trinity! (Pt. 3)

And Michael’s “on fire.” Gee, I wonder what that means…

The reporter, the woman and the Holy Hot Viral (Photo:

This concludes today’s article trinity on the Church of the Erin Andrews video peep pictures (aka viral topics I exploit for this blog). But I doubt you’ll find a take like mine on the matter, so you’ve come to the right place! CLICK HERE if you missed the second part; if you missed the BEGINNING, go there!


Recently, the old 1984 Pepsi commercial where Michael’s head went up in a blaze of Jerri Curl came back into the news. Michael’s death had everything to do with that, as people close to the situation were looking to lay blame and found the media circus to be a perfect soapbox. Plus they want money. Why don’t they use pay day loans and secured loans instead, I ask you!

But here’s where Belew takes it. He references the Pepsi incident as the time when pain killers became a regular part of Michael’s life and led him down a path of self-destruction. Perhaps it did. But here’s the point of comparison Belew makes: he compares Michael with Jeremiah:

Jeremiah the prophet speaks of having fire in his bones. Jeremiah 20:9 - “But if I say, “I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.” ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures | Trinity! (Pt. 3)"

You Want Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures? (Pt. 2)

Then you may be in the right place



CLICK HERE if you missed the beginning of this article. I’m talking about Bill Belew’s view of the whole Erin Andrews video peep pictures thing. He’s one Christian with something to say. Will you listen? Will you take out a payday loan or cash advance for a gold leaf Bible?


In his view, Christians don’t this to be a deal. In one sense, he’s correct. Viral videos are by their very definition overblown to ridiculous proportions. My problem with the video is not that Erin Andrews is naked (which I’m sure is lovely), but that the film was taken against her will in a hotel. That’s illegal. If I had Erin Andrews’ permission to view said video, I’d consider it. Because I’m a man, because I’m a sports fan, because I’m human. I would not go blind into that dark night of lust.

Then comes… the scripture

Belew believes there’s a scripture that applies to this situation. I’m going to share it with you, because I enjoy those almost as much as I like to hear about Thor’s conflict with Loki. When WILL that conniving conjurer learn that the Goldilocks with the thunderbolts will not be defeated (except at Ragnarok)?

Friends, turn in your Bibles to Matthew 5:28 and hear Jesus:

But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "You Want Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures? (Pt. 2)"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baja Fresh Gives Free Burrito with Drink Purchase

Baja Fresh free burritos today only

burritoYou can get a free burrito at Baja Fresh if you get there before 9 p.m. tonight. Of course, you do have to purchase a drink, but still, who could pass up that deal? Wait, wait! Don’t run out the door yet.

To get your free burrito, you must get Baja Fresh coupons. Keep reading for instructions.

Baja Fresh on Facebook

You can get your free burrito Baja Fresh coupons from the restaurant’s Facebook page.  If that link doesn’t work, go to the Baja Fresh Facebook page and find the posting on the Baja Fresh wall. The coupon is posted as a photo.

Of course, you must have a Facebook account in order to print the coupon and get a free burrito from Baja Fresh. But don’t worry, joining Facebook isn’t like filling out a personal loan application, it only takes a second.

Find a Baja Fresh, get a free burrito

To find the Baja Fresh nearest to you, use the store locator on the Baja Fresh official web site. Baja Fresh has about 300 locations in the U.S., and its headquarters are in Cypress, California.

For  health-conscious individuals and calorie-counters, there is a nutritional table on the company’s web site as well. ... click here to read the rest of the article titled "Baja Fresh Gives Free Burrito with Drink Purchase"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

See Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link, Contract Virus!

Personal Money Store Videos on Youtube

I have a bag full of search terms to throw at you.

Eat up! erin andrews, erin andrews peephole, erin andrews peephole video rapidshare, erin andrews video cache, erin andrews peephole megaupload, aaron andrews.

Why am I throwing these at you?

Because you need to eat them until they make you sick and you can no longer stand the sight of them. People simply have to learn that appreciating a beautiful-looking human being is one thing (and perfectly acceptable), but invading their privacy and surreptitiously videotaping them so you can leer at the footage later is not the mark of a civilized person.

For those of you who are still scrambling to find the Erin Andrews peephole video link, you deserve what you get (if the virus stories are true).

For more information on this article and others like it, please click on the following link:Personal Money Store: Erin Andrews Peephole

Recognize Your True Friends

Personal Money Store Videos on Youtube

Everyone has friends. Whether they are fake or real friends, that’s on you to decide. However, to determine who your true friends are, you must first understand how to be a true friend. In Proverbs 27:6 it says, Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. No one wants you to succeed more than a true friend. A true friend will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

A false friend will compliment you in your failures, not caring what the outcomes may be. Despite how you may feel about it, a true friend will lovingly correct you when your wrong. Not because they are trying to judge you, but because they want you to take note and learn from your mistakes in order to stay firm on the right path. “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. ” ~ Benjamin Disraeli

Meeting the parents

My sister was telling me yesterday about the first time my brother in law met my parents. He was asking for my sister's hand in marriage. When he was doing that my brother in law started with a joke. He asked if my dad knew what the difference between in-laws and outlaws are. The answer is that outlaws are wanted. I think it is pretty funny that he would make that joke right before he asks for my sister's hand in marriage. I just thought about how my dad said yes anyway. He must have really liked my brother in law to say yes after he made that joke.

Pulling Up Dandelions: The Roots of Making Money

I spent part of my weekend hanging out with a friend who was bemoaning the weedy state of her lawn. I offered to help do some gardening and ended up spending a while crawling around tugging up weeds, which was actually rather pleasant– probably because it was someone else’s yard and I could stop whenever I felt like it!

As I amused myself with this pastime, I found that it put me in a sort of meditative state, as mindless tasks often do. I kept thinking about how I had to yank out as much as possible of the dandelion roots to keep them from growing back. Suddenly, I had a flashback about why I had this fixation on the correct way of pulling out dandelions: it’s because I was once paid to do it! I forget how old I was, but I think it was a neighbor across the street who offered to pay me to pull out dandelions, but only if I did it correctly. If I presented him with the pulled out dandelions, he would pay me some small amount for each one, but only after counting the roots. It’s funny how that lesson has stayed with me ever since. Though I’d forgotten exactly why for approximately 30 years, I don’t think I’ve ever pulled a dandelion without feeling dissatisfied if I didn’t pull up the roots.

I did other odd jobs as a kid– raking, babysitting, stuffing envelopes and writing checks for a bookkeeper– but I can’t think of any specific lessons those jobs taught me that still come into play today (other than the most general things like “grab the baby and run if the house is on fire”).

Do you remember little jobs you did as a kid? Did the people who hired you turn it into a lesson and make sure you did it right, or just give you money for trying? Let’s hear some stories!

Read more about Pulling Up Dandelions: The Roots of Making Money…