Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sharron Angle wins Nevada GOP nod, may restart Prohibition

As Nevada Democrat Harry Reid waits for the GOP challenge from primary winner Sharron Angle, the individuals of the state may wonder what they’ll be getting if Angle wins. You see, certain statements in Sharron Angle’s political war chest are attracting their fair share of controversy or embarrassment. According to the LA Times, the former teacher and current Scientologist wants to phase out Social Security for younger workers. Admittedly, that may only be semi-controversial, as Social Security isn’t doing so well in recent years. What raises the hairs on the back of right-wing Republican necks are Sharron Angle’s opinions about education, prohibition and spas for prison inmates.

Resource for this article: Sharron Angle wins Nevada GOP primary, wants Prohibition By Personal Money Store

Get out of education, Sharron Angle tells big government

According to her campaign site, Sharron Angle wants the Department of Education to disband on grounds that the federal organization is unconstitutional. Numerous failed programs that make an effort to be anything to everyone don’t work and simply create trouble, she believes. Alternative choices for education, whether they be home schooling, payday cash vouchers or charter school possibilities, are better for children, teachers and families, suggests Angle.

How dry is prohibition

Sharron Angle’s stance on alcohol is maybe the one view that could cause her probably the most trouble in her battle against Harry Reid in Nevada. Alcohol, said Angle in a 2006 interview for Liberty Watch, should be dealt with by police force and also the legal system much within the exact same way as marijuana, reports Slash Politics. The result would be that alcohol would become illegal, as it was in the Prohibition era. This is particularly odd, considering that Sharron Angle is running out of Nevada, the land of Las Vegas. Jerry Stacy, spokesman for Sharron Angle, is nevertheless trying to spin that one away.

There could be hot tubs for the mentally ill

Ever the Scientologist, Sharron Angle has publicly decried the use of psychiatric drugs on prison inmates. According to Talking Points Memo, Angle tried to “gain support for a prison drug rehabilitation program that would involve prisoners quitting drugs cold turkey, with saunas and massages as part of treatment”. This is what L. Ron Hubbard thought about this, as outlined by Angle.

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