Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wrapping Up the GRS Staff Writer Auditions

It’s been a long two weeks, but I think it’s been worthwhile. Thanks for your patience and feedback as the seven Staff Writer candidates shared their articles with you. I still think all seven are great, and wish I could bring all of them on board. It’s going to be difficult to decide whom to add as a Staff Writer.

Before I return to full-time at GRS tomorrow morning, I’d be grateful for one last batch of feedback on the candidates. Again, this isn’t an election, but I will consider your thoughts as I make my decision. What did you think of the authors and articles over the past two weeks?

As a reminder, here are the author bios (and links to their tryout pieces):

In theory, I’ll be back tomorrow morning with a brand-new post. In truth, I’m writing this on Friday morning before leaving for a weekend hiking trip. Depending on what time I return Sunday night, Monday’s post may appear at 10am instead of the usual 5am! I’m back from my hiking trip (very fun!) and tomorrow’s post is finished, so everything’s on schedule for the morning.

Related Articles at Get Rich Slowly:

Read more about Wrapping Up the GRS Staff Writer Auditions…

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