Sunday, September 26, 2010

Individuals planting weed use Teamsters banner to unionize

The recession did quite the number on organized labor. Now it sincerely needs to bolster its membership ranks somehow. America’s leading growth business is being observed by numerous. Even the Teamster Union, also hurt within the recession, is looking there. According to the Associated Press, the business that has Teamsters high on possibility is marijuana.

Marijuana growers unionized with Teamsters

Teamsters got a lot of cannabis farmers as new members. About 40 new members were in this category. There is no proof, but many assume the members must mostly be from California. This is because within the whole nation, California has the most permissive medical cannabis laws. Numerous wonder how Teamsters plans to protect its members that are committing federal crimes with the harvesting season.

Lou Marchetti, Teamsters liaison between the newly signed growers and Oakland, Calif., Teamsters Local 70, told the AP that he hadn’t planned on such a thing as organizing cannabis workers when he joined the union 34 years ago.

“This is a whole new ballgame,” he said.

Any business that Teamsters think is breaking the law will not be a part of the business. Marchetti made this very clear when talking about growers in California.

More work with Marjyn Investments LCC for Teamsters

Gardening, trimming and even cloning are jobs held by employees of Marjyn Investments LLC, a company that contracts with medical marijuana patients to grow marijuana plants. The Teamsters Union helped the employees with a two-year contract. They now have pensions, paid getaway and health care insurance. In turn, wages will rise from $18 per hour to $25.75 per hour over the next 15 months, as outlined by Teamsters Local 70.

Getting rid of pot growing issues

Medical purposes are the only reason why states like California can get away with allowing marijuana plants to be grown. Otherwise, it is against federal law. However, if the federal government decided to crack down on Marjyn Investments, Marchetti is uncertain precisely how Teamsters would respond. If marijuana trimmers, with an already difficult job, started to be abused, the federal law wouldn’t help them, states the AP. Michael Leong, assistant regional director for National Labor Relations Board within the Oakland area, isn’t even sure if the Teamster cannabis farmers can be classified as farm workers. The NLRB would not be in control at all if that is the case.

Cultivation ‘in the shadows’ with growing Marijuana dispensaries

California has made it legal to have the enterprise of pot dispensaries. Of course, no laws were added in regulating companies like Marjyn Investments LLC. Labor standards aren’t figured out for the area yet. Of course, many people anticipate working in that area at some point in the future. Numerous have been putting in applications to try and get ready to start for themselves. Of course, we know now that there isn’t any requirement of being in the Teamsters Union in order to get started.

More on this topic

Associated Press

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