Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fictional news of Othman becoming a United States space extraterrestrial ambassador

There were rumors of the United Nations appointing an extraterrestrial ambassador spread on the internet. Sunday was when all of these started flying. The United Nations Office for Space affairs, and also a Malaysian astrophysicist, Mazlan Othman, was expected to be the one to take the job. Othman said on record that it would only happen if it were in reaction to alien visitors already come. Rapidly growing discoveries of planets outside the solar system make the possibility of extraterrestrial contact less outrageous than in the recent past. Earth was given a warning about extraterrestrial life because of all the concerns. This warning came from Stephen Hawking. The British newspaper was the first to receive the news from Othman that there would be no alien ambassador to space.

The United Nations will be the ones speaking with the aliens?

The rumor flew all over the world as it “broke” within the Sunday Times that Othman would be the ambassador appointed by the U.N. to visit aliens. Othman was quoted by the Sunday Times talking about the search for transmission from aliens. Othman thinks the United Nations should be the ones making the reaction that earth needs to have ready. The Australian was just one of the newspapers that said Othman would be in Britain in the coming week for the Royal Society sponsored conference talking more about extraterrestrial contact.

The quest for alien existence

An extra-solar planet is also called an exoplanet. In 1992, this was first discovered to actually exist. At least a hundred more exoplanets were discovered on the Kepler Mission. This was a NASA outer space observatory that had been launched in 2009. Stephen Hawking warned Earth although there is probably not any intelligent alien life. Hawking doesn’t think that mankind should be working so hard to discover alien existence, as outlined by the Sunday Times. He thinks we have to be getting our own messages out and get Earth noticed. Aliens would most likely be looking for planets to exploit for their resources. He knows that this is something all of us can imagine. Just looking in the mirror can show us the consequences. “We only have to check out ourselves to view how intelligent existence might develop into something we would not want to meet.”

Is Earth playing sponsor to aliens?

The story about the U.N. alien ambassador did not just come out of the blue. Othman started the rumor. Rather than jump on the bandwagon, the Guardian decided to actually check the facts. The Royal Society got a call from the British newspaper that asked about the speech on alien contact made by Othman. It was news to them. Nobody knew about it. A switchboard in Vienna is where the U.N. referred inquiries about the Office for Outer Space Affairs. A Guardian e-mail is what got Othman’s response where she said there was no U.N. alien ambassador story. She wrote “It sounds really cool, but I have to deny it.” There is a real problem that needs to be solved in her speech at the Royal Society. Earth may be colliding with some objects in its rotation soon which will be discussed.

Discover more info on this subject

The Australian

Sunday Times

The Guardian

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