Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life insurance advice

What needs to be done

Most people have really expensive life insurance policies. This policy we call whole life insurance. This scam will make you spend more money in the end than you should. The best way to go about getting life insurance is to get term life insurance and invest the difference. Chances are that you will probably pay less money for a shorter amount of time. You will also be investing your money so that you will get a great return for it in the end.

How to do this

When you are buying insurance you will be buying it at a fixed rate. Since the chance that you will die goes up as you get older, so does your insurance rates. While you are still healthy and young you will pay much less than when you are old. Everybody will buy a contract with a fixed rate for twenty five years. Then you will have to pay more for a new contract. The charges from whole life insurance are between the low and high of term. You will pay less than you need to for the first half but less than you need to for the rest of your life. Instead of paying a lot of money for whole, look at another option.

What else is wrong with whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance will take some or your money and put it in a savings account for you. Luckily, instead of making them look better as they would hope, this makes them look worse. When you die, your family will need to decide between the death benefit or savings account money. Instead of allowing you to use your own money, they will charge you interest to take it out. You will lose all of your money to them and won't be able to see it unless you take out a loan with it.

What now

The contract you should sign should be for twenty five years of term. The difference between the two prices you should invest. It is like having a savings account except you will make more money. Between you and your spouse you will probably pay around forty dollars a month. With whole you can spend up to five hundred a month. With the extra money you should invest it every month so by the time your term insurance is up you will have enough that you don't need to have life insurance anymore. You should be able to figure out what the best thing is to do with your life insurance. If you do it on your own then you have more money in the end. Finally, you will have figured out why term insurance is better than whole.

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