Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is a AirTran/Southwest combination good or bad for consumers?

Two of the largest United States of America discount airlines were merged together when AirTran was bought by Southwest for $1.42 billion. Southwest’s acquisition of AirTran enables the airline to expand to key eastern hubs and sets it up to compete with major international carriers. Travel experts were confused when it happened. The discount market for flight has just gotten smaller with the Southwest/AirTran merger. Numerous are wondering if ticket prices will go up as a result of this. Other airlines will only be able to compete by merging themselves. AirTran customers should be quite happy to know that Southwest plans on keeping its policy of having no baggage fees.

East now experiencing much more of Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines spend $1.42 billion purchasing out AirTran. Nobody was all that amazed by this. There was a different merge in 2008. Delta and Northwest were merged. October 1 is when Continental and United Air carriers will combine. This means they can be the largest airline in the world. USA Today reports that the deal gives Southwest a major presence in primary travel hubs for instance New York’s La Guardia and Washington, D.C.’s Reagan National. Access was given to Southwest in Atlanta which is a world’s busiest passenger airport. This is where Southwest and Delta will start to battle.

Southwest does better with AirTran investment

Within the United States of America, there is not any airline that beats out Dallas-based Southwest Airlines for carrying more passengers. Within the United States, AirTran has been rated as the eighth largest carrier of passengers. The Associated Press reports that depending on Southwest’s closing share price on Friday, Southwest’s acquisition is worth $7.69 per AirTran share–a 69 percent premium over AirTran’s closing price of $4.55. $670 million can be paid with available money by Southwest. $2 billion in AirTran debt is going straight to Southwest. Assuming regulatory and shareholder approval, the deal is expected to close within the first half of 2011. All AirTran planes can have been changed to Southwest by 2012.

Will customers do better or worse with combining air carriers

The end of low air fares may be just around the corner with the Southwest/AirTran merger. The Consumerist reports that passengers benefit when there are more carriers competing for their business. There is not as much pressure to keep flights at low prices if there is not competition within the discount realm. George Hobica of Airfarewatchdog told The Consumerist the Southwest AirTran merger will also lead to more airline consolidation, further reducing competition and consumer choice. Southwest can have to choose whether to just raise its prices or continue to profit off of low fares, states Hobica. Also, Southwest might just make it harder for other corporations to get business leading them to lower their prices overall.

More on this topic

USA Today

Associated Press

The Consumerist

Cash advance business record reveals surprising statistics

Cash advances are an issue batted around by many politicians. The number of payday loans taken out within the last four years within the UK has increased by over 400 percent. In states as diverse as Montana, Arizona, and Ohio, new legislation that limits payday lending has been passed. Cash advance interest would be capped at 36 percent or higher interest, if S. 3245 passes the US Senate.

Trying to understand payday lending statistics

It can be very difficult to comprehend the payday financing market as the data available can be inaccurate and conflicting. A recent report by Personal Money Store that compiles more than two dozen studies on the market reveals that many commonly held beliefs aren’t supported by the numbers. Most customers of short-term lending goods have worked at the same job for four years or more. Over 90 percent of customers who take out payday cash advances say they understand the charges they are paying. At the same time, only about one-fifth of credit card customers understand their charges, according to a record by

The figures driving short term credit

There is a belief that all cash advance applications are approved — but studies have shown that up to 20 percent of applications are rejected. Still, one of each and every five pay day loans is written off as a default. The profit margin for most payday lenders is between 8 percent and 10 percent, compared to the 12 percent profit of J.P. Morgan and 27 percent profit Goldman Sachs reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission in April.

Educating the political discussion

It could be difficult to discover a debate about payday lending that has been informed by statistics. Because payday financing has become a political issue across the country and around the world, it is very significant to have complete, accurate, and reliable statistics about the industry.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fictional news of Othman becoming a United States space extraterrestrial ambassador

There were rumors of the United Nations appointing an extraterrestrial ambassador spread on the internet. Sunday was when all of these started flying. The United Nations Office for Space affairs, and also a Malaysian astrophysicist, Mazlan Othman, was expected to be the one to take the job. Othman said on record that it would only happen if it were in reaction to alien visitors already come. Rapidly growing discoveries of planets outside the solar system make the possibility of extraterrestrial contact less outrageous than in the recent past. Earth was given a warning about extraterrestrial life because of all the concerns. This warning came from Stephen Hawking. The British newspaper was the first to receive the news from Othman that there would be no alien ambassador to space.

The United Nations will be the ones speaking with the aliens?

The rumor flew all over the world as it “broke” within the Sunday Times that Othman would be the ambassador appointed by the U.N. to visit aliens. Othman was quoted by the Sunday Times talking about the search for transmission from aliens. Othman thinks the United Nations should be the ones making the reaction that earth needs to have ready. The Australian was just one of the newspapers that said Othman would be in Britain in the coming week for the Royal Society sponsored conference talking more about extraterrestrial contact.

The quest for alien existence

An extra-solar planet is also called an exoplanet. In 1992, this was first discovered to actually exist. At least a hundred more exoplanets were discovered on the Kepler Mission. This was a NASA outer space observatory that had been launched in 2009. Stephen Hawking warned Earth although there is probably not any intelligent alien life. Hawking doesn’t think that mankind should be working so hard to discover alien existence, as outlined by the Sunday Times. He thinks we have to be getting our own messages out and get Earth noticed. Aliens would most likely be looking for planets to exploit for their resources. He knows that this is something all of us can imagine. Just looking in the mirror can show us the consequences. “We only have to check out ourselves to view how intelligent existence might develop into something we would not want to meet.”

Is Earth playing sponsor to aliens?

The story about the U.N. alien ambassador did not just come out of the blue. Othman started the rumor. Rather than jump on the bandwagon, the Guardian decided to actually check the facts. The Royal Society got a call from the British newspaper that asked about the speech on alien contact made by Othman. It was news to them. Nobody knew about it. A switchboard in Vienna is where the U.N. referred inquiries about the Office for Outer Space Affairs. A Guardian e-mail is what got Othman’s response where she said there was no U.N. alien ambassador story. She wrote “It sounds really cool, but I have to deny it.” There is a real problem that needs to be solved in her speech at the Royal Society. Earth may be colliding with some objects in its rotation soon which will be discussed.

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The Australian

Sunday Times

The Guardian

Explosive device still in the Coral Gables Bank

In Coral Gables, near to Miami, Florida, a Bank of America was taken hostage. The scenario is already winding down.. The Miami financial institution hostage scenario might have actually begun on Thurs night. There was a home attack and kidnapping that may be connected. Law enforcement confirmed that the hostage situation was over before noon on Friday morning. All hostages were out of the building.

Hostages held at Coral Gables
Reporters have been informed that the Coral Gables Bank of America heist began on Thurs evening. The connection is not certain, however is being investigated. The person who was kidnapped had to strap themselves to a bomb. Allegedly, the individual entered the financial institution before it opened. By eight in the morning, police, FBI, and SWAT teams were on the scene of the Coral Gables bank. U.S. 1 in both directions, Metrorail, the nearby University of Miami, and two elementary schools were all locked down during the response.

Thurs evening kidnapping connected to Coral Gables Bank robbery

The bank robbery in Miami has been associated with a home attack on Thursday — an attack that might have also been a kidnapping. Police are on the lookout for two individuals driving a red Mustang. It is not yet clear if the bank robbers / kidnappers were with the kidnapped employee who was possibly strapped to the bomb when he or she was forced to enter the financial institution. There is no word yet if the crime at the Coral Gables Bank of America was a bank robbery. It is possible that the bomb and Miami hostage scenario were intended to create a distraction.

Bomb stayed after the Miami hostage scenario concluded

The Miami-area Coral Gables Bank of America has confirmed that several individuals were held hostage during the situation. Just three and a half hours following the Miami hostage scenario began, the last people had left the building. The explosive device that had been strapped to an employee was apparently removed, because every person left the building and the bomb was nevertheless inside. The bomb, which was originally reported as strapped to the kidnapped employee, might still be inside the Coral Gables bank. Until every little thing was declared safe, the highways, public transportation, and schools were all kept closed.

Further reading

Miami Herald


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Individuals planting weed use Teamsters banner to unionize

The recession did quite the number on organized labor. Now it sincerely needs to bolster its membership ranks somehow. America’s leading growth business is being observed by numerous. Even the Teamster Union, also hurt within the recession, is looking there. According to the Associated Press, the business that has Teamsters high on possibility is marijuana.

Marijuana growers unionized with Teamsters

Teamsters got a lot of cannabis farmers as new members. About 40 new members were in this category. There is no proof, but many assume the members must mostly be from California. This is because within the whole nation, California has the most permissive medical cannabis laws. Numerous wonder how Teamsters plans to protect its members that are committing federal crimes with the harvesting season.

Lou Marchetti, Teamsters liaison between the newly signed growers and Oakland, Calif., Teamsters Local 70, told the AP that he hadn’t planned on such a thing as organizing cannabis workers when he joined the union 34 years ago.

“This is a whole new ballgame,” he said.

Any business that Teamsters think is breaking the law will not be a part of the business. Marchetti made this very clear when talking about growers in California.

More work with Marjyn Investments LCC for Teamsters

Gardening, trimming and even cloning are jobs held by employees of Marjyn Investments LLC, a company that contracts with medical marijuana patients to grow marijuana plants. The Teamsters Union helped the employees with a two-year contract. They now have pensions, paid getaway and health care insurance. In turn, wages will rise from $18 per hour to $25.75 per hour over the next 15 months, as outlined by Teamsters Local 70.

Getting rid of pot growing issues

Medical purposes are the only reason why states like California can get away with allowing marijuana plants to be grown. Otherwise, it is against federal law. However, if the federal government decided to crack down on Marjyn Investments, Marchetti is uncertain precisely how Teamsters would respond. If marijuana trimmers, with an already difficult job, started to be abused, the federal law wouldn’t help them, states the AP. Michael Leong, assistant regional director for National Labor Relations Board within the Oakland area, isn’t even sure if the Teamster cannabis farmers can be classified as farm workers. The NLRB would not be in control at all if that is the case.

Cultivation ‘in the shadows’ with growing Marijuana dispensaries

California has made it legal to have the enterprise of pot dispensaries. Of course, no laws were added in regulating companies like Marjyn Investments LLC. Labor standards aren’t figured out for the area yet. Of course, many people anticipate working in that area at some point in the future. Numerous have been putting in applications to try and get ready to start for themselves. Of course, we know now that there isn’t any requirement of being in the Teamsters Union in order to get started.

More on this topic

Associated Press

Technique needed to lease with low credit

Renting with poor credit is a challenge a great number of people are facing these days, because of the housing crisis, mortgage lending meltdowns, joblessness, foreclosures, etc. Lots of individuals have terrible credit, although this may not even be their fault. Every person needs to be living someplace that is decent. This may just be getting a roof over your head though. What is most essential is making sure rent gets paid. For individuals with bad credit who can pay the lease, securing a place to live demands a technique.

Know credit score facts

Even when the economy is good, it could be hard to rent or lease a place to live with really poor credit behind you. According to AOL Real Estate, three factors are used to determine if a renter is good or not for Landlords. These factors are income, employment history and credit scores. The first priority a renter must address is to know where they stand with their credit. Anyone can get a free credit score at The official government site gives everybody their free credit score. It can be done once a year. Credit scores could be given to numerous with a purchase by nationwide credit reporting agencies.

Credit checks need to be avoided

It is really easy to rent with bad credit if there is no credit check done. Try to make this happen. According to CNN, houses or apartments rented by an independent owner may be more easygoing than properties managed by a professional management company. You’re best off checking bulletin boards, Craigslist and free newspapers. Landlords advertising in these venues are attempting not to invest any money in marketing rental units, and the odds are better they won’t do credit checks. Ask them their criteria on evaluating renters when you talk to them the first time. You might be in good standing if credit check is not on the list. You are just a little closer.

Other possibilities for leasing on bad credit

The truth is, most landlords need a completed application to lease an apartment. They use this to do the credit check. You will find nevertheless choices, says A bad credit is often helped with someone vouches for your financial responsibility. Somebody you know with good credit may be able to help you out. They can co-sign on your lease. You also may be helped out if you have a roommate with good credit. There is only problem with that. Your credit will not get any better if your name is not on the lease.

Additional reading

AOL Real Estate


Saturday, September 25, 2010

The case for the V8

Fuel efficiency is a large selling point for lots of vehicles. Nobody likes draining the bank account as they fill up the tank. Thus, getting an energy sipping car is always a good idea. This has been a major concern of the auto industry for a long time, and the best-selling automobiles on the market are all small sedans that get great mileage with 4- and some 6-cylinder engines. That said, there are some automobiles that are much better off with an 8-cylinder engine, and would actually get better gas mileage.

Easy science

Gas mileage, or fuel efficiency, is a principle of physics known as mechanical efficiency. It is relatively simple. Mechanical efficiency is the ratio of energy used versus the amount of work done. The more energy is used, the lesser the efficiency. The equation is simple:

Efficiency = Input/Output

In other words, a small engine that has to do more work than a larger engine for the exact same task can be a lesser amount of mechanically efficient. Thus, it will not perform also. Thus, it also will not get the optimal gas mileage.

Bigger engines can perform far better

Motors with a V-8 configuration put out more horsepower than 4-, 5-, or 6-cylinder counterparts. However, many of the automobiles that come with an 8-cylinder standard are already large. The Chevy Silverado 1500 has a V8 and gets 15 mpg. The Chevrolet Corvette Coupe has the same size motor, a 6.2 L V-8. However, the mileage is 26 mpg for a Corvette. The reason why is, the Corvette has less weight to pull.

{Less efforts is additionally less tension|Efforts also is tension|A lesser amount of effort means simpler efforts|Easier signifies less tense efforts|Less strain equals more productivity

In a larger car, say a minivan or mid size SUV, if the car is pulling the driver and a full passenger and gear load, the gas mileage will actually drop drastically with the smaller, less-powerful engine. This benefit is realized by cars smaller than a full size, as the engine will not have to work as hard to pull the load and therefore be more efficient. The engine will not efforts as hard, and perform much better. It will also last longer due to less damage.

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Automakers urge Environmental Protection Agency to hold back on ethanol investigation

Dependence on foreign oil is a hot topic, however it’s not a new one. Every president since Jimmy Carter has said something about yet. Ethanol is one of the many substitute fuels that have been suggested. Most gas stations use E10, or a 10 percent ethanol mixture, within the gas they sell already. Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency is thinking about whether to approve use of E15 for late or older models. Auto firms are urging the EPA to wait until enough evidence has been compiled.

The EPA weighs in on E15

The Environmental Protection Agency has the oversight on approving new fuels. Right now, it is weighing the merits of E15. E15 is an ethanol-gas solution, contained 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gas. Currently, it is being tested by the Department of Energy, according to Popular Mechanics. The idea is find out if it works in autos no older than 10 years old. However, about 88 percent of all vehicles within the U.S. in use are 10 years old or older. The Environmental Protection Agency has been lobbied by the Auto Alliance not to make a determination just yet. The effects on older automobiles from E15 should be known before being given approval. Ricardo Inc., and engineering and design firm has determined that E15 doesn’t harm older automobiles, however more study is likely needed.

New meaning for boozed up driving

Ethanol also goes by another name, which is moonshine. The liquid certainly could be used as a fuel. It is combustible, or rather it contains lots of energy. However, there is a hitch. According to Wikipedia, ethanol has 34 percent less energy by volume than gas does. Resulting from that is 50 percent greater use of fuel in an ethanol only vehicle. With greater compression, ethanol engines can produce more power and become more efficient. However, ethanol as a fuel has not been proven to achieve greater fuel efficiency, or miles per gallon, than gasoline has.

Unintentional consequences

Grain is already being used as a gasoline crop. Grain cannot supplant gas as a gas entirely, as the price of food grain will skyrocket should ethanol be used as a complete replacement. Cheap grain is more significant within the long run. Civilization itself is only made possible with cheap and abundant grain.

Additional reading

Popular Mechanics


Friday, September 24, 2010

Report shows 43 million U.S. Citizens moving into low income last year

The government began keeping low income statistics in 1959. More people fell below the low income line last year than ever in the time since. A Census Bureau record released Sept. 16 revealed that 43 million within the United States of America might be officially determined as living in poverty. Individuals living in low income made up 14.3 % of the total United States population, a rise from 13.2 % the year before. Republicans are already using the brand new poverty statistics to criticize the Obama administration as midterm elections draw near. A closer look at the poverty rate over the last decade shows the GOP is complicit in causing the spike. Liberals say the poverty rate underestimates the true level of economic misery. Rightists say the poverty threshold leads to an overestimation of the number of poor people in The United States. The government agrees with both sides and will start using a different set of measurements next year with the objective of getting a cl! earer picture of United States poverty. Article source – U.S. poverty rate report exhibits record number join ranks of poor by

Low income increase near worse estimations

The number of poor individuals had been increasing within the United States was no surprise. Numerous experts really expected it to be higher. Soe said it would come in at nearly 15 percent. A CNN article said if not for a drop within the low income rate among the elderly (from 9.7 to 8.9 %), the latest figures would have come in higher, according to a Census Bureau official. So, what is the poverty line? It is the least amount of income thought to be required for a tolerable living standard. Looked at that way, the current poverty threshold appears to be considerable upbeat. According to the Census Bureau, a family of four is living in poverty with an income of $22,050.

Looking to define poverty

Poverty threshold methodology was created nearly 50 years ago. The baseline was how much cash a family needs to be adequately fed. As reported by MSNBC, considerations as well as income must be added to the equation, experts say, to determine how many within the United States of America are under the poverty line. Shawn Fremstad of the Center for Economic and Policy Research told MSNBC that current poverty threshold is unrealistically low in terms of what it takes to survive in today’s economy. Beginning next year, Census officials will add elements for instance tax credits and occupation-related expenses to come up with a more definitive low income threshold. Comparing the financially poor with the rest of the population based on median income could give a more accurate reading, according to Fremstad. Median income in the United States of America was $49,777 in 2009.

Blame, but no solutions

With a pivotal election looming, conservative commentators are using the rising low income rate as an example of Democratic failure . Nevertheless, financial growth credited to the Bush administration saw a concurrent rise in poverty. As reported by the Washington Independent, Rebecca Blank of the Commerce Department said last year in congressional testimony that in the 2001 recession, the poverty rate rose as anticipated and never came down. The poverty rate rose .08 percent through the 2000s expansion. A higher percentage of Americans were financially poor at the end of the expansion than at the beginning. Bush-era economics gave low income a running start when they caused the economy to collapse.

Further reading



Fox News

Washington Independent

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vehicle technologies with 4 next-generations

Within the last few years, there have been lots of hybrid autos and other next-generation transportation devices. Although there may seem to be a ton of people who want to go green and are enjoying lessening their carbon footprint, you will find also the many individuals who don’t like being told they have to change this way as a result of something that is nevertheless hotly argued and doesn’t have enough information to be proven. Besides that, everybody is anxious about some of the next-gen auto technologies coming out soon. Soon, driving can be entirely different. This is, as outlined by Popular Mechanics as a result of 4 small changes being made. Article source – Four next-generation auto technologies coming soon by Car Deal Expert.

The Infiniti Eco Pedal saves gas via hypermiling

Turn the activation dial on the dash, and also the Eco Pedal – presently accessible in Infiniti’s M-series sedans, in Nissans later – will help even out a driver’s tendency to jab erratically at the accelerator while in transit. It is simply done with the pedal. More resistance is added. In case a driver needs to override the Eco Pedal to avoid something within the road, a driver can do this although hypermiling techniques are also being taught to drivers at the same time. Infiniti estimates that the Eco Pedal will improve gas mileage by as much as 10 percent.

Staying far away from dangerous territory

Why not use radar in consumer automobiles if it works so well for military and air traffic control? There is a plan by Continental to do that. The product is called Emergency Steer Assist (ESA). Via radar sensors, if a crash is imminent, ESA alters vehicle steering ability so that it is really easy to steer away from danger, however incredibly difficult to steer into that telephone pole. ESA is also connected to a car’s stability control, making remaining in control after the swerve easier.

The camber will help you out

Race track conditions make it so the angle of drivers’ tires needs to get a good camber which is what NASCAR does. Optima Sports has a Camber Tire that is meant to make the top of the tire go in towards the vehicle more than normal. The corner can grip more easily with the negative camber. The Camber Tire has a camber tilt. This tilt is kept there while the tread lies flat on the road still.

Automobile explaining your tires are worn

An Intelligent Tire System sounds too good to be true. It comes from Continental. Aside from air pressure, the system will track tire temperature, load and acceleration forces, among other factors. When you have to change to snow tires, you will be informed. The Intelligent Tire System will let you know. Vehicles will start to all have these things as they become cheaper. Of course, you are able to find them in some automobiles as soon as 2013, states Popular Mechanics.

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Popular Mechanics

Tatsuru Daimon Lab research on human awareness and making driving safer

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More repossessed properties are stated by home loan companies than ever before

The dismal saga of the real estate industry in America continues, and despite the occasional bright spot, there is nevertheless plenty of bad news to go around. The homebuyer tax credit took any upticks in sales with it. The government had that loan modification program, however it was not as effective as hoped. Banks can skip house foreclosures, and simply repossess residences when owners default on their bank loans. In fact, repossessions increased by 25 percent since last year.

Repossession more well-known than Lady Gaga

Repossessions are steadily increasing. Since 2009, they have exploded. Repossessions are happening at a greater rate than ever before, as outlined by RealtyTrac. There were a lot of them in August, according to Bloomberg. There were 95,364 people whose residences were repossessed. RealtyTrac has never recorded that large a number of repossessed houses in its existence. That is lots of people thrown out of lots of houses. Since August of 2009, repossessions increased 25 percent.

Property foreclosures lower

Don’t despair entirely. There is good news. Overall foreclosure and default notices decreased by 5 percent since July of this year. Take that with a grain of salt, though. Repossession and foreclosures are a bit different. House foreclosures are part of a legal proceeding. Banks have to serve notice and fill out lots of paperwork. A homeowner in default, if the home gets sold, is responsible for making up the difference in purchase price, should the home be sold for a loss. Repossessions are different. There are less legal hang ups, and less paperwork. The homeowner is simply kicked out and the home is resold.

Foreclosure supply at all time high

You will find a lot of foreclosed houses available at rock bottom prices.

You cannot buy a house with a cash advance. But if you can get the financing, you are able to make a killing. At the moment, 1 in 381 properties is in foreclosure.

Additional reading


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Over problems, Storro chooses to cry wolf

Some individuals really are that starved for attention. Numerous individuals choose to get this with simple actions. Shaving your head would be an example of this. Occasional people just seem pathetic in things, like going on a reality Television show. Sometimes, people hurt themselves and other people with the decisions they make to get notice. Bethany Storro was one of the harmful ones. She forever disfigured herself with what she did. The story she fed to the media about the acid face attack was a scam. Resource for this article – Bethany Storro pays price of crying wolf over deformity by Personal Money Store.

Alleged attack on Bethany Storro

Some time ago, a story went out over the news wires of a young woman, one Bethany Storro of Vancouver, Wash., who had been attacked and disfigured. She had acid thrown on her face. It was a complete stranger that did it. Nobody thought this was a scam. It was a young woman who was now disfigured because of acid. CNN reports that Bethany Storro was released from the hospital on September 5 after entering on August 30. She claimed that a young African-American woman had asked her if she wanted anything to drink and threw acid in her face.

Acid attack hoax admitted

It was the perfect tale. It also was a cliché being used. It also turned out to be false. According to Time, as she neared release, police began investigating some things that did not add up. The Bethany Storro acid burns were in a pattern that better fit being carefully applied, instead of thrown. Sky News reports that sulfuric or hydrochloric acid was likely used for this. There were a lot of questions asked about all of this. She just admitted it was all a hoax. She was just pulling off a stunt like the balloon boy or a meat dress.

Paying for mistakes

Scars will stay on Bethany Storro till she dies. However, she also is going to have to live with the lawful consequences of a likely conviction of filing a false police report. She got a lot of donations to pay for the hospital bills. She is going to need to pay those back also as paying all the bills by her.

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Sky News

Monday, September 20, 2010

May not have any reasons to say Viva Mexico on Mexico's Independence Day

Mexico’s Independence Day is, on Sept 16, recognized by many. On Mexican Freedom Day 2010, Mexico celebrates two centuries of freedom. A great many Americans seem to think that Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence Day. This is false. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated to remember the Battle of Puebla. This is why anything seems more festive around May 5. In Sept 16, 1810, Mexico’s 10 year war for independence from Spain started which is why we celebrate Mexican Independence Day on September 16. Mexico has made a lot of changes within the last 200 years. Yet in 2010, the country has little to commemorate as it battles corruption, human rights issues and drug violence.

Drug violence does not stop for celebration

President Felipe Calderon is celebrating Mexican Independence Day Sept. 16 with a $40 million extravaganza in Mexico City. USA Today reports that the two-day bicentennial bash features laser shows, fireworks and music. The Mexican government hopes the party will lift the people’s spirits despite a recession and bloody war against narcoterrorists. Although there is security in the festivities, many worry that drug cartels might attack. The crowd suffered a couple of years ago as grenades were thrown into a crowd by narcoterrorists. This was during a Mexican Independence Day festival happening in Morelia. There were seven deaths from it. Not only that, but an additional 132 individuals were injured. Reforma newspaper reports that drug violence has killed over 22,000 individuals since December 2006 when a military campaign on Mexican drug cartels started.

Bicentennial causes Mexicans to resign

A great many historians, politicians and artists all think that Mexico, the country celebrating with a traditional “grito,” or yell of “Viva Mexico,” is in severe trouble right now. The Washington Post reports that Mexicans are still reeling from the massacre of 72 illegal migrants from Central and South America in northern Mexico last month. After the killings, Mexico’s top immigration official resigned from the position. In a poll published last week in Reforma, 67 percent of Mexico City residents said they felt little or no excitement about the bicentennial. Nearly six in 10 said the cash spent is being wasted. Many have been getting e-mails asking that there be no participation in government-sponsored events. These are coming anonymously. In a 2006 election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was defeated by Calderon and says he plans to have, near Calderon’s celebration, his own little party. Public events in other cities have been cance! led or scaled back, over fears of narcoterrorism.

Good news

Not all the news is bad, although Mexico supposedly resembles the drug-racked Colombia of 20 years ago if you ask United States of America Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. The Associated Press reports that over all, Mexico’s murder rate is 14 per 100,000, far below the average for Latin America. Upper-middle class Mexicans are much like their American neighbors, with iPhones, modern apartments, higher education and smaller families. Strong grass-roots movements’ deal with issues like crime, human rights and the environment which were unheard of 25 years ago. We appear to be in the worst recession since the 1930s. Even so, Mexico’s government has found a way to keep its finances stable. There is also an additional thing they have accomplished. A Supreme Court system is set up.

Find more info on this subject

USA Today

Washington Post and sid=ST2010091406720

Associated Press

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Toyota states speed is documented incorrect on crash data boxes

A new piece of data has been shown within the investigation of Toyota Motors by the NHTSA that is about automobiles suddenly accelerating. It actually comes from Takeshi Uchiyamada who is the executive vice president of research and development. Uchiyama explained that now a bug was found in the software of the crash data boxes in Toyota Motors automobiles that shows the wrong speed, claims Automotive News.

Simply using crash data boxes

Toyota Motors previously admitted during the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration investigation that crash details supplied by event data recorders (EDR) in certain automobiles was problematic, yet Uchiyamada has attempted to clarify that “We have been able to determine that there is no defect in the event data recorders.”. He was referring to the device’s mechanics, as the problem was a software bug that has reportedly been corrected. The EDR is there to record info related to position of throttle and during the time of collision, how much pressure was applied to the break. Sources say crash data boxes are there mostly to record speed.

There are not electronic glitches, based on Toyota

After reviewing data from among the 3,000 unintended acceleration complaints they received, Toyota pronounced with certainty that electronic errors did not cause the autos to accelerate out of control. Foreign objects, bad floor mats and driver error and numerous other causes are suggested by the automaker. Electronic issues weren’t found by the NHTSA either. However, the crash data box’s reliability remains in question. Crash data from 2007 involving a Toyota Tundra pickup stated the truck was traveling in excess of 170 mph, a number that has risen understandable suspicion. Uchiyamada responded by saying a statement. He said, when it comes to speed, “The EDR cannot be trusted".

Toyota recalls

Automotive News reports that Toyota has recalled more than 13 million vehicles worldwide since November 2009. The U.S. by itself recalled about 10 million. These were mostly all related to accelerating when unintended.

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Further reading

Auto News

Crash data boxes are not event data recorders

Arizona's Interstate 19 is the solely highway in The United States using the metric scale system

People with literacy within the metric system are looked at often like oddballs in America. It is practically an alien language, as the odd lack of fractions is reason for consternation among the populace. U.S. citizens appear to be loath to use the metric scale system, as tries to convert the U.S. to it have never been successful. However, one tiny stretch of highway uses it exclusively. Arizona Interstate 19 uses only the metric system. 19 runs from the border of Mexico to Tuscon, so it’s not as though it’s a big highway. However, the signs are due to be converted back to customary units.

Arizona Interstate nineteen

You will find no signs notated in miles on Interstate 19, solely in kilometers. The highway isn’t a terribly long stretch though. It’s solely a four hour drive in total, running from Tuscon to Nogales. Because distances are in metric units, so are the exit numbers. Exit sign numbers are really based on distance. The distance, though, is almost always in miles. However, as outlined by the New York Times, a few individuals are getting confused by the marks, and the state government is looking at replacing the signs, which would cost more than $1 million. If it should happen, all road signs will need brand new exit numbers, and all companies along the way will need new brochures, so those are who’ll really pay the price. Also, motorists heading north from Mexico may also be confused, as Mexico uses the metric system.

Kilo bites

The system of measurement used within the U.S. is one of the numerous cultural holdovers from England. Changes were made, naturally. That said, English measures are where the root lies. Miles and pints and pounds all originated from the English system. We aren’t alone, though. As outlined by Wikipedia, you will find two other nations that don’t use the metric scale method. However, it may not seem the best of business. Those nations are Liberia and Burma. That said, metric conversion has been brought up before, most most recently a study President Gerald Ford set in motion.

It won’t happen

It’s not likely the United States will change to or start using the metric scale system, and unfortunately, those marks will likely get changed. It is, however, nevertheless mandatory that students learn it though. Scientists all use the metric system above all others.

More on this topic

NY Times and ref=automobilesvv


Saturday, September 18, 2010

MERS speeds home loan procedure, yet raises severe concerns

The real estate crisis happened for many reasons. MERS is one of the reasons many have been hiding. The Nolan Chart LLC home loan industry website reports that MERS, or Mortgage Electronic Registration System, will help Home loan Backed Security (MBS) industry transfer title. Fannie Mae, within the mid-1990s, created MERS. It was meant to be the middle person, not counting homebuyers, for the party involved in the mortgage. MERS transacts in an online (instead of brick-and-mortar) world. Thus, as mortgages are bundled, bought and sold at the speed of the MERS electronic network, there is surely convenience. Fannie Mae works with 50 percent of United States of America home loans but the United States of America treasury now owns it and now several wonder if MERS can legally be listed on home loans.

Suspicion over MERS and also the lack of a paper trail

The most significant question raised by the operation of MERS, particularly as it relates to potential mortgage fraud, is whether the business should be able to listen itself on electronic mortgage loan documents, as MERS has neither paid for any property nor represented the mortgage loan holder in any tangible lawful way. MERS has a very streamlined method of recordkeeping that home loan industry critics don’t seem to like. They think that past ways of legally processing documents are much better. MERS says, says Nolan Chart, it represents 60 million home loan cases. Critics question this number. The Supreme Court will likely get involved within the case that comes from MERS that has no free market competition however represents $10 trillion in home loans. The law satisfies whether MERS really has the right to foreclose on homes.

State intervention creates profit machine

MERS sits in a position of great privilege and benefits from public funding. When there is no way to regulate prices with free market competition, the public should be worried, says Nolan Chart. MERS has operated expediting the MBS because contract law loopholes exist. The U.S. real estate crisis happened mostly because of the industry. MERS might have to be reined in by the highest court in the land for the long-term benefit of homebuyers nationwide.

More on this topic

Nolan Chart


Freddie Mac commercial on mortgage fraud

Nearly each and every car user really should have these items

Not everybody likes to, or can, do their own automobile repairs and maintenance. A few really do not have the time due to lifestyle or career demands, and putting the automobile in “D” is all a few people know how to do. That said, there really is no excuse for having no tools at all. You will find a few which each and every car user should actually have. It can be impossible sometimes to get a vehicle into a shop, and not having at least a few tools is downright irresponsible.

Socket collection

First and foremost is a collection of socket wrenches. You can get a good set almost anywhere. Craftsmen and many other corporations make them. There ought to be a full range of shallow and deep sockets. That should contain both English (inches) and Metric. There should be at least three different-sized drive wrenches. A ¼” drive is great for a battery or an oil plug. However, it doesn’t work well at all on a belt tensioner. If an individual can’t purchase anything on this list, there is one they should buy above all. That is a set of socket wrenches.

From Wrench We Came

Lots of full mechanic sets include sockets and standard wrenches, both English and Metric. That said, having a full collection of wrenches is a great thing. The closed end ratcheting wrenches are particularly nice, and it has made many a DYI mechanic happy when they get them.

Jack towards the future

Jacks that come standard on many automobiles aren’t the best. A great hydraulic jack is a sound and worthy investment. Some are part of sets. You can get a great pair of stands to go with them.

Hit it out of the Spark

Spark plug sockets are deep sockets, with a bonus. There is a long rubber washer inside that holds the long end of a spark plug. Changing spark plugs doesn’t become that much easier, however it does put greater command in the hands of the user. Changes require precise threading, so the job becomes easier that way.

Switch left at the Torque

Some jobs require precise pressure. Therefore, get a torque wrench.

Manual ought to be automatic

One business, Chilton, had made manuals for decades until being bought out by Cengage, who still publishes them under the Chilton name. When a person buys an automobile, the first addition to it should be a repair manual. Remember, the holidays aren’t far off. There isn’t really a bad stocking stuffer on this list. Take your car to a qualified mechanic if you ever feel like you aren’t up to a job.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fannie and Freddie denied pay-backs for bad financial institution lending options

The recession began with the real estate market imploding. Part and parcel to that was toxic mortgage properties. As an investment and dividend bearing instrument, a loan lender or financial institution can sell a mortgage they originated to another institution. Some financial institution lending options went to individuals that wouldn’t have qualified with basic scrutiny, and some people’s mortgages went sour because of circumstances. Some of these lending options went down the drain for whatever reason, and since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchased a lot of them, so did Fannie and Freddie. Part of the law governing these transactions mandates that if the purchaser wants to sell the properties back, the vendor has to do agree, but a lot of the sellers are refusing. Post resource – Bad bank loans to F! annie and Freddie not being bought back by Personal Money Store.

If the buyer asks the seller must buy bad loans back

Poor lending options can damage the companies that purchase the toxic bad finance lending options. It would seem fair the loans be repurchased. In fact, laws were passed that guaranteed loans had to be bought back by the seller if the loans in question went bad. These mortgage securities were sold all over the world. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchased a lot of them. The law is on the side of the two mortgage giants. However, the troubled corporations are not getting the refunds that are owed.

Bad assets aren’t being addressed

That said, things are not happening that way. A fair portion of the toxic securities are not being purchased back. You will find more than $11 billion loan bundles, according to USA Today, that are awaiting a buy back. Fannie and Freddie are just sitting there losing cash. Of that $11 billion, a lot of it is going nowhere right now. A full 3rd of the loan refunds are 90 days delinquent. Those aren’t the only corporations that bought those securities. Other lending options were backed by the Federal Housing Administration and the Veterans Administration.

Financial institutions harming themselves

The idea is that in the event the refunds are granted, the bank or loan company that sold the security will lose cash. However, that is really counterintuitive. Fannie and Freddie are technically in government conservatorship. They’re being propped up by tax dollars, which businesses and individuals have to pay. The executives and employees of the financial institutions and other corporations that won’t buy back the properties could have to pay taxes until the financial debt for Fannie and Freddie is paid off.

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USA Today

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Goolsbee turns into Senate's pick for chair for economic council

Because of the shape the economic system is in, President Barack Obama has had quite the whipping. He made a speech in Cleveland lately about the whole affair. He seemed like he didn’t quite connect with the people, says Arianna Huffington, when trying to understand “the plight of the middle class”. Obama explained to the individuals, “Not anything we’ve done throughout the last two years has worked as easily as we had hoped, and I am keenly aware that not all our policies are popular.” The Wall Street Journal explains that longtime adviser Austan Goolsbee likely got nominated for chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors because of this. Goolsbee already cleared Senate and doesn’t have to worry anymore.

University economist and advisory board members is what Austan Goolsbee was known as before

Austan Goolsbee is doing more than just being the executive director of Obama’s Economic recovery Advisory Board. He also is an economist at the University of Chicago business school. The WSJ says popular speculation is the president elevated Goolsbee to the White House Council of Economic Advisers chairmanship due to their personal friendship and association within the administration’s inner circle. Goolsbee will replace former Economic Advisers chairwoman Christina Romer.

The WSJ reports that Goolsbee assisted in drafting policies during Obama’s first year, including expanded health care access, higher education aid and an energy push to generate jobs. The president’s “New Foundation” for middle-class economic security is what these are supposedly for. The Huffington Post explains this.

Change coming from Austan Goolsbee might be unwanted

Unemployment continues to plague The United States, and economic recovery through the current recession has been sluggish at best. Everyone seems angry about this, including Democrats, and firings are being discussed. These would consist of firing Treasure Secretary Tim Geithner and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers. But placing Austan Goolsbee in charge of the White House Council of Economic Advisers is not a sign of new policies to come, writes the WSJ.

Additional reading

Sun Times”>Chicago Sun-Times

Huffington Post and utm_campaign=091010 and utm_medium=email and utm_content=FeatureTitle

Wall Street Journal

Austan Goolsbee on CNN’s “Late Edition,” Sept. 21, 2008

Tiffany Livingston tried deplaning mid-air

Aerial turbulence could be unnerving, particularly for passengers that are less than secure with traveling by air in general. Although there may be lots of turbulence, it is never ok to deplane during a commercial flight. Security on modern commercial flights actually makes it so it is impossible to do so. Livingston, Playboy model, attempted to open the door of in-flight JetBlue Flight 222 from Orlando, Fla., to Newark, N.J. while the plane was nevertheless in the air at 10,000 feet without realizing it could be extremely hard to implement it. There was not much thought going into Playboy model Tiffany Livingston’s actions while she was 10,000 feet within the air and nevertheless attempted to open the door of JetBlue Flight 222 from Orlando, Fla., to Newark, N.J.. The super model is 21 and had an anxiety attack without medication while on the plane at the time. Livingston was quickly taking into custody by the FBI. Ultimately she was released to go home. Livingst! on claims she wasn’t trying to exit the plane, says TMZ. She was trying to stabilize herself during the anxiety attack. Source of article – Model Tiffany Livingston tries frantic mid-air deplaning by

Tiffany Livinston said to be ‘not just another quite face’

In 2009, Tiffany Livingston was in centerfold of the Singapore version of Playboy, VIP however is referred to as “not just an additional quite face,” however rather as an intelligent young woman. According to Playboy, Livingston has an approachable, girl-next-door freshness, and she worked hard in a variety of manual labor jobs back in her hometown of Manchester, N.H., in order to get to her current position in life. Livingston said she found magic when reading the book “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl although she is rumored to have dated magician David Blaine. Specifically, she tells Playboy that it has helped her manage her anger, particularly when facing the challenges of the modeling life.

Dealing with air turbulence

Air turbulence does not mean the plane in out of control, says It’s simply a fact of nature. The interaction of jet stream air moving at different speeds causes turbulence, and that turbulence almost always falls within a predictable, acceptable range. Most should feel safe in an airplane, especially a commercial airplane. At the very least, they have to be twice as strong as they have to be to withstand turbulence. Livingston may have wanted to know this during her anxiety attack. It may not have helped at all though.

Further reading

Flying Fear

Poole Associates Penthouse in VIP.htm


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tropical storm, now Hurricane Igor headed for Bermuda

Tropical Storm Igor graded up to Hurricane Igor

Each year, hurricanes move throughout the Caribbean and the Atlantic, threatening island nations and wreaking chaos on the mainland. The 2010 hurricane period is currently in full swing. Fortunately though, it hasn’t been terribly bad. You will find a number of storm systems that are becoming potentially lethal right now. Currently, tropical storm Igor has become large and volatile enough to be reclassified as Hurricane Igor. Igor is currently in the middle of nowhere, but could hit Bermuda. Hurricane Igor is not projected to hit the United States at present.

Hurricane Igor increasing easily

Igor began as tropical storm Igor, and by Saturday, Sept. 11, had become large enough to warrant hurricane status. It was initially classified a Category Two storm, however easily became a Category Four, according to CNN. It is nevertheless a Category Four storm in the middle of the Atlantic. The hurricane is heading in the general direction of Bermuda. The storm is still hundreds of miles from the Leeward Islands, the nearest land masses. Tropical storm Julia is also within the Caribbean. Julia briefly was classified as a Category One hurricane. However, the storm dissipated very soon.

Attention on the weather

The storm is apparently keeping to the middle of the ocean, according to the Los Angeles Times. Hurricane Igor isn’t heading explicitly for a land mass. It is moving towards Bermuda, but it isn’t known if the Hurricane Igor path will result in landfall there. Igor has a significant chance of becoming larger. The storm could effortlessly become a Category Five storm. So far, no major advisories or warnings have been issued concerning the storm, however that may change soon. The Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada was briefly threatened by Hurricane Earl, though Earl went back out to sea soon after approaching the coast.

2010 hurricane season nevertheless in session

The hurricane season is not over yet for this year. Hurricane seasons are typically from June until November. This year hasn’t been terrible. There were some areas that took a beating. The Gulf Coast of Mexico was battered by Hurricane Alex. Islands in the Caribbean have seen flooding from a number of hurricanes. The bulk of fatalities due to hurricanes this year were caused by rip currents from hurricane weather conditions systems, and fortunately there were only a few.

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LA Times,,818029.story

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mortgage application submissions increase; loan modification falls

The housing market in the past year has been a series of small hits and big misses. Real estate agents, homebuyers, home sellers, and banks are all patiently awaiting the return to health. The industry is not dead, but it probably isn’t really feeling too good. Mortgage application submissions for home buying have increased recently. There was also fewer applications for mortgage modification. The majority, far and away, of mortgage loan activities is nevertheless for modifying mortgages into low cost loans.

Much more mortgage loan applications

More people have been filing home loan applications for purchasing a new home. Mortgage application submissions are tracked by the Mortgage Bankers Association, and they have noted a 6.3 improve in applications for a home purchase, which is the largest level since May, according to Reuters. However, it is not exactly great news. The number is up. The numbers of applications that mortgage lenders received are at record low levels though. Since May 2009, mortgage loan application rates have fallen by 40 percent.

Refinancing requests are the majority of applications

Most of the application submissions are for home loan modification. Those application submissions have declined by 3.1 percent since May of this year. That said, they are still about 82 percent of all mortgage application submissions. Mortgage rates are at a near 20 year low, as 30 year fixed mortgages have a rate of 4.5 percent, which makes them low interest loans. The MBA has been keeping track of these figures since 1990. Current rates are about as low as have ever existed. This is good for new borrowers. That is also great for people planning to refinance. However, since finance loans are so much harder to access, it is difficult for many to reap the benefits.

So what happened with the stimulus?

The stimulus seems to not have worked. Recovery will be from the bottom up, as the tax credit only worked for a while and the federal refinance program is a failure. There has to be more stable income for people. That way they will feel confident enough to buy.

Further reading


Credit card companies dodge rules by providing professional cards

Customers won a strong arranged of safeguards with the passing of the Charge card Accountability and Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009. But so-called “professional cards” aren’t covered by the Card Act. Congress was convinced for making professional cards exempt from late fee limits and interest rate ambushes. The prospect of losing billions within the form of illegitimate fees has credit card businesses scrambling to recruit unwitting customers for the professional cards also referred to as business cards or small business cards. Source for this article – Credit card companies dodge rules by offering professional cards by Personal Money Store.

New charge card rules stop short of corporate cards

Professional credit cards used to be reserved for small company owners or corporate executives. However charge card businesses broadened their efforts to include virtually any person, the Wall Street Journal reports, following the March 2009 passage of the Card Act. Any person with a mailing address started receiving applications for professional cards that give no indication they’re exempt from modern charge card rules. According to the research firm Synovate, 47 million professional charge card deals were mailed in the first quarter of 2010–a 256 percent increase from the exact same period the year before.

Professional cards set a hole for consumers

Customers applying for a corporate card need to familiarize themselves with the fine print. According to Credit Loan, credit card corporations will always apply payments to the account with the lowest interest rate. Until the lower interest balances are paid off, the higher rate balances continue to accumulate interest. Professional charge cards don’t have to allow 21 days between the date a statement is mailed and also the date payment is due, making late payments, and overdue penalties, more likely. Payments one day late can trigger huge arbitrary rate of interest increases. Additionally, credit card businesses can change terms on a whim, and card holders won’t notice that their interest rate, transaction fees, annual fees and penalty fees have increased unless they bother to read the fine print on their statement.

Heading off card providers on the pass

New charge card rules don’t apply to professional cards because smaller businesses get shafted by Congress when it passes laws to protect customers, as outlined by Bob Sullivan at MSNBC. Sullivan deals the example of charge card fraud, and how small businesses are stuck with the consequences . Most cardholders don’t realize that their liability safety from credit card fraud comes at the expense of the business that makes the transaction with the lost or stolen card. Now that a different set of rules for professional cards is being exploited by credit card corporations to bait customers, Sullivan suggests that extending the very same safeguards in the Card Art to companies would benefit everybody.

Find more details on this subject

Wall Street Journal

Credit Loan


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wanted by 2 Federal Reserve banks are increased rates on emergency loans

Keeping rates of interest near zero is what the Federal Reserve has been doing during the recession. This is because it thinks that will best protect from inflation or deflation. 12 regional Federal Reserve Bank directors met in order to talk about urgent loans and their discounted cost. The very same rate being charged to banks for financial loans is being charged with these discounted rates. The Federal Reserve is charging a very low cost. Recovery is so slow that two Federal Reserve branches suggested rates needed to be raised.

Federal Reserve is keeping rates low

The Federal Reserve has a policy right now that will be kept. That means all fees, including financial institution financial loans, will stay very low. Essentially, the bet is that if banks have to borrow money, the access to liquid capital is there and breathing room for a strained banking and finance industry is assured. The recovery is fairly slow right now. Even so, it appears like it is getting close and soon every little thing will be back to normal.

Whether or not to let two Fed banks get higher rates

According to Bloomberg, directors of two of the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks hope a rise in fees can apply. Of course the increase would be less than 1 percentage point and would only apply to emergency loans. They think it is time to raise the fees. Rates may have to be raised ultimately and better at the beginning of the recovery than at the end. Currently, a fast cash loan from the Fed comes with a rate of interest of .75 percent. There is one more thing to think about. Fewer banks are borrowing right now.

This isn’t occurring anytime soon

Only Kansas City and Dallas Federal Reserve banks asked for the higher rates. Also, the higher rates were very small. It also was not adopted. Bank rates will probably hold low for some time.

Additional reading


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Immediate cash for everyone, along with the rich

Rich in need of immediate cash also

The recession is taking a toll on everybody. That means each and every social class is affected. Some of the wealthiest of the wealthy do pay money for every little thing and carry really low debt loads. However, some wealthy people simply take out way bigger financial institution loans. Numerous people want the bigger house or nicer auto and take out debt for it. More large properties are getting foreclosed on as the wealthy cannot get the immediate cash needed to pay their mortgages. Loan modification is needed by even the prosperous.

Even those who are wealthy get hurt with the economic recession

There have been some high profile tumbles for some incredibly wealthy individuals. Even Nicholas cage with his $35 million mansion lost his property to a foreclosure. There is a new price to the home. It is $11.5 million. Millionaires don’t care about their credit score. It is bad to get into too much debt. At one time, individuals should be focused on only one encumbrance with low interest loans. The main difference in foreclosure sales may be a lot. The delinquent homeowner might even be sued by the bank for this. Homes were almost lost by people within the “Real Housewives” series. Three families almost lost the homes. Mortgage modification was needed by Jim and Alexis Bellino on the “Orange County” show. They defaulted on their mortgage.

Do not rich individuals have better money management?

According to ABC, the Los Angeles County area has exploded with foreclosures on incredibly costly properties. Just since April of this year, there has been a huge increase in foreclosures of properties over $1 million. It went up over 300 percent. Rich people aren’t all being careless with what they’re doing with their cash. It may even be the opposite of that. Many are just cutting their losses and walking away before knowing it hits them too hard.

Is real estate nevertheless a good investment?

More people want to know whether investing in real estate is a good idea or not. Many people lost a ton of cash when investing in homes. Years went by just to have the market tank on them.

Further reading

ABC News and page=1

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dodge Motors scheduled to release the 2011 Durango

One of the significant absences from the SUV market has been the Dodge Durango. Dodge promised they would redesign the SUV that was popular in its halfway between mid-size and full-size although it had a lot of power. The new Dodge Durango got a little not only a face lift, as Chrysler is in a bit of a rebuilding phase. The crossover SUV between a Suburban and mid-size Explorer is where the 2011 Durango is headed. Chrysler wants to be a part of the crossover craze as Jeep is having models die off.

Get your hands on the Durango again

There were no Dodge Durangos produced for over a year. Chrysler decided this was best while it remodeled the three-quarter size SUV. The RamCharger is what the SUV changed. The SUV was really popular then. The niche it filled was that it offered the cargo space and seating to compete with minivans, as it sat three rows of individuals, yet was not nearly as cumbersome as larger SUVs such as the Suburban, Tahoe, Excursion, Expedition or the Hummer. Under the hood, it was all Dodge. Road trips, school, and sports were loved by this SUV. It was perfect for all this getting around.

Looking new

There is a difference between the old and new Dodge Durango. It is scaled down a bit. The brand new York Times reports that it is planned to be a crossover SUV. That doesn’t mean that Dodge is skimping on the horsepower, though. The Durango for 2011 actually comes with a stock 290 horsepower 3.6 liter V6. If you would rather, you can also get it with a 360 hp 5.7 liter V8. The V8 could have an efficiency system, which shuts down 4 of the 8 cylinders while not needed. The Dodge Motors Rock N Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon will display three Dodge Motors Durangos for 2001.

Changes Chrysler decided to make

The Chrysler-Fiat merger means that new Fiat models could be placed in the other two brands besides Chrysler, which are dodge and Jeep. More Jeep and Patriot are being made. That is because they’re selling really well. Chrysler would do well to make as large a splash in the crossover market as it can.

More on this topic

NY Times

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Market volatility index had an event filled August

A slight increase within the consumer confidence directory triggered a surge in the wall street Tuesday morning. Then the minutes from the latest Fed meeting were made public and also the marketplaces slid back into negative territory. Reports of growth in United States and Chinese manufacturing on Wednesday launched the wall street upward in early hours of investing. Analysts say those gains will most likely be erased once the August jobs report is announced by the Department of Labor on Friday. This late burst of schizophrenia concludes the darkest August for stock traders in ten years. The year 2001 was also the last time the Marketplace Volatility Index, abbreviated as VIX and also called the “fear index,” had such a large jump in the month of August, when it rose by almost 11 percent. Resource for this article – Stock market volatility: fearful! over reactions to economic data by

The way the fear catalog specifies volatility

When the markets closed Monday the VIX was at 27.21. Tuesday, the VIX finished at 24.55-a drop of 4.2 percent. On Wednesday, the VIX rose 4.8 percent to 28.77. MarketWatch reports that since the VIX rises when stocks come “unglued,” traders use it as a measure of fear among investors. The rise of the fear directory matched the fall of the stock exchange as August progressed to its dismal end. The VIX is up one day and down the next. Nevertheless, the Wall Street Journal reports that it would need to shoot much higher to cause widespread panic. The fear index topped 80 after Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008.Throughout the stock market “flash crash” in May, it shot past 40.

Marketplaces not behaving normally

When minutes from the last Federal Reserve meeting were released, they revealed the Fed was uncertain about the United States of America financial outlook and what to do about it. U.S. blue-chip stocks responded in kind, falling to put the finishing touch on the worst August for stocks since 2001. Yet stocks resumed climbing Wednesday, the Associated Press reports. Reports showing robust gains in U.S. and Chinese manufacturing surprised everybody and generated optimism about economic recovery worldwide. Traders drove the marketplaces down through August by betting that an economy losing steam would in turn do the exact same for corporate earnings. But since numerous large businesses rely seriously on business overseas, they could benefit from expectations that foreign economies will expand.

Unpredictability catches analysts off-guard

After the market’s August swoon, The New York Times reports that Wednesday’s rebound caught professionals off-guard. Expectations were that with Labor Day imminent, the marketplaces would be coasting, said Stephen J. Carl, head equity trader at the Williams Capital Group within the Times article. An Institute for Supply Management report that is a crucial economic indicator for American traders showed its manufacturing index unexpectedly increasing to 56.3 in August from 55.5 in July. Economists polled by Thomson Reuters had forecast a weaker reading of 53.. Carl said he was “perplexed” because those numbers shouldn’t be boosting stocks. Yet data on the horizon portends a reality check. Traders are bracing themselves for Friday’s report on unemployment. Another job loss of 100,000 is predicted to be within the jobs report from the Labor Department. Unemployment is expected to get worse. Some predict the rate will spike to 9.6 percent. T! he VIX is expected to respond in kind.

Further reading


Wall Street Journal

Associated Press

New York Times and emc=rss

Friday, September 3, 2010

National Aeronautics and Space Administration comes to assist contained miners in Chili

Everybody in the world was wondering what would happen with the trapped miners in Chili. There was a concern for the Chilean miners that were nevertheless alive however stuck without hope of rescue. Rescue crews and miners got advice from NASA as it went to the site to help. Months might be required to receive them. Drilling a rescue shaft has begun, however it can be slow going.

NASA makes a trip to Chile

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has sent staff to the site of the Chilean mine disaster in an advisory role. The miners are stuck 2,200 feet underground. NASA engineers and scientists are responsible for getting supplies to the miners. The only things that can be given to the men come via three four inch wide tubes, reports the Washington Post. This has to receive supplies to 33 men. There is one tube that oxygen goes down. Another tube makes sure supplies are getting there. The last tube makes it possible to have video conference with the miners. Trying to get every little thing down a four inch tube is the real problem.


The former National Aeronautics and Space Administration astronaut, Jerry Linenger, got to talk to the Washington Post. There was a fire in 1997 on the Mir space station that caused Linenger to be the only American Astronaut trapped. There were also two other astronauts there with him. Linenger stressed the men need to keep themselves busy, but also not to receive expectations too high. If things do not go as well as they hope, the miners might end up with despair and depression. He cautioned that ideas of a clear leader taking charge of the situation underground is imprudent, as the miners need to keep a cooperative mindset.

There is Camp Hope

There is a camp made up of rescue workers, family members and support staff that is called Camp Hope. The mining business may have to go bankrupt soon as it is hoping for some forgiveness. There are no wages for the contained miners. It won’t pay for the wages.

More on this topic

Washington Post

Washington Post

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Top secret document via Cia now on WikiLeaks

The release of documents pertaining to the war in Afghanistan by WikiLeaks has been the reason for a great deal of controversy. WikiLeaks maintains data would be never posted that would put lives in danger. Nevertheless, it still have a lot to tell people about. The Cia has just had a classified report published on WikiLeaks, about the potential fallout if the U.S. should be seen as an exporter of terrorism. The Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon have decried the release, though disclosed the report doesn’t pose a risk when out in the open.

Top Secret report from Cia published via WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks posted a CIA report on its website, as outlined by CNN, which was previously classified. The report explores possible exporting of terrorism by the United States through foreign policy and other avenues. It is entitled “What if Foreigners see the United States as ‘Exporter of Terrorism?’”. It isn’t known how the document was obtained. There are real examples, such as the IRA receiving funding from Irish Americans and Israeli terrorist groups receiving support from Jewish Americans. The record is mostly about potential fallout. The primary concern is what could happen if other nations see the United States of America as an exporter of terrorism.

It is precisely what is done by Red Cell

The CIA has a group called Red Cell. The report is certainly theirs. The purpose of this group is to examine any weaknesses or theories that challenge conventional dogma of United States of America policy. Essentially, they think outside the box. The CIA and the Pentagon have both condemned the latest leak. The Cia knows the file is not threatening, however the Cia and the Department of Defense want all of their materials back.

WikiLeaks founder in odd lawful dispute

The founder and editor of WikiLeaks is Julian Assange. He is no stranger to scandal. Recently, he was arrested in Sweden for rape. Since he was not in Sweden at the time, the arrest was in absentia. The warrant was revoked by a judge the day after the charges were filed. Assange attributes the charges to governments’ colluding to smear him within the press. He has been in legal trouble before. He was convicted of hacking in Australia, his native land.

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CNN and wom=false


Paris Hilton is at least regular since she has another substance bust

Paris Hilton is doing what she does best again, and is all over the headlines for it. She’s been arrested for drugs, once more. The concept of what the word illegal, as in illegal substances, means has apparently escaped her. She was arrested for possession of cocaine in Las Vegas. This makes the 3rd time she has been arrested for illegal drugs within the past year, having been twice arrested for possessing marijuana.

The weed smoking passenger, Paris Hilton

According to the New York Post, Paris Hilton’s boyfriend was pulled over by a Las Vegas police officer, and the SUV she was riding in smelled of pot smoke. He began to search her for illegal substances. She asked the officer if she could get some lip balm from her purse. At that point, a baggie containing a small amount of cocaine allegedly fell out of her handbag. That wasn’t the only thing. There were also wrapping papers in the bag. The police arrested Hilton, and that’s when the Paris Hilton cocaine story began circulating.

These charges are not flippant crimes

There were approximately .8 ounces of cocaine in the bag. This won’t just mean a fine. Hilton is charged with felony possession of a controlled substance. The Cheech to her Chong, Harold to her Kumar, or Cy Waits only was booked on a misdemeanor charge of DUI. Hilton of course, denies the baggie was hers. She says she had lent her bag to a friend of hers, or perhaps a one armed man. Within hours, her Twitter page was alight with support from her followers. However, the charge may be contested. It is believed the search may have not been proper. If convicted, she stands to serve up to 15 years and up to $500,000 in fines.

It’s not mine is a common line

The socialite and heiress is no stranger to being arrested for harmful drugs. It’s her third in as numerous months. She was arrested in South Africa following the 2010 World Cup and later in Corsica for possessing marijuana. Both times she was released. Nevertheless, the fact that she keeps getting busted for illegal drugs counts against her. A judge is more likely to throw the book at her if she appears to have a history of illegal substance use.

Additional reading

NY Post