Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Over problems, Storro chooses to cry wolf

Some individuals really are that starved for attention. Numerous individuals choose to get this with simple actions. Shaving your head would be an example of this. Occasional people just seem pathetic in things, like going on a reality Television show. Sometimes, people hurt themselves and other people with the decisions they make to get notice. Bethany Storro was one of the harmful ones. She forever disfigured herself with what she did. The story she fed to the media about the acid face attack was a scam. Resource for this article – Bethany Storro pays price of crying wolf over deformity by Personal Money Store.

Alleged attack on Bethany Storro

Some time ago, a story went out over the news wires of a young woman, one Bethany Storro of Vancouver, Wash., who had been attacked and disfigured. She had acid thrown on her face. It was a complete stranger that did it. Nobody thought this was a scam. It was a young woman who was now disfigured because of acid. CNN reports that Bethany Storro was released from the hospital on September 5 after entering on August 30. She claimed that a young African-American woman had asked her if she wanted anything to drink and threw acid in her face.

Acid attack hoax admitted

It was the perfect tale. It also was a cliché being used. It also turned out to be false. According to Time, as she neared release, police began investigating some things that did not add up. The Bethany Storro acid burns were in a pattern that better fit being carefully applied, instead of thrown. Sky News reports that sulfuric or hydrochloric acid was likely used for this. There were a lot of questions asked about all of this. She just admitted it was all a hoax. She was just pulling off a stunt like the balloon boy or a meat dress.

Paying for mistakes

Scars will stay on Bethany Storro till she dies. However, she also is going to have to live with the lawful consequences of a likely conviction of filing a false police report. She got a lot of donations to pay for the hospital bills. She is going to need to pay those back also as paying all the bills by her.

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Sky News


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