Saturday, October 2, 2010

Communication coming from Unidentified Flying Object sightings on nuclear sites claims Writer

It is hardly believable to think that Unidentified Flying Objects are trying to get their hands on nuclear weaponry. Of course, former Air Force personnel have banned together stating that for the last 60 years, Unidentified Flying Objects are watching over nuclear arsenal. Stories were shared Monday with a large group of Unidentified Flying Object eyewitnesses that UFO researcher Robert Hastings got together in the National Press Club. Earth may be getting a message with all these UFO sightings, Hastings said, as aliens have noticed nuclear weapons facilities and the issues with mankind.

Unidentified Flying Objects deactivate nuclear weaponry

The National Press Club news conference was organized by Hastings. He said that the United States government needs to halt denying the truth behind UFOs visits. CNN reports that three of the men–former Air Force officers–hadn’t seen the UFOs themselves, but told reporters that in 1967, Unidentified Flying Objects hovering over missile silos near Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana appeared to temporarily deactivate some of the nuclear weaponry. Over 120 previous military personal have seen Unidentified Flying Objects over nuclear areas, says Hastings. He thinks that since humans are “playing with fire,” so to speak, extraterrestrial beings have decided to leave a message.

Soviet nukes had disruptions from Unidentified Flying Objects also

Apparently UFO sightings over nuclear weapons online websites aren’t limited to the U.S. The exact same thing was taking place in the Soviet Union, Hastings told AOL News. This is shown in KGB declassified files it had. Hastings said last June, a major Russian newspaper, Life, published accounts of a UFO sighting at a nuclear missile site on Oct. 4, 1982, within the Ukraine. The site saw a UFO for quite some time. Missiles were instantly deactivated. Panic was everywhere. The missiles came back after a couple of seconds. Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt told AOL that individuals aren’t coming forward because they fear what it would do to their career. He was a deputy base commander in Britain that was an eyewitness to a UFO encounter. The Air Force stopped the UFO story by “making it so ridiculous that everybody laughs when they hear it.” This was likely done to either keep alien contact secret or to calm the public.

Issue avoided by Project Blue Book

An Air Force program called Project Blue Book investigated UFOs from 1948 to 1969. Project Blue Book concluded that “no Unidentified Flying Object reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security.” The close-minded are the only ones that are really confronted by the concept of aliens, Hastings said at the National Press Club. “I don’t think humankind is in jeopardy from whoever they are or whichever they’re, except that we could have our minds expanded. Traditional institutions such as religions, governments and other social institutions may be confronted by what is coming. That is just the logical consequence of what is about to occur.”



AOL News

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