Tuesday, July 6, 2010

President Obama says yes to immigration reform

Arizona’s immigration law is settling in for the long haul, and President Obama doesn’t want immigration matters to be given the political cold shoulder by Senate Republicans. As outlined by the Associated Press, Obama called the immigration reform hesitancy on the part of 11 swing GOP senators to the carpet. While they’d been with the president on immigration reform in the past, election-year back scratching has them blowing with the wind.

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Obama’s immigration stance needs traction

The new Arizona law may not have the president’s full seal of approval (he calls it “ill-conceived”), but it has been a rallying point for his own brand of immigration reform. The system in place is certainly broken, and new fences and agents won’t change that entirely. Government should be held responsible for border security, Obama stated. Businesses should then pay heavily if they break the law and hire illegal immigrants. Those who do enter The US illegally should also take responsibility for their actions and instantly work to rectify the wrong by working to become citizens. Getting to this point will require a bipartisan effort, hence the president’s aim at Republican swing votes.

What the GOP had to say in their defense

Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl claimed that border security must come first, and that it is a separate issue from immigration reform, oddly enough. Other Republicans follow in this manner. Considering recent AP polls (where 57 percent of respondents stated that illegal immigration is a drain on society and 80 percent felt the federal government should do more to curb illegal immigration), perhaps the hesitancy of politicians like Kyl is what’s ill-conceived.

Obama’s take on immigration policy

Obama endorses the immigration bill of Sens. Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham, who place the onus on the illegal immigrant to own up to their misdeeds. With the ultimate goal of citizenship in mind, illegal immigrants would pay back taxes, fines and perform community service. Unfortunately, Lindsey Graham has backed down on doing anything about immigration reform this year.

SB 1070 is just a single step

Full accountability could be the key to effective immigration reform and border security. Per Obama’s wishes, SB 1070 will bolster existing border security and make it clear that The United States will not abide by the status quo. Inaction is no longer acceptable; in fact, repeating it would be an admission that one condones the broken system.

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