Friday, December 10, 2010

Handler invites war of words with Jolie

In a moment of no-holds-barred standup comedy on her home turf in NJ, comedian Chelsea Handler responded to an Angelina Jolie-loving heckler with what is perhaps probably the most public thrashing of Jolie by an entertainer to date. Specifically, Pop Eater reports that Handler – who’s friends with current Angelina Jolie boyfriend Brad Pitt’s previous wife, Jennifer Aniston – said that Angelina Jolie is a "home-wrecking b***h who does not have any female friends because she’s a c***".

Hating Angelina Jolie is one thing Handler has not kept a secret

The culture of The United States means comedians can get away with lots of inappropriate comments. Some are concerned, though, that the remarks made by Chelsea Handler may have gone too far. Loathing Angelina Jolie is something everyone knows about Handler who’s also close enough friends with Jennifer Aniston to stand up for her. Pop Eater even says that Handler, having Thanksgiving in Mexico, had Jennifer Anniston join her.

A friend close to Handler says that the Jolie salvo is par for the course with the outspoken comic.

“Chelsea hates Angelina and doesn’t for one second buy that she is this good person rescuing children in need around the world,” the anonymous friend told Pop Eater. “Angelina has used her kids to manipulate her image… (and) everyone in Hollywood is scared to say what they really think about Angelina except Chelsea.”

Just remarks from Hollywood Royalty

As shown by every little thing Handler is a part of including her late night show, collection of books and standup comedy, she is no shrinking violet. While some outsiders may view Handler’s verbal assault of Jolie as yet another act of fame-mongering, those who know the comic see it as an assertion of Handler’s personal convictions.

“She thinks Angie stole another woman’s husband and should be called out on it,” said an unnamed inside source.

Angelina getting back handed by Chelsea for some time

Making fun of Angelina Jolie is one thing Chelsea Handler has long been doing extensively for a few months. It seems like she has just gotten bolder too with the confirmation of her friendship with Aniston. Handler explained that Aniston is one of the only women who make her laugh in the January issue of Glamour. It is also known that Aniston has gotten relationship advice from Handler.

Info from

Pop Eater

Angelina-Jennifer-Chelsea triangle erupts into senseless violence (Some NSFW conduct)

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