Sunday, September 19, 2010

Toyota states speed is documented incorrect on crash data boxes

A new piece of data has been shown within the investigation of Toyota Motors by the NHTSA that is about automobiles suddenly accelerating. It actually comes from Takeshi Uchiyamada who is the executive vice president of research and development. Uchiyama explained that now a bug was found in the software of the crash data boxes in Toyota Motors automobiles that shows the wrong speed, claims Automotive News.

Simply using crash data boxes

Toyota Motors previously admitted during the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration investigation that crash details supplied by event data recorders (EDR) in certain automobiles was problematic, yet Uchiyamada has attempted to clarify that “We have been able to determine that there is no defect in the event data recorders.”. He was referring to the device’s mechanics, as the problem was a software bug that has reportedly been corrected. The EDR is there to record info related to position of throttle and during the time of collision, how much pressure was applied to the break. Sources say crash data boxes are there mostly to record speed.

There are not electronic glitches, based on Toyota

After reviewing data from among the 3,000 unintended acceleration complaints they received, Toyota pronounced with certainty that electronic errors did not cause the autos to accelerate out of control. Foreign objects, bad floor mats and driver error and numerous other causes are suggested by the automaker. Electronic issues weren’t found by the NHTSA either. However, the crash data box’s reliability remains in question. Crash data from 2007 involving a Toyota Tundra pickup stated the truck was traveling in excess of 170 mph, a number that has risen understandable suspicion. Uchiyamada responded by saying a statement. He said, when it comes to speed, “The EDR cannot be trusted".

Toyota recalls

Automotive News reports that Toyota has recalled more than 13 million vehicles worldwide since November 2009. The U.S. by itself recalled about 10 million. These were mostly all related to accelerating when unintended.

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Further reading

Auto News

Crash data boxes are not event data recorders

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