Friday, January 8, 2010

Rush, ahhh it is finally over

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Ahhh! Now the rush is over. The best time of the year comes at the beginning, in January, starting January first in fact. It is unfortunate that it comes so early. Two or three months later would be nice. But the beginning it is. The Holiday rush is over. The world can take a deep breath and relax a little. The credit card bill will not arrive for a few days at least. The house might be a little bit of a mess and the Christmas, Thanksgiving and other decorations might need to be put away still. There are no deadlines, though. The media is not screaming at us from all corners to buy, buy, and buy. The almost impossible to do list is not constantly staring us in the face. The obligatory parties and other functions, which should be fun times, are not stopping us from getting to our holiday! chores. With a little luck, leftovers from New Year’s Eve will tide appetites over for a couple of days, so chores can be minimized and, for those who are interested, football can be indulged in all day long.

Statistics probably even lend actual empirical data to this being the best time of year. It would not be surprising if violent crime drops for the first two weeks of January. Possibly terrorist attacks are fewer, since the New Year is celebrated by so much of the world. Even terrorists and would-be terrorists have to rest up after a night of hard partying. Activity on the fronts of battle fields are probably minimized for the same reasons.

Of course, it is now that taxes start to loom over us again. Even getting a refund does not ease the burden of filling out the forms. Other than the mental blocks we put on those tax forms, though, they really are a fairly simple matter for most of us. Those who have more complex taxes should count their blessings that they have the income that generally comes with more complicated taxes.

This year a blue moon arose to greet the New Year. What a pleasant rarity. With partially overcast skies, a blue moon can actually look blue. The idea of such a thing though, especially at the beginning of the year, just adds to the rarefied air of the time.

This time of year brings with it an energy. The energy to make resolutions. The energy to forge positive outlooks. The energy that gives courage to review the previous year and promise ourselves to do more with the next 365 days. If only we could conjure up the same feelings every three months or so, so we could persevere with our resolutions. For now, though, revel in the New Year, take life at face value and look forward to what is to come.

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