Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Waiting over as Ron Paul announces he will be running for president

Congressman Ron Paul has just declared that he will run for president in 2012. It will be the 3rd time he has run for election to the highest office in the land. Many consider the obstetrician-turned-politician a highly influential figure among tea party groups and candidates. Ron Paul failed to capture the 2008 Republican nomination, and ran in 1988 as a Libertarian candidate.

3rd time is the charm, says Libertarian-leaning Congressman

Nobody knows what will occur with Ron Paul. He could result in being a presidential candidate that wins. Texas Representative Paul is seventy five years old and tends to be pretty Libertarian. He announced his plan to run for the Republican party candidate while on “Good Morning The United States.” He was in an interview during this, the Los Angeles Times states. This is the third time Ron Paul will be involved in running for President. This occurred in 1988 and 2008 also.

How the tea party feels over it

Tea party groups consider Dr. Ron Paul a “godfather” in several ways. Several call him “Dr. No” as a joke. This is because he has been unwilling to vote for anything that isn’t in the constitution, the Christian Science Monitor states. Some of the entities he considers unconstitutional contain Social Security, Medicare and the Internal Revenue Service. Other positions have put him totally at odds with mainstream conservatives. For instance, he wrote a blog post for CNBC in which he advocates for decriminalizing cannabis. He is also a constant critic of aggressive foreign policy and the military-industrial complex. Paul is notoriously antagonistic to the Federal Reserve, which he wants to get rid of, according to Reuters.

Next presidential elections he will be 77

In November 2012, Paul will be quite old. He will be older than the average death age in the U.S. Currently 75, he will be 77 in Nov of next year. Still, he feels believes winning the Republican primary is “an absolute possibility many, several times better” than at previous times. Young individuals like Paul over Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrinch and Mitt Romney. He also does great with fundraisers. He elevated $35 million for his 2008 presidential bid. He also ran in 1988 as the presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party.

Information from

Los Angeles Times,0,626706.story?track=rss



Christian Science Monitor

1 comment:

ggeorgewashington said...

If I may please;

Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who would cut enough spending to avert a debt crisis. Only he will restore constitutionally sound money. And, only he will strengthen our national defense by bringing our troops home and putting an end to the nation-building that is draining our country.

Watch Dr Paul question Ben Bernanke if you doubt Paul understands even subtle aspects of the economy. Imagine Palin or Romney doing that?
Other candidates speak flowery words and tell nothing of how anything will get done. Mr. Paul is very different.

Constitutionally, legislatively, and morally, Ron Paul has no equal. His 22 year voting record speaks for itself.

Please help give America back Her Constitution.
Ron Paul for President in 2012.
Thank You