Monday, June 6, 2011

DC Comics to reboot superheroes at issue Number 1

DC Comics announced that it promises to restart all of its hero figures. Every comic will restart with issue No. 1 starting in Sept. DC owns such iconic characters as Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and The Flash.

New creative team

There are 70 years of storylines being left behind by DC’s new innovative team, Geoff Johns and Jim Lee, leaving a clean slate to work with. Costumes and plotlines will be modernized. There will even be new origins for the plotlines. According to Lee, this will “make characters more identifiable and accessible to comic fans new and old.”

How the heroes fight

There have been DC and Marvel Comics for years. DC has always come in second place. About 40 percent of the comic book market goes to Marvel. Walt Disney Business owns Marvel. DC, owned by Time Warner, garners 27 percent. The plan is to change things for DC. DC will hopefully start to take up more of the industry.

The Justice League

The new DC saga begins Aug. 31 with a new start for the Justice League. ”The Brave and the Bold” magazine is where the Justice League debuted in February 1960. It involves Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Batman and Superman.

There will be 13 new titles released every week in September while 52 titles are likely to reboot altogether. Since there are 52 alternate Earths which “exist” in the “multiverse” at the business, fifty two has become a magical quantity at DC.

Which industry to work with

Rebooting the “Justice League” will mean new strategy. A new market needs to be used. A same day digital release for the rebooted titles in an app will take place with DC. DC’s blog states that “making DC Comics the first of the two major American publishers to release all of its superhero comic book titles digitally the same day as in print.” This comes after a similar move by Archie Comics, which pioneered the strategy.

Information from

National Post


Titans Tower

Saturday, June 4, 2011

KKK prevents Westboro Baptists during demonstration at Arlington on Memorial Day

Two notorious hate organizations got in the way of Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, states CNN. Hours before President Obama was set to speak before the Tomb of the Unknowns, participants in the Westboro Baptist Church and Ku Klux Klan locked horns. Astonishingly, no violence or arrests occurred.

How the KKK feels about the anti-gay protests from Westboro

The angry demonstrations against homosexuality and the United States Military from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., have gotten a lot of attention. Under the direction of Pastor Phelps and his daughter Abigail, church members parade outside military funerals, sporting anti-gay signs that condemn the souls of dead soldiers to hell.

There is one group of 10 individuals that were at Arlington that didn't like these sentiments though. The 10 people supposedly represented the Knights of the Southern Cross, also known as the Ku Klux Klan. In an area near where the Westboro Baptists were assembled, KKK members dispersed American flags, waved a banner that read "POW-MIA" and did their best to drown out the vitriol of the Westboro Baptists.

Imperial Wizard Dennis LaBonte was at the demonstration. He said the Phelps message of anti-troops was being protested there.

“It’s the soldier that fought and died and gave them that right to free speech,” said LaBonte.

Not scripture based

Abigail Phelps told CNN the Westboro Baptists acknowledge no moral authority in the KKK, as in her church’s view, the Bible makes no references to white power or white supremacy. LaBonte and other suggest the Ku Klux Klan is only there to look after the white race. It is not about being racist or hateful. The Westboro Baptists still believe that homosexuality and the United States military complex are evils.

Not really free freedom

As long as the Westboro Baptists stay a certain distance from military funerals, they’re allowed to protest under the First Amendment protection, according to a United States Supreme Court ruling. Much the same is true of the Ku Klux Klan and their white power demonstrations. So long as violence or direct violations of the law aren’t involved, such organizations can protest as often as they like.

Articles cited

Arlington National Cemetery


New York Daily News

Home prices go down as foreclosure rates soar

House prices are still falling in the U.S. And foreclosure rates are increasing. Those buying for a home should find this good news. However, those looking to sell a home might want to give it some more time.

FHFA report shows distinct drop

The home-price index fell faster than it has since 2008 in the first quarter according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Prices have fallen 2.5 percent in the last quarter, which is a drop of 5.5 percent from last year. The report, however, covers only homes purchased with mortgages provided by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. It doesn’t record cash only sales. They are out entirely.

Several think it is from the foreclosures

FHFA acting director Edward DeMarco said, “In many local real estate markets, particularly those hit hard by this cycle, foreclosures and other distressed properties are still a key factor in recorded and anticipated future sales and may be delaying price stability or recovery.” RealtyTrac states that foreclosure home prices are dropping. There was a 1.89 percent drop from the last quarter to an average sale price of $168,321. That is a 1.46 percent drop in price from this time last year. And because foreclosures lower the value of other homes in their neighborhood, they affect the rest of the index as well.

Foreclosure third parties

”While foreclosure sales continue to account for an unusually high percentage of all residential home sales, sales volume is well off the peak we saw in the first quarter of 2009, when nearly 350,000 foreclosure properties were sold to third parties,” said CEO of RealtyTrac, James Saccacio. During the first quarter, 158,434 homes in various stages of foreclosure were sold to third parties during the first quarter, which is a go down of 16 percent from the previous quarter and 36 percent from a year ago.

Foreclosures in states are different from one another

Foreclosure rates depend on the state. Some have more while others have less. It was at 41 percent in both Ohio and Illinois. California and Arizona had foreclosure rates of 45 percent. In Nevada, foreclosures were 53 percent of the market.

Frauds with foreclosure common

There have been more foreclosure scams recently. Homeowners end up with nothing in these scams that have upfront fees for foreclosure prevention. Mortgage reduction plan negotiations can’t have upfront fees anymore with a requirement made in Feb. with the Federal Trade Commission.


Wall Street Journal

DS News

DS News

Daily Finance

Debt reduction and debt consolidation cons still uncontrolled post-recession

You can hardly start up the Television or radio anymore without seeing some sort of advert for a debt relief or debt consolidation business. Though many of these companies are perfectly ethical and do what they promise, there are a lot of them that are frauds. There are still plenty of debt reduction companies that are actively trying to stay away from complying with the regulation.

Federal Trade Commission regulations disregarded

To be able to stop fake debt settlement and debt settlement businesses from stealing, the Federal Trade Commission started up many new rules. This was over half a year ago. Debt servicing companies, according to KNDU, an NBC affiliate in Washington state, are prohibited from asking for an advance fee, have to make specific information accessible up front and can’t misrepresent themselves in any way. Exactly how much money a person can save and what the fees are in the service have to be explained upfront. There are still some businesses not following this law. This can be a problem.

Settlement for large company made

WalletPop states the states of Washington and New York did a sting with Freedom Debt Relief and found out it didn’t follow debt services’ laws. Customers in those states were misled by the California firm. In both cases, the company settled. It settled for $2 million in payments in consumers. The company is dealing with a class action lawsuit right now. It also made similar settlements with four other states. The Federal Trade Commission, according to the Wall Street Journal, recently won large settlements against two debt management businesses illegally “robocalling” consumers with automated phone messages. Advanced Management Services NW and Dynamic Financial Group were found to have robocalled consumers and told those who responded they could reduce debt for a hefty upfront fee. If it didn’t work, Advanced Management Services said it would refund money although the companies both would keep the cash and tell customers that they need to p! ay their bills on time to cut back debt.

Too great to be true

With debt settlement corporations, “if it looks too good to be true, it most likely is” works really well. The Federal Deposit Insurance Business and Federal Trade Commission both warn that any company guaranteeing to remove negative items from credit states or a settlement for “pennies on the dollar” is most likely a scam. Until after there is many kind of debt reduction, debt settlement corporations aren’t legally allowed to ask for any money. Just go ahead and check for a nonprofit debt counselor instead. There are many of them that can help you do a debt reduction plan for free. Before going to any for-profit debt reduction services, try a not-for-profit credit counselor first, the CFIC suggests. Discover financial advisers by going to the National Foundation for credit Counseling.




Wall Street Journal




Friday, June 3, 2011

Signing a bill with an autopen causes debate

Obama recently finalized a controversial bill. The bill renewed certain things of the Patriot Act which were going to end. It went to the president for approval, though Obama is currently visiting Europe. The president’s signature is creating controversy, as he authorized an autopen signature, which is a machine that produces an exact copy of a persons’ signature.

Government surveillance allowed again

Unless a new bill was created and passed by Congress and signed by the president, some Patriot Act provisions would have expired. The Christian Science Monitor states that even though the surveillance procedures that are controversial were about to expire, the president signed the bill anyway to keep them going. The government can still use the internet, wiretaps and business records whenever they want without permission. Senator Rand Paul did rally against the bill though, without any luck. CNN states that the president used a robotic pen. This was also very controversial.

How the autopen works

As the president is currently in France, and the signature was needed urgently, the document had to be finalized using an autopen. An autopen is a mechanical machine that reproduces a person’s signature. The difference between an autopen and genuine signature is almost extremely hard to tell. The machines, according to MSNBC, vary in complexity from simply tracing a template to far more mechanically complex machines. In the U.S., there are only two companies that sell the machines. One of the owners, Bob Olding, was interviewed briefly. ABC spoke with Damillic Corp., owner Olding who said the technology hasn’t changed much since the 1930s when it came out. He also stresses that Damillic goes out of its way to properly vet its consumers and make sure that his products are being used ethically.

Legality problems

The Constitution says the president has to sign a bill; the text reads “he shall sign it.” As long as a signature is directed to be attached to a document, it is valid, according to the Department of Justice. The Justice Department at first looked to the use of an autopen for precisely this reason in 2005 and informed then President Bush that as long as he indicated his consent to the signature, an auto signature was legally valid. V.P. Quayle admits that he used an autopen in 1992 while Donald Rumsfeld used one in 2004. This was for the letters he sent to families of troops killed. Thomas Jefferson built a signature and letter duplication machine, or polygraph, in the 19th century. Government officials, astronauts and business executives all have used autopens in the past.

Articles cited

Christian Science Monitor




Damillic Inc

Friday, May 27, 2011

Personal loans for for-profit school expenses may be a waste

Private, for-profit schools aren’t all created equal, and scholars should be persistent about any they may be considering. School often has to be funded with some unsecured loans of some sort. Private for-profit schools have higher loan default rates and clash with the authorities regularly. Some schools are great institutions and well worth considering. However, prospective scholars should check any out thoroughly before matriculating.

Indictment for Trump

CNN states the New York Lawyer General is investigating five companies which were for-profit universities. The small, for-profit university Donald Trump started a few years back, the former Trump University, is one of the schools involved. After the New York Department of Education said that this was not a real school, it was renamed the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative. The four some other industries are, according to the New York Times, the Career Education Corporation, Corinthian Colleges, Bridgepoint Education and Lincoln Educational Services. The corporations and schools are being investigated although there aren’t yet any charges filed.

School and state fight

Many for-profit universities have been getting the shaft from state and federal governments lately. Former scholars are not very happy about this. Donald Trump is currently being sued in California by students of the now Trump Entrepreneur Initiative because they say they were misled. Reuters states that Corinthian’s colleges in California, Florida, Georgia and Massachusetts are also under investigation. The Boston Globe states the Massachusetts Attorney General will investigate the Apollo group as well which is known as the Kaplan Career Institute, operated by the Washington Post company, and University of Phoenix. The stability of smaller private colleges is generally not strong either. They are quite unstable really. Students in Spokane, Washington were left with thousands in personel loans and no degree when Alpine College shut down.

Difficult to afford and extremely hard to pay for

Students have trouble deciding which school to go to. Typically, cost is a significant thing to consider. For-profit, private colleges could be incredibly costly. Reuters states that 15.2 percent of students who went to a for-profit university defaulted on student loans within a year in 2009, which is twice the 7.3 percent of students who defaulted after going to a public school. The rate was much lower for private, not-for-profit schools. That rate was only at 4.3 percent. Also, for-profit school scholars make up half of loan defaults. That’s a pretty high rate. Several people have accused for-profit universities of fraudulent advertising and of not preparing students well enough for the job industry, thus making it harder for them to meet their loan obligations. Schools may not be able to get federal loans for students if they have a default rate over 35 percent if the Department of Education gets its way.



New York Times




Boston Globe”

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Great Britain sees a rise in cash advances

The amount of cash advances has increased considerably in Great Britain over the last month or so. The number of loans has grown sharply since the Financial institution Holiday at the beginning of May. The demand has increased by about 58 percent from what it was in this same period last month.

Increase in price continues

Many think that Great Britain’s economy could be predicted based on the boost in cash advances. According to, which is a product comparison site, the weekly expenditures for a working class family in Great Britain have risen by an alarming 54 pounds (close to $87) a week over the last six-month period.

Stagnant wages

There has been a huge struggle for working individuals since wages have been stagnant. At the same time, costs have been increasing quite a bit. About 8.5 million households would have a lot of problems without their primary source of income according to a Scottish Widows report. Financial stability is something only 25 percent of individuals would be confident with if this income were lost. At least there is that.

The Customer Protection Report from Scottish Widows also reported that almost half of the country’s families with children are reliant upon two salaries.

Measure the economy in installment loans’s head of loans and debt Time Moss claims, “These products act as a barometer, giving a unique insight to the state of the nation’s finances.” Moss continues, “It’s no surprise to see the demand for payday loans rise so sharply in the current climate.”

Paying for cash advances or overdrafts

Getting an overdraft fee penalty is typically worse than these loans. This is what Moss explains despite their critics.

Decisions should be weighed carefully

When taking out a cash advance, make sure you are very careful and think about the decision. Installment loans can be costly if they aren’t paid back on time, and payday advance terms generally only last a few weeks.

Articles cited

My Finances

Payday Bank

Yorkshire Post

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will small financial institutions sink beneath the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau waves?

The American Bankers Association has a bone to pick along with the CFPB, according to Investor’s Business Daily. Community banks and credit unions suspect over one thousand of their kind will cease to exist, thanks to what they see as over-regulation from the Dodd-Frank Act. Regulatory control unchecked – that’s what the ABA calls the big Dodd-Frank gun in the CFPB’s hands.

The new adjustment is coming

All U.S. Financial institutions should watch out since “change is coming” and they’ll have to follow new rules, according to interim chief of the CFPB, Elizabeth Warren. More than half of the Customer Financial Protection Bureau’s spending budget will be directed at supervision and enforcement, a fact Warren has used on multiple occasions to accentuate talk of the fervor with which the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will defend the financial rights of United States consumers.

Future of banks not looking good

Many of the ABA representatives explained that the Dodd-Frank rules could be devastating to banks. Over 1,000 could go out of business before the end of the decade with the rules. Any information requested, in any format requested, must be given to the CFPB by banks. The resources taken to put this together could possibly be devastating to small banks. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will probably make an effort to figure out if discrimination is taking place by asking the banks to get even more information about a borrower’s demographics in order to stop predatory lending with the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act.

According to Investor’s Business Daily, ABA Chairman Stephen explained that this is bad for credit unions and small community banks. They will make the loans larger banks won’t much of the time. It would be hard if small banks started to shut down. There would be fewer places to get capital. Wilson explains that customers will end up with higher rates and fees this way.

“If we tie up our capital system, it’s going to take money away from the people who need it to create jobs,” warned U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue.

Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau hasn’t been picked yet

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau does not have a chairman still even though it is expected to launch on July 21. President Obama will probably nominate Warren although lawmakers are not so keen on the idea if they support the banking industry. Warren states that her goal is to make the CFPB “toothless” although Republicans are concerned too much power is being given to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

In just two and a half years, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 changed sixteen rules. The Dodd-Frank Act will require more than 250 rule changes over several years.

Information from

American Bankers Association

Florida Realtors

Investor’s Business Daily


Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.) fights for community banks and credit unions

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

513 individuals crammed into Mexico semi-truck

Mexican authorities recently stumbled across two semi-trucks packed with 513 illegal immigrants, bound for the American border. Law enforcement in the Mexican state of Chiapas found the trucks at a security checkpoint using x-ray equipment. They found a ton of people packed together in extreme conditions, like sardines.

Finding human smugglers close to Guatemalan border before they enter

A small human smuggling operation was found by Mexican authorities. They found it near the Guatemalan and Mexican edge in the Chiapas state. MSNBC reports that there were two semi-trucks found, with X-ray equipment, with hundreds of people packed in them while driving through checkpoints near Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. Between the two trucks there were 513 people who were hungry, dehydrated and holding on for dear life to the cargo ropes that had been strung between the walls for them to keep themselves upright.

Immigrants not all from the same place

Those in the trucks were from different nations, not just one. Much of the people were from Guatemala; however, some were not. There were 6 from Nepal, one from japan, 1 from china, 12 from India, 47 from El Salvador and 32 that had come from Ecuador. There were 32 females and 4 children and the rest were male. The Mexican authorities are responsible for the humans being transferred while four smugglers tried to escape and were arrested, CNN states. The trucks only had air holes drilled into the top of the trailers, and the Chiapas lawyer general says the smugglers demanded $7,000 per person. The trucks were en route to Puebla, where the people would be transferred to different trucks headed for the U.S.. In January, a truck containing 219 migrants was discovered in the same region.

Using Mexico to get to the United States

To be able to the get the United States, several illegal immigrants will go to Mexico. According to Mexican cops, a find like this has not happened in a long time. BBC states that it was a fairly large find. Coyotes, or coyotaje, are what the human smugglers are known as. They get illegal immigrants across the edge for a payment. If there is an injury or abuse, migrants cannot do anything over it. According to the Christian Science Monitor, there were 72 migrants killed by the Zetas drug cartel in August last year while between April and September last year, 10,000 were kidnapped.

Information from




Christian Science Monitor

Term life insurance swapped out by mixed policies

The nature of long-term care and life insurance plans has been quickly changing in these uncertain financial times. Today’s buyers are often reluctant to spend large amounts on items with benefits they’ll see much later, if ever. In order to counter this trend, the insurance industry is now offering hybrid policies which combine long-term care benefits with term life insurance.

Choosing the long term care might be good

Generally mixed life insurance policies utilize universal life, in which a portion of the death benefit might be used early to help pay for long-term care should it become necessary. These mixed policies have been available for a while but have recently been gaining popularity. Having two products in one is a great deal for some. Several consumers like hybrid products for this reason. It may never be necessary to get the long-term care. Still, the policy holder can get life insurance upon death.

Standard policies in decline

Gebworth Financial Inc., states that mixed policies doubled in sales by 2010. There has been, in just the last five years, a decrease of nearly 25 percent on traditional long-term-care insurance plants.

John Ryan is a Colorado-based broker. “Most people who purchase hybrid insurance aren’t getting it because they want life insurance,” he said. “They’re getting it because they need long-term-care insurance, and the sales pitch that you are able to get your money back no matter what is quite compelling,”

Retired class growing rapidly

About 69 percent of Americas turning 65 every single day will need long-term care eventually, according to Washington-based lobbying group for retirement homes, LeadingAge, with those numbers doubling by 2040.

The way to use hybrid policies

Several mixed policies are currently available. There’s a huge variation in them though. Typically an individual is given a cash-value life insurance policy with the choice to use it for long-term care benefits instead. Death benefit values will be reduced though if the long-term care benefits are used.

May not be the choice for you

A two-for-one product does seem nice to several individuals. There are a few things to consider though. With a combined product, you’ve to follow the rules strictly. Generally a hybrid product does not cover home care. It does not change for inflation either. The different long-term care accessible to be covered is typically specialized. It isn’t possible to predict needs for long-term care. Still, life insurance corporations make an effort to do this. It is generally more costly to get a mixed product than it is to just get a long-term care policy, although it is cheaper than getting both goods separately.

Read up on it

As with any large investment, the consumer needs to be cautious and well-informed when shopping for these products. An impartial financial adviser can help you. Get some advice.


Dail Finance

Elder Law Answers


Saturday, May 21, 2011

OnDeck platform gives credit to small businesses

In business, there are big-idea startups that attract millions of dollars of funding. Many of the companies that we all use every day, however, aren’t a big idea. They’re the restaurants, boutiques, coffee shops, and hotdog carts that we use every day. OnDeck owners have a new chance to create a credit rating separate from their owners. This credit rating would supply a new opportunity for entrepreneurs to build or expand their business.

Small Businesses having difficulty getting loans

It can be difficult to qualify for a small company loan. Several financial institutions are wary of lending to companies without a credit history or business history. Businesses typically don’t like to do loans less than $100,000. The work involved in a 14-item business loan package just is not worth it. Financing could be secured by business owners with less than 25 employees as long as they use their personal credit. This could be dangerous since all the risk is there for the business owner and is tied to personal accounts.

OnDeck provides a business solution

OnDeck is interlinked and Cloud-based. It can help lenders get the financial reports they need. Businesses input their business profile, link the profile to their online banking, accounting and credit-card processing accounts. That information is mixed with industry data, tax data and regional information to create a full financial profile, prospectus and business credit report. This system, five years in the making, creates the kinds of reports that large companies use to qualify for choice loans. For loans between $5,000 and $150,000, the report hopes it can streamline information for banks.

Small Businesses have more resources

OnDeck is not the only resource for small company credit even though it is helpful. A new government partnership called StartUp The United States aims to provide discounts, resources and information to help small business owners get their business going or growing. The SBA also provides loan guarantees, counseling and information for small business owners. More resources are accessible for any entrepreneur that wants one.

Articles cited

Tech Crunch

Startup America Partnership

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cadillac's all new XTS will replace two previous models

Cadillac plans to replace both the DTS and STS car models with the new XTS, due out next year. The date for production to begin has yet to be announced. GM first wants to sell off the DTS and STS models still in stock on its dealer’s showroom floors.

Depending on concept vehicle unveiled last year

Cadillac’s new flagship, the XTS, is situated on the Platinum concept vehicle shown at the 2010 Detroit Auto Show. The automobile will be built on a stretched form of GM’s front-wheel-drive Epsilon II platform (which underpins automobiles as diverse as the Chevy Malibu and the Buick LaCrosse) and will be built at GM’s Grand River plant in Lansing, Mich.

Perfect, comfortable and convenient automobile

The production model will apparently be slightly narrower than the concept car and feature a slightly longer rear overhang. Both the front and rear seat passengers will experience connectivity and infotainment features. Power in the auto will come from a direct injection. GM’s 3.6 liter V-6 will be in there. It will hopefully be a very gentle ride. That is the plan with the electronically controlled shock absorbers on it.

If the production model remains true to the concept, the XTS could come with an all-wheel-drive option, various V-6 power plants and potentially a plug-in hybrid drive line. There’s a chance than an 8-cylinder engine option will be added. That is just a rumor for now.

BMW v Cadillac

In an attempt to rival MNW’s 5-series and the Mercedes E-class, Cadillac is replacing the DTS and STS models with the entry-level CTS. This in turn will make room for the new, smaller ATS sedan (which is slated to arrive in the summer of 2012) to go up against the BMW C-class and the 3-series.

Old leaves so new can stay

The STS is not being made by Cadillac already. In the next 3 or four weeks, the last of the DTS models will be built. Before the XTS replacement is built, Cadillac has plans to sell the 900 STS models and 3,000 DTS models left.

Information from

Car and Driver


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Waiting over as Ron Paul announces he will be running for president

Congressman Ron Paul has just declared that he will run for president in 2012. It will be the 3rd time he has run for election to the highest office in the land. Many consider the obstetrician-turned-politician a highly influential figure among tea party groups and candidates. Ron Paul failed to capture the 2008 Republican nomination, and ran in 1988 as a Libertarian candidate.

3rd time is the charm, says Libertarian-leaning Congressman

Nobody knows what will occur with Ron Paul. He could result in being a presidential candidate that wins. Texas Representative Paul is seventy five years old and tends to be pretty Libertarian. He announced his plan to run for the Republican party candidate while on “Good Morning The United States.” He was in an interview during this, the Los Angeles Times states. This is the third time Ron Paul will be involved in running for President. This occurred in 1988 and 2008 also.

How the tea party feels over it

Tea party groups consider Dr. Ron Paul a “godfather” in several ways. Several call him “Dr. No” as a joke. This is because he has been unwilling to vote for anything that isn’t in the constitution, the Christian Science Monitor states. Some of the entities he considers unconstitutional contain Social Security, Medicare and the Internal Revenue Service. Other positions have put him totally at odds with mainstream conservatives. For instance, he wrote a blog post for CNBC in which he advocates for decriminalizing cannabis. He is also a constant critic of aggressive foreign policy and the military-industrial complex. Paul is notoriously antagonistic to the Federal Reserve, which he wants to get rid of, according to Reuters.

Next presidential elections he will be 77

In November 2012, Paul will be quite old. He will be older than the average death age in the U.S. Currently 75, he will be 77 in Nov of next year. Still, he feels believes winning the Republican primary is “an absolute possibility many, several times better” than at previous times. Young individuals like Paul over Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrinch and Mitt Romney. He also does great with fundraisers. He elevated $35 million for his 2008 presidential bid. He also ran in 1988 as the presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party.

Information from

Los Angeles Times,0,626706.story?track=rss



Christian Science Monitor

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Is May 21, 2011, the time of the Rapture?

End of the world and apocalypse forecasts have existed for as long as humankind has had religious beliefs to gently (or not so gently) suggest how they should think and behave. May 21, 2011, will reportedly be the day of the Rapture. According to WFMY 2 News in Greensboro, N.C., there are even billboards advertising the event.

‘The Bible guarantees it’

Judgment Day can be May 21, 2011 if you ask Family Radio network in Oakland, Calif., founder Harold Camping. He has put that individuals should “cry mightily unto God” on several billboards. On May 21, from 8:30 to 10 p.m., the Family Radio affiliates will broadcast the program. There are over 150 affiliates around the country to do this.

Camping believes May 21, 2011, will be the Rapture, when true Christians are gathered together in the heavens to meet with Jesus Christ. Five months later on Oct 21, 2011, Camping believes God will destroy the Earth and the universe entirely. The last time Camping forecasted these events would kick off was in Sept of 1994.

Hard to determine when Doomsday will appear

Harold Camping isn’t unlike the many before him who forecasted the end of the world. They have all used the Bible to figure it out. End of the world is decided depending on the belief that seven days is equal to seven millennia where mathematical calculations are needed. Camping used the Hebrew calendar to determine when 7,000 years from the day God told Noah judgment would be is. He decided it was May 21, 2011.

“The Bible has given us absolute proof that the year 2011 is the end of the world during the Day of Judgment, which will come on the last day of the Day of Judgment,” says Camping on

Four memorable doomsday prediction failures, Caucasian blend

For doomsday pleasure, here are four of many notable apocalypse reservations which were broken:

The Prophet Hen of Leeds, 1806

Supposedly, there was a hen that laid eggs saying “Christ is coming” in 1906 in the English town of Leeds. Closer inspection of the egg-laying process bucked this disaster.

Guessing April 23, 1843 for the Millerites

Doomsday was anticipated in a one year span by New England farmer Miller. He thought someplace between March 21, 1843 and 1844 would be when the ending of the world came. His followers, the Millerites, helped him figure out an exact date. This is how April 23, 1843 came about. Followers sold much of what they owned. They didn’t even sell it for much money. Eventually, some formed the Seventh Day Adventists. They worked together to do this.

End comes from Halley’s Comet in 1910

In 1881, Astronomers decided that 1910 would be the end. This would be due to a tail of Halley’s Comet the Earth would pass through. Stories about mass extinction via poison gas made the front page of the New York Times, but by 1910, scientists knew better.

Heaven’s Gate, 1997

There was a mass suicide with the Heaven’s Gate cult. There were 39 members that passed away. The alien spaceship was anticipated to be coming in 1997 when really it was the Hale Bopp comet. Marshall Applewhite as the Heaven’s Gate leader told everybody that leaving their bodies would be the only way to get to paradise.



WFMY News 2

Wikipedia entry for Harold Camping

Doomsday and apocalypse (Beware: Contains scripture)

Friday, April 29, 2011

House renovating that you need to do now

Renovating to increase the value of a home has traditionally been a good idea. When the market came crashing down, however, the ROI for house remodels went down substantially. There are places in the country where the market provides more satisfaction, though. SmartMoney has numerous ideas aspiring home remodelers can pursue to get maximum value on their resell. Resource for this article – Home remodeling projects that are worth the money today by MoneyBlogNewz.

Cooking up a tasteful kitchen remodel

Today, kitchen renovating is a $12.6 billion industry. Since the lowest point of the housing bubble collapse in 2009, homeowners have spent an average of $27,300 on kitchen remodels, reports SmartMoney. Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies showed that the amount spent on remodels is only 8 percent lower than the top of the housing boom, although there are ways around the high prices.

Cabinet manufacturers, eager to sell during the recession, have cut out surcharges to higher quality work and wood. You can conserve 20 to 30 percent if you just ask. Hand-painted tile is still going to cost you a lot though. According to SmartMoney, it is wise to avoid sourcing materials straight from a manufacturer. Saving money is not worth it. The potential for sizing error increases, which could force you to pay more for return shipping and repairs.

Clean up with a bathroom remodel

The return on bathrooms is going to always be there, whether it be a good or bad market. A 53 percent average return is currently there. Prices for high-quality granite have come down by as much as 50 percent since the housing boom years, in part due to increased competition from Asian and Brazilian rock quarries. There has also been a huge decrease in the porcelain sink market, Chinese import activity has brought on it to decrease 50 percent also. Thus, high-end restroom remodeling tasks are not out of the question.

SmartMoney suggests doing a spa shower in a bathroom undertaking. With a shower tower kit, only one water hookup is required to deliver multiple streams of water. Just keep in mind that such kits aren’t adjustable, which could be a problem if individuals of different heights use the shower.

Have a better backyard

You may get more money out of a nicer remodeled backyard as well. Deluxe grills, pizza ovens, refrigerators, warming drawers, wine chillers and cabana roofs have sold well during the recession, claims SmartMoney. Experts say that demand hasn’t changed much price. The installation costs are down 20 percent or more. Homeowners know that landscaping negotiation is easy too.

Instead of a masonry fireplace, try a gas fire pit, which is a “hot tip” at SmartMoney. Typically, the pits are portable. That means you can redecorate however you would like. It costs thousands of dollars less to simply get the gas pits too.

Information from


Smart Money

Knowing when renovating your home is worth it

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Startup America Partnership promises millions more in help

Being an entrepreneur is tough, however a three-month-old private entity, supported by government partnerships, is aiming to make it just a little bit easier. Over a dozen new companies have pledged $400 million to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Post resource – Startup America Partnership helps small businesses grow by MoneyBlogNewz.

What you need to learn about the Startup America Partnership

The U.S. government works in a partnership with Startup America which is privately funded. Technically, even though it is privately funded and managed, the Startup America Partnership is a White House initiative. Startup America aims to provide discounts and special programs to entrepreneurs to help them start and grow a business. Members of Startup America are able to get, on top of the discounts and preferred pricing, workshops, classes and a lot of business information. Over 60 percent of United States new jobs come from small businesses which also account for 44 percent of United States payroll. Small Businesses are encouraged to grow and hire with the partnership.

Funding with $400 million

On April 20, Startup America announced more than $400 million in new commitments from big-name companies. A preferred pricing donation came from American Express. Startup America got $125 million from them. There was a Google donation as well. It came in the form of Google Ad credits worth $100 million. Even Facebook has gotten involved. It will host May’s “Startup Days” this year. There were discounts offered by HP to startup companies. About $100 million total is being provided. There were several businesses engaged in discounts as well. These incorporated Palindrome Advisors, The National Center for Women & Information Technology, LinkedIn, First Data, Ernst and Young and Cisco. There were already partnerships with many other businesses including Microsoft, Intuit, Google, FirstData, Intel, Causecast, American Association of Community Colleges, The Pearson Foundation, Artists & Instigators, IBM, Mass Challenge, Cisco and Astia.

You can get engaged

In case you are a small company owner or have an idea for a business, you are able to get help from the Startup America Partnership. You may have already gotten a personal unsecured loan to start your business. Either way, it is quite easy. Register at and start browsing the accessible deals for your business. With all the Startup America Partnership programs, there are different needs. Nevertheless, there are various programs for them all. Dependent upon the business you are starting, the deals with the Startup America Partnership could save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

Articles cited

Startup America Partnership Website

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Will Goldman-triggered commodity rout decrease U.S. gas costs?

Speculation on commodities may have reached a point where a correction is imminent. As demand begins to erode from the pressure of high commodity costs, Goldman Sachs led the way and others followed by selling off commodities, which sent costs diving. Goldman wants to get out while the getting is good as soaring commodities costs have triggered inflation that has curbed demand.

The Goldman prediction

By the end of the day on Monday, April 11, there was an end to the advancement of commodity prices after they rose 25 percent just since December. There started to be a commodity rout after warnings on commodity price decreases from Goldman Sachs. There was also a warning from Japan’s economic minister that there would be more damage than believed from the earthquake and tsunami on March 11. Oil fell more than 7 percent and copper ended Tuesday with its largest one-day loss since February. There may be “demand destruction” from the high prices on oil which may end up staying long even though oil and gas are close to the Spring 2008 levels, states Goldman. Plus, relatively peaceful elections in Nigeria and a potential cease-fire in Libya, two major oil producing countries, have dampened the enthusiasm of speculators whose bets on fear and risk have been driving up commodity costs.

Hopefully we’ll get commodity prices back

Several are worried that Goldman started the commodities rout so that it could get in on the upward trend that is occurring and prepare. Goldman’s comments happened, however they were not the only thing. There has been lots of pressure on the prices for commodities. High oil costs could threaten the growth of the economy according to a report on Tuesday from the International Energy Agency. On Monday the International Monetary Fund projected that inflation borne by high commodity prices would slow global economic growth from 5 percent last year to 4.5 percent in 2011 and 2012. In his daily remarks to subscribers Tuesday, Richard Russell, publisher of the Dow Theory Letters, said the markets might be preparing for the end of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program. The Feds purchase of $600 billion in Treasury securities has flooded the markets with cheap cash used by speculators to drive up commodity costs.

Do not forget about U.S. consumers

Goldman Sachs aside, there is another that makes a difference to the oil costs in the U.S. This is the consumer in the U.S. A MasterCard report released Monday showed that gasoline sales declined for the fifth consecutive week. Analysts expect the demand to increase as it did for a couple of months. However the average gas price in the U.S. is already 41 cents higher than the same period in 2008, when the average gasoline price peaked at $4.11 in July. Last week, there were 2.7 billion gallons of gasoline sold according to MasterCard which is 3.6 percent down from the same 2010 period when the price was down 80 cents. A survey was done by the Oil Price Information Service in March. It showed that of all gasoline station chains, there was a 70 percent decrease in service. Over half reported a big decline. This is defined as a decline of at least 3 percent.




The Street

NFL lockout loans: More cash, more difficulties

The average consumer-level same day loan comes with a 15 to 25 percent fee per $100 loaned. This amounts to $50 or $60 in most cases, which is hardly earth-shattering. However, the 2011 NFL lockout has given rise to high-dollar variation of such loans, which the media has dubbed “lockout loans,” reports Yahoo! Sports. Players without paydays because of the labor dispute who discover themselves in financial distress are being solicited by lending agents with offers.

Dangerous 36 percent Annual Percentage Rate on lockout loans

There have been lockout loans of $60,000 made with a 36 percent APR which ads up very fast. The $300 and $400 customer same day loans do not make almost that much interest on 36 percent APR. Yahoo! Sports reports that there have been players from 16 NFL teams that got these loans.

Some players have been better off with the NFL Players Association lockout while others have had a very difficult time keeping up with finances. Hardly any players listened when the NFLPA advised players to save three game checks. This was given as advice to players in preparation of the 2011 lockout. The NFLPA told players to do other things to make money such as refinance homes, fly coach and do things such as autograph signings, MSNBC states.

Money issues for NFL players

Sports psychologists suggest that star athletes are surrounded by enablers from a relatively young age. Players get to be professionals without ever having learned much about finances. They are unable to look after their finances because of this. Throwing millions of dollars at someone who may have grown up poor may also open the door to myriad temptations. After retirement, most NFL players end up bankrupt. Sports Illustrated estimates this to be about 80 percent of players. MSNBC indicates that as much as 380 of the NFL’s 1,700 players live from paycheck to paycheck, even though the average NFL annual salary in 2010 was $1.87 million. About $320,000 was paid on average to a rookie. Nevertheless, after taxes and agent payments, players could end up poor.

The support for lockout loans is there

The lockout loans are a legitimate product. This is the opinion of NFL athlete advisor Sherard Rogers who spoke with Yahoo! Sports. While franchises will endure, players who live to spend can run into trouble.

“Every NFL team was valued at over $1 billion, so they can weather the storm of a lockout. But could players if there weren’t resources to cover this short-term labor dispute?” asked Rogers. “The key is to figure out how to solve the short-term liquidity issue and put the pieces in place to ensure they don’t have this liquidity issue again.”



Philly Sports Column

The Real Athlete Blog

The Post Game

Both sides are feeling the ‘deal heat’

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to clear away a co-signer from a student loan

Ever regretted co-signing on that student loan for a friend? Let’s say you do not talk to the person anymore, and fear risking a damaged credit rating if they default on the loan. There is something you can do, you know. If you would like to get rid of being co-signer on that student loan, there are steps you can take, states Bankrate. Post resource – How to remove a co-signer from a student loan by MoneyBlogNewz.

As a student loan co-signer, be careful

Becoming a co-signer on a student loan means you are guaranteeing the loan or the debt. The loan becomes your responsibility if the student fails to pay it. Being able to make the payments is something you have to be able to do. Your credit rating could get hurt while getting credit could be hard in the future if you cannot pay it.

When co-signing a student loan, a creditor will give you a list of obligations. This can be explained to you. Get copies of the Truth in Lending Disclosure agreement and loan contract. Keep these around.

Education loan to refinance

First you need to get a release. Really, this ought to be standard for any student loan co-signer. If the student is making payments well enough on his or her own, the private education loan will sometimes allow the co-signer to get off the contract. There must also be other needs met. The student must be following all of these. The student will hopefully keep a good credit this way.

The student will have to refinance if a co-signer release isn’t possible. The student will be able to pay off the original student loan with the new loan at a lower interest rate. This can be done via the original lender, or through another lender if better rates and terms are accessible. Unfortunately, the student must have good enough credit to qualify for a refinance in the first place.

Students like the help

The student may be at risk if a co-signer abandons the loan. Without a co-signer, the student could be responsible for the loan. They might get the loan taken to collections if they cannot purchase it. In the case of government loans, even tax return money isn’t safe.

Information from



Whalehook Loans

No co-signer? No credit history? No problem.

Bizarre tax write offs to brighten your tax day

A lot of people are loading up to fire some strange tax deductions at the IRS this tax season. From flattop haircuts to human sperm donations, auditors have seen it all. Do not take these as examples, however marvel at the ingenuity – or laziness, or lunacy – that went into these crazy tries at tax write offs. Source for this article – Bizarre tax deductions to brighten your tax day by MoneyBlogNewz.

Land never found

Dallas CPA Ken Sibley told Bankrate of one client – a minister – who attempted to claim travel and entertainment expenses as tax deductions. After trying for years, the minister never found real estate investment properties, even though he was attempting to. It was not business expenditure.

A wedding is not a charity

Even if you are using business travel and entertainment expenditures, you are able to never deduct wedding expenditures. Just because you invite business clients doesn’t make the wedding business expenditure, a Massachusetts CPA said. Wedding expenditures are not considered a charitable donation either since it isn't a charity.

That’s a 30-year plan

Don Meyer is a New Jersey CPA. He said that one manager of a famous entertainer got a $2 million office building purchased. It would be business expenditure and deducted as one. The manager wanted to use it that year for it. The business manager was at a loss though since the complete expense would take over 30 years to recuperate. The law wouldn't change regardless how much money there was to spare.

Taxes for life

You can’t claim pets as security expense although you can deduct things are home for business expenses. Home security systems in general do not fly with the IRS, either, states the Hunter Group of Fair Lawn, N.J. One client tried to declare a security system under the rationale that if her home was invaded and she was slain, she’d no longer be able to pay taxes.

Deducting adult magazines will not happen

Tax deductions for dues and subscriptions to professional and trade publications do work. You need to be in that field though. As long as the 2 percent floor rule, or 2 percent of your adjusted gross income, is followed, they can be put un miscellaneous write offs, Quizlaw explained.

A Massachusetts CPA explained that a self-employed real estate agent attempting to get adult magazines written off should probably reconsider the business strategy.

On a related note, Don Meyer once had a client who happened to be a prostitute. Declaring her income was significant to her. She said her job was in "public relations."

Information from




On deducting haircuts and sperm donations

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Increasing Apple impact contributes to Nasdaq rebalancing

Apple shares will take up a lesser ratio of the Nasdaq-100 after stock exchange officials rebalance the index next month. Nasdaq recalibration lessens the load of Apple shares on the cumulative worth of the Nasdaq index by two quarters, which equals one half. The artificial impact of Apple rumors set in motion be hedge funds to impact the entire index with the weight of Apple shares is likely to decrease, while investors who may have avoided Apple stock due to its unpredictability and outrageous price could really own some of it. Post resource – Nasdaq rebalancing reduces hedge fund manipulation of Apple stock by MoneyBlogNewz.

Not letting Apple rule Nasdaq much longer

For the past few years, as Apple stock goes, so does the Nasdaq-100. Since the market bottomed out in 2009, the Mac, iPhone and iPad have driven Apple shares skyward more than 250 percent. Apple stock went up since then another 150 percent. That is more than 20 percent of the Nasdaq-100 total value. According to Nasdaq officials, Apple stock has ballooned to more than twice the weight it should have on the index. After Nasdaq rebalancing on May 2, Apple shares will account for a little more than 12 percent of the Nasdaq-100. The way the Nasdaq-100 needs to be calculated will make the correction for Apple stock. About 81 percent of corporations will be impacted by the change. The change might make Apple rivals go up. They will be more prevalent. There will be an increase from 3.4 percent to 8.3 percent for Microsoft. Oracle will rise to 6.7 percent, Google will rise to 5.8 percent, and Intel will climb to 4.2 percent.

How hedge funds manipulate the market with Apple rumors

A lower ratio for Apple shares on the Nasdaq-100 should shield the stock from future manipulation by hedge fund traders suspected of shorting Apple and spreading rumors that send the entire Nasdaq-100 down. Jason Schwartz at Seeking Alpha describes a recent instance in which unconfirmed conjecture about Apple based on vague sources subjected Apple stock to irrational price swings. Apple was trading at $360 in February. At this time, a rumor that iPad 2 releases would be delayed until June because of "supply chain contacts" came out by Yuanta Securities. Bloggers spread the rumor, and Yuanta Securities used it to aggressively short Apple shares. It only took two days to decrease Apple stock. It had a $20 decrease. There was then an announcement by Steve Jobs. He said that March 10 the iPad would go on sale. Yuanta made lots of money off of it although investors felt really idiotic. This had a huge impact on the Nasdaq-100. It was a large deal.

No more of an Apple rumor influence

Money managers are started to redo the money they have even though the Nasdaq rebalancing won't happen for another month. A drop occurred on Tues in Apple stock during this. It caused a $4.19 decrease from $337 to $341.19. Manipulating the market with Apple will no longer happen. It has already stopped. Analysts do not expect the latest iPhone delay rumors (which would freeze the iPhone industry and hurt Apple if they were true) to work because Apple stock remains about $15 below its high and is trending upward again. Apple shares will be traded quite a bit. More than likely, the business will show in its first quarter earnings that it did very well.



Mac Observer

MSN Money

Seeking Alpha

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bailout loans to large financial institutions turning a profit for taxpayers

The government has been receiving dividends from banks and investment houses that had to ask for huge bailout loans from the taxpayers. Portions of the loans made under the Troubled Asset Relief Program have really become worthy investments. The loans that were lent to the finance industry are really making a profit overall. That said, the relief programs for housing have not been as successful. Article resource – Bailout loans paying dividends as banks rebound from recession by MoneyBlogNewz.

It was good to use TARP loans

Huge financial institutions and investment firms were able to get installment loans from taxpayers with the Troubled Asset Relief Program. many debated the issue though. However, according to CNN, the Department of the Treasury has reported that loans to banks and other entities in the financial industry have resulted in a $6 billion profit, which might grow to a $20 billion profit by the time all loans are repaid. About $432 billion was spent of the $700 billion TARP was allowed.

Mortgage modification program cut

There was not much success in the federal mortgage modification program. This disappointed the government. As a result, the Home Affordable Modification Program has wound up on the chopping block, according to MSNBC. Even though a bill getting rid of HAMP passed in the House, it might not pass in the U.S. Senate while the President himself may not want to sign it off. There is a success rate of less than 50 percent in the program which makes it a failure. It’s unlikely these programs that have failed can be eliminated although other mortgage relief programs have been talked about. There are many homeowners that need these programs to continue staying in their home. Even though the programs have been deemed failures, the President and Senate may not want to get rid of it so easily.

Wall Street feeling better about itself

There are many CEOs willing to hire once again because of the feel of a better economy, states Reuters. This was in accordance with respondents of a survey. Of the 142 CEOs that responded to the survey by the Business Roundtable, a trade organization for Chief Executive Officers at major corporations, more than half said they were going to start hiring individuals in the next year. If hiring at large firms picks up, that provides a boost to the middle class.

Information from




Monday, April 4, 2011

Microsoft adds complaint to EU antitrust analysis of Google

An antitrust investigation of Google by the European Union started late last year. Google, its Euro rivals say, is taking steps that result in lower search rankings for its competitors and other techniques that limit their advertising competitiveness. Microsoft took a stand with its Euro subsidiaries Thurs and filed a criticism of its own accusing Google of anti-competitive techniques. Source for this article – Microsoft adds complaint to EU antitrust investigation of Google by MoneyBlogNewz.

Complaint Microsoft issued against Google

In Europe, Google may have to deal with the antitrust complaint that Microsoft filed saying that Google is limiting access to data needed with YouTube and Google services like this to be able to hurt European customers. Currently, Google is already being investigated by the European Union Competition Commission for antitrust problems. Adding Microsoft could really help the issue. Microsoft's search engine Bing has been unable to get much attention in Europe while the Internet search industry is about 95 percent under Google's thumb in Europe. There have, in the past, been a lot of antitrust complaints that Google has been used to dealing with about competition as it is Europe's center place for advertisers to go. Billions went to the European Commission from Microsoft for Windows antitrust investigations. Now, Microsoft has decided to get Google to the same problem.

Obvious fights between Google and Bing

Microsoft’s European antitrust complaint against Google is about background technologies such as “application programming interfaces” that unlock access to Google products and services. The Microsoft complaint states that Google makes it impossible for Bing and other search engines to have access to YouTube due to the application programming interfaces used. Google then becomes the primary search engine used. The Windows Phones cannot work with YouTube very well due to Google's programming, Microsoft suggests; which is not a problem on the iPhone or Android. Microsoft suspects that Windows Phones are getting the short shrift due to Bing because Apple doesn’t compete with Google in the search engine market. Microsoft also alleges that Google blocks some advertisers from access to data they need to optimize advertising on rival platforms, allegations already being investigated by the EU antitrust probe.

Revenues drop for Google in Europe possibly

The EU Commission spokesman said that Google can speak. Its side of the story must also be heard. In order to keep a consistency with Google ads, Google said the third-party software restraint is necessary. Advertisers are allowed to access any data that is available; there are no restraints. Microsoft is involved. This means the stakes are much higher. There might be a huge fine Google would have to face. This might be up to 10 percent of global revenues in one year, which last year was $29 billion. It could also be forced to change the way it does business in Europe. The EU commission said that Google would be able to defend itself and stay away from a fine by changing its business in Europe before Microsoft got involved.


Associated Press

Los Angeles Times

New York Times

Friday, April 1, 2011

Stay away from credit at your peril

Several consumers seeking to set up a credit history are denied credit because they don’t have enough credit to start with. And even a person with a high FICO score could be denied if the overall credit score bears too few records of active credit. Source of article – Understanding the down side of avoiding credit by MoneyBlogNewz.

Don't be super-responsible ever

Everyone who is super responsible with credit may not do also off as they think. Paying off student loans right out of the gate, avoiding excessive use of credit and generally living debt-free will save money in the long term, but some creditors don’t view the credit-phobic kindly. A credit score can also be hurt by several credit inquiries for those who want to use credit however have lots of choices.

Having little credit history and being a serial credit card applicant can impact credit negatively, claims Rod Griffin, public education director for the credit bureau Experian. You will need to your creditors that you can manage many credit sources at one time, even mortgage lenders like it when this takes place.

Active credit necessary with paid off loans

Paying off loans early isn't a bad thing, according to Griffin. You will have good marks stay for about 10 years on a FICO report. At the same time, only seven years are needed to get rid of negative marks. Paying down loans with excessive zeal can lead a customer to the "No, thank you" zone with some potential creditors, however. Some creditors will say no to a credit application just because there are not three accounts open and active for about 24 months.

Charge cards are necessary some of the time

Don't take on a lot of credit cards if you’re a college student that is just beginning to build credit. Having one or two credit cards can help a student build credit if it’s responsibly done.

But the weather may be changing, says Griffin. The ability a young person has to building credit is overlooked because of the new Credit card Act the Obama administration began. Experts say there is less of a possibility that students can build credit since access to college students is taken away.

Do not just use money

With just cash, you won't have any debt. Additionally you won't have any credit though. Maintain active credit accounts where you pay more than the minimum each month, and look to such goods as personal financing and no credit check loans when emergency funding is necessary. While such goods don’t traditionally report to the credit agencies – and hence do not provide a possibility to record optimistic marks on a credit history – they will enable you to keep away from building up excessive revolving debt on credit cards.

Information from



Understanding the Credit card Act

Dodd-Frank will cost almost $3 billion, states Government Accountability Office

What will the cost of customer financial reform under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act be? With any governmental undertaking, there’s a financial burden working class individuals shoulder. In accordance with a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, that burden will amount to as much as $2.9 billion over five years, the price of Wall Street reform.

Working class individuals don’t always determine financial stability

Taxpayers feel like they’re getting money taken left and right. The Wall Street Journal reports the Dodd-Frank Act will be able to function without taxpayer subsidization. There are 11 agencies that are there to enforce the Dodd-Frank law. Six of them are already funded for probably the most part. Congressional appropriations cover three others while the Federal reserve will give money to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which money comes, not from taxpayers, however from revenues for instance assessments.

Paying out to the government from banks

Banks, credit unions, investment houses and short term installment loan outlets are slated to pay the U.S. government more to operate under Dodd-Frank laws. This has elevated concerns within the financial community that competitiveness will be hampered by over-regulation, and House Republicans have taken up that torch, using GAO report findings to support the idea that Dodd-Frank is too much for a slowly recovering economy to bear.

The GOP will be talking about the first year of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act as it will cost about $975 million to support all 11 agencies. The five year tag is closer to $2.9 billion. Moreover, hiring 2,600 full-time workers (including 1,225 for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) will produce significant cost.

GAO report shows even more

The Journal explains that these things were noted in the GOP presentation to the House Financial services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations:

  • A Fed estimate from earlier this year projected a cost of $77.5 million to pay 290 full-time staff dedicate to Dodd-Frank implementation. The Financial Market Infrastructures Oversight, the Office of Financial stability Policy and Research and the Financial Market Infrastructures Risk Analytics have all been offices created. These three offices are necessary if the Dodd-Frank laws are to run correctly.
  • The Financial stability Oversight council will, starting in the fiscal year for 2012, have to pay $7.9 million for a full time staff of seven.
  • About $74.5 million will be used to pay the 135 full time staff for the Office of Financial Research in the fiscal 2010. These employees are there to make sure the Dodd-Frank duties are done.

Information from


Government Accountability Office

Wall Street Journal

GOP on what Dodd-Frank might cost small businesses

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bitter winter froze demand causing new home sales to drop

The bitter winter chilled demand for newly built homes, causing new home sales to sink like a stone. The already struggling housing market received another blow, as new home sales dropped by almost 17 %. Skittish lending conditions are given partial credit. Overall conditions have not been very conducive to recovery in the housing market.

Less individuals considering new houses

A decrease in the sale and construction of new homes in the last few months has appeared. Reuters attributes this to the cold weather, less of a demand and the issues with foreclosures.

In February, there was a 27 percent decrease in new housing starts. There was a decrease in the annual rate of sales of new homes from 300,000 to 250,000. From January to February, there was a 16.9 percent decrease in new home sales. There was a 28 percent decrease in new home sales since February 2010. That year's data shows those figures.

The delay in construction most likely did have to do with winder conditions. Nevertheless, the decrease in existing home sales was likely as a result of weak demand. Nobody wants homes while banks have to lend to make it take place. Banks may be unwilling to write installment loans for these homes.

Head real estate economist blasts sluggish lending

The NAR site showed that chief economist for the National Association of Realtors, Lawrence Yun, said that if "mortgage credit conditions would return to normal," the sales would go up which is the issue with "unnecessarily tight credit" and loan companies.

Ron Phipps, president of the NAR, echoed Yun by saying that though rates of interest for mortgages were certainly lower than several short term loans, lamenting that "credit remains a challenge.". Purchasing a new home is something hard to justify. This is especially true when the home costs are low nevertheless and not going up. There was a median price for existing homes of $156,100 at the end of February. This compares to the new home median price of $202,100.

Glut of foreclosures

The housing market is currently riddled with foreclosed properties, and the rich are having a field day gobbling them up. Cash sales made up 33 percent of all home sales in February, and 39 percent of all homes sold were distressed properties, in accordance with Bloomberg.

The future of housing does not look good, in accordance with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. He said that mortgages were "difficult to obtain" and "there's no demand for construction" right now.

Purchasing a house is only something few will be able to do. This is for everyone with credit or money to do so. However, those that try to become homeowners will likely have a difficult time. Until credit gets better, more than likely the housing industry will struggle.

Information from



National Association of Realtors

Friday, March 25, 2011

Maryland challenges sovereign immunity in tribal lending case

Numerous state laws apply to United States short term lenders. When a legitimate company operates outside the bounds of state law – such as with Native American tribal lending – state laws traditionally have not applied. In accordance with the Center for Public Integrity, such a legal divide has resulted in a legal clash between Maryland regulators and Western Sky Financial, a personal loans provider that claims affiliation with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

Western Sky claims sovereign immunity is there

Owner of Western Sky Financial, Martin Webb, has the exact same opinion. He says the company is saved by its short term loans activity amongst Native American tribes from laws in the state. When trying to make a stricter personal unsecured loan rule in Maryland, the state is arguing this statement in court. The argument Maryland has is that tribal immunity is being used by Native American lenders. Customers throughout the nation are able to get the short term loans though. All native personal loan companies can be affected by the ruling. The CFPB has to make this decision.

Western Sky in Maryland supposedly breaks laws

The Western Sky Financial loans issue has a right and a wrong according to Anne Norton as financial regulation deputy commissioner in Maryland:

"I don't think there's a lot of gray area in terms of what is or is not permitted," Norton said. "Under our reading of both how tribal immunity is interpreted and how it's been applied by the Supreme Court, we feel that these are loans that violate Maryland law."

There can be a 33 percent Annual Percentage Rate cap on an unpaid balance with Maryland law. Right now, Maryland short term loan regulation doesn’t apply to Western Sky Financial as it has, instead of a Maryland license, sovereign immunity as it is part of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe operating out of South Dakota and online. APRs charged for short term unsecured loans vary by state, but are generally at least three times higher than the Maryland cap.

The Indian Commerce Clause is there

Webb’s attorney argues that under the Indian Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, tribes are the ones responsible for regulating consensual relationships undertaken between non-members and members of a tribe. Webb claims that he doesn't have to recognize any lending laws outside of the tribe as he claims to be a Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe member.

Norton claims that Western Sky Financial should not be protected because it is not an arm of the tribe even though Maryland does follow Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe sovereign immunity rules.

It remains to be seen on which side of the argument a court will rule. There are a lot of times in which the court tends to side with tribes though which makes several suspect Western Sky Financial will win. For example, there is the Wall Street Journal case of casino lending with the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.


Public Integrity

Wall Street Journal

Western Sky Financial

Western Sky Financial: No collateral required

Monday, March 14, 2011

Trend of increasing food costs anticipated to proceed

Americans are noticing a significant rise in food prices recently. Greater competition globally for agricultural commodities is trickling down to U.S. customers in the form of more expensive groceries.

Problem with food costs

Food inflation in January rose 1.8 percent year-over-year, according to the U.S. Consumer Cost Index. With the increasing fuel costs and bad weather, the price for many goods is going up. The need is going up right along with it. There was a huge impact on meat costs. This was where these factors changed cost the most. In January, corn prices went to a 30 month high since supplies are going down. Because corn is used more for livestock feed rather than consumed directly, the price of livestock is rising. Meat is wanted in more developing countries. In fact, China and India are both requesting more meat in their meals. U.S. beef exports have risen nearly 1.5 billion pounds in the past five years.

Average U.S. food costs

Other countries are beginning to bid against U.S. consumers. The supply of meat is limited. There has been an increase in pork prices of 12 percent, beef 6 percent and poultry 2 percent from a year ago. The grocery store costs are increasing in other products too since commodity costs are increasing. There has been a huge increase in bread, milk and egg costs according to January CPI data. Since the coffee bean prices went up 77 percent last year, coffee has started becoming more expensive while cereal isn't as cheap with increasing wheat costs. At the food store in 2011, pork costs are expected to raise the most, more than 10 percent. Beef is expected to go up as well. It is supposed to have a 7 percent increase. U.S. consumers will be eating more chicken, which is expected to rise in price a little more than 5 percent.

Perspective for cost of food this year

Overall, U.S. food prices are expected to rise 3 percent to 4 percent this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. lawmakers are trying to act like the food inflation doesn't affect Americans. Last week Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee that effect of food inflation on consumers will be “temporary and relatively modest.”. The Fed doesn’t factor in food and energy costs when it calculates inflation, but more than 12 percent of after-tax income in U.S. households is now spent on fuel and food. Consumers aren't happy with the increases in costs. This is because unemployment is still extremely high while those who are employed are not having an increase in salary anytime soon. About $33,000 a year was the 2008 average made by a taxpayer. Two decades ago, it was not that bad.

Information from

CNN Money” target=”_blank

Seeking Alpha” target=”_blank—and-oil—to-lead-climb-in-us-food-prices–2903.html” target=”_blank

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brand new jobs statement indicates unemployment dropped in Feb.

Unemployment has declined by an unimpressive percentage in the recently issued Feb. jobs report. Joblessness dropped 0.1 % through February to 8.9 %. Joblessness has dropped for the past three months in a row. Post resource – February jobs report shows decline in unemployment by MoneyBlogNewz.

Companies incorporating jobs

There was a small increase in Feb. in the number of jobs according to the Department of Labor's Feb. jobs statement. CNN reports that from Jan to Feb., the unemployment went down to 8.9 % from 9 percent, a 0.1 percent decrease. There were a lot more jobs included to the sector improving quite a bit from January. About 192,000 jobs were added. In Jan, employers included 63,000 jobs to the overall economy, however January was slower than Feb. as winter weather brought several areas to a near standstill, according to the LA Times. About 50,000 new jobs weren't reported in the Dec. and Jan jobs states. This was what the Labor Department said with a revised report.

Decreasing joblessness shown for a 3rd sequential month

The unemployment rate has declined for the 3rd month in a row. Throughout the recession, there have been drops and gains in the unemployment pace over and over. This seems different though considering there was almost an entire percentage pace drop in unemployment from December to Feb.. There were only 368,000 unemployment claims. That is a three year low. Much more than 9 million people are claiming joblessness benefits, in accordance with Forbes. The economy is projected by the Federal Reserve to grow between 3.5 and 4 percent during 2011, though increasing gas prices are sure to trigger some hiccups over the next few months.

Restoration can be hard with government spending reductions

CBS states that reducing the federal budget is a goal that many Republicans have in mind although economists are worried that might hurt the joblessness rate some more. Moody's Analytics' Mark Zandi thinks that a $61 billion cut from the federal spending budget, as planned, could end up a job loss for 700,000 people. This projection was mirrored fairly closely by Goldman Sachs. You should remember that Zandi claimed that the stimulus spending would allow joblessness to stay under 8 percent while being one of probably the most supportive people of the stimulus packages.

Articles cited


Los Angeles Times


CBS News

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Property sales rise though housing costs drop

Nationwide property prices are declining, however home sales are beginning to rise. The past few years have been volatile for real estate. That said, it would appear more individuals are going to loan lender to finance the purchase of a home. However, there is a slight caveat. It’s possible that sales are only increasing due to the low costs.

Homes being bought by buyers

CNN reports the National Association of Realtors explained that more people are buying home with home sales nationwide. Home sales rose 2.7 percent over Jan 2011, to a seasonally adjusted rate of 5.36 million per year. For the first time in seven months, home sales are over the figures from a year ago. There was a 5.3 percent increase from January 2010. People who haven't had to make their way to a lender to buy the houses have been the ones making this increase happen though. The number of cash purchases was 32 percent of all sales, up from 26 percent in Jan 2010. About 23 percent of sales were to buyers which, in Jan 2010, were only 17 percent.

Too several foreclosures

The discounts on foreclosed properties are what have gotten several cash buyers and investors interested. Bloomberg explains how many properties were distressed. In Jan 2011 home sales, 37 percent had this issue. More houses are accessible at rock bottom costs, and many loan businesses are anxious to get a property off its balance sheet. There aren’t several people who have enough instant money to pay for a property out of pocket, even one sold at half its worth. Since Jan 2010, the median property price went down to $158,800 which is a 3 percent drop.

Continuing to decrease home value

USA Today states that the metropolitan areas are having home values drop drastically. In all however one of the 20 major cities the Standard & Poor's Case Shiller Index tracks, there were drops. Washington D.C. was immune to the drop. It was the only one city without dropping prices. Arizona, California and Florida are all areas where real estate is inflated where drop has been very clear although states in the south like Mississippi and Alabama are having declines also. There might be more of a demand for homes considering the rise in sales.

Information from



USA Today

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

U.S. embassy closes in Tripoli as sanctions loom against Libya

The United States Embassy in Libya has shut down, due to growing violence and instability in the North African nation. The regime of Gadhafi is fast losing its grip of the country. Deadly reprisals against Libyans have done little to quell demonstrations in opposition to his rule in excess of four decades. Sanctions in opposition to Libya are likely to be enacted soon.

Gadhafi regime getting firmer indicating issues in Tripoli

In order to gain control of Libya, Tripoli has become a battle ground while dictator Moammar Gadhafi is entirely losing handle. Gadhafi loyal army members are firing upon demonstrators and keeping the place dangerous. Still, protesters refuse to leave when their lives are in danger. Reuters states that the U.S. State Department has stopped any American Embassy operations because of the Libyan instability and has used a chartered ferry to move embassy members out of Tripoli. Currently, the embassy is open nevertheless. Staff will be evacuated soon though.

Sanctions in opposition to Libya something considered

The White House has affirmed that economic sanctions could be levied against Libya, in response to the brutal tactics used by Gadhafi in addressing the unrest in the country he has ruled for more than four decades. CNN states the U.S. already cut off all military cooperation with Libya while President Obama and the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon may have a meeting soon to discuss the sanctions. Obama has been dealing with criticism recently. This is due to the stance on Libya he has shown has been too soft.

Leaders across the world hope Gadhafi will quit soon

The resignation of Colonel Gadhafi is not something just Libyans want, the NY Times states. In fact, international leaders and figureheads have been asking for this. President of France Nicolas Sarkozy said that Gadhafi needs to quit while "the world will hold you to account" was what British PM David Cameron had to say. Gadhafi is going to "die a martyr" before leaving. This is what he has said, that he won't be alive when he leaves if it occurs.

Articles cited



NY Times